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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. When taking a break from woodcutting, I go play Halo or something else. I'm just doing little bits of training over the next two and a half years, when I hope to become a member (since I'll have some freedom in college :))
  2. Silly pinky, he meant the articles like that, lol :D ummm... I have nothign to add to this post... :lol:
  3. I always log out and i've made it a habbit since i started playing rs :D
  4. When i had lvl 60 wc and when i finally got zammy full
  5. Mistaking a mugger for a actual player and trying to make friends with him :P No i wasn't stupid enough to do this, lol. But I do like your list :D
  6. Sold my santa hat for 200k when it was worth 500k. But now I wish i didn't because it's worth 25 mill -.-
  7. The truth about f2p is that it's not a matter of working hard, but a matter of coping with bordom. Sure members seem to have "easier" money, but that's because they can enjoy it more in their member world with all of the different skills open to them and all of the quests and activities members allow. F2p is given only a ground set of activities, in which can get boring quite fast. Once you get bored, you usually move on, but the limits and boundaries of f2p are so tight that you do not have too much of a choice to move on to.
  8. haahaa, you just sent me a message! What's up? Welcome back to rs and glad you found that drugs weren't your thing. Well, I guess this means we're friends, YAY! =D> lol
  9. Well, if you were jagex and saw something suspicious like that, you would probably ban too. But that stinks. Getting banned to help someone...
  10. If you ever see me on, add me. I'm always in draynor (next to bank) world 90 and can't seem to get rid of these willows, lol. Feel free to take them from me if you see me on. (I'm on usually mondays and fridays only....) AND WELCOME TO TIP.IT!!!!!!
  11. haahaa, you'll be back, just like I came back :P But for now, farewell my friend!
  12. I chopped won trees/oaks and sold them to the general store. During the chopping, I bothered all those yew tree cutters and got killed by that frigin mugger, lol.
  13. I'm pretty sure the little trick or treating kiddies will be out again! What cute little youngsters :lol: Probably another new emote and so kind of wearable item. Maybe a witch's broomstick?
  14. Dang those are old pictures. I only have pictures of last year... Actually, I think I deleted those too... Now I'll have nothing to go back and look at when I become really old :cry:
  15. Some of those bugs would've made me rich like that magic one :( Lol, I never noticed any of those. Were they recent or really old?
  16. If you really have 588 Mill, sure ;) jk. I just got back from from a huge break (that lasted pretty much the whole summer) Feel free to add me and we can chat :D
  17. No... There's a few midgets in runescape, but no azns and therefore (from the Adition Property of names) we can conclude that there is no one with the name "aznmidget" that is an npc :(
  18. Maybe camo hat? I dunno. They really should make lumberjack lary as a random event, lol. Get lumberjack clothes, aka jeans and a plaid shirt!
  19. haahaa, funny story. Wouldn't it be great if that came true? "Hey look, a phat on the floor waiting for me to pick it.... AGHHH, I'M STUCK!!!!" Nice story, although you might want to spell check. Just put it in Microsoft Word, fix the errors and then repost it. simple as 1, 2, 3 :P
  20. Definately both of Sirith_Knight's stories. These were amazing and I LOVED them. I think he also wrote a short story, but the two stories definately have to go on the list!!!
  21. I guess it would help a bit, although I don't really find it necessary. I guess it would just help to find people easier, so i'll support your idea.
  22. I love your idea. I've always gotten so pissed in world 1 varrock west bank because it's so hard to read anything when the chat list keeps rising and rising. One solution is to add the player you're trading with and turn public chat onto friend, but that takes too much time :D
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