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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. I see it quite often. It gives the members "attention" from the noobs... It's kinda stupid...
  2. dragon dagger because poison would just ruin the wall between p2p and f2p... I like the dragon dagger because it allows the special for pking, which would be amazing... Either that or make the rune dagger have a similar special :D
  3. Lol, smart move metallica :P I remember creating an account on rsc. I don't remember the name, but I remember making fun of the horrible graphics. I have around a lvl 25 account on rs2 back then.
  4. I come to forums during afk skill or while i'm having lag, or before bed, or to take a break for homework :lol: ... I actually think i use the forums more than I play in runescape. :shock:
  5. So many people have been leaving recently.... I suggest you don't quit and try to make back some of the money and live a happy life :D
  6. Wow, that's very blurry.... and the disapear time is way too fast... I'd say it's fake.
  7. Welcome to tip.it! Glad you're not letting runescape effect your grades, lol.
  8. To boost their self confidense, ;) It's for fun mostly. It's a way to test out different types of abilities, finding which one is better. I did this on another game I used to play. There were different types of attributes so I tried each one and found that being a hybrid = ownage :P
  9. I think that they should make a runescape three that they percentize... however you say that... your experience and make new levels... But of course that's in the future.
  10. They're just going to keep increasing the way i see it, unless the upcoming f2p thing drains some more money :lol: I suggest you look at the tip.it times article... I forget who wrote it, but it might help answer your question.
  11. Lol, I had a dream before... it was when I was still lvl 60 f2p. I dreampt that I was a member with all the rarest items... phat, dragon, etc. I was in a place, dark... and there were mountains... (I didn't know what the white wolf mountain was like, so that's probably where my dream took place). I dreampt that it was the wilderness and there was some person trying to pk me. I was running to my bank, hoping to lose the person, but i kept getting entangled.... thank goodness dreams have unlimited inventory space, so i kept eating my unlimited supply of tuna (I never really used lobbies) and kept running to the bank in the wildernes... I finally got there and tried talking to the banker, but it kept getting interupted by the person atking me. I ended up waking up, sweating like crazy... :oops: Thank goodness that's the only dream i had about runescape, lol.
  12. I met sledgehammar three times. Once picking cabbages :lol: , another woodcutting, and another runecrafting, all on world 7...
  13. I like the axe-splitting random because if it's a rune axe, just step on the axe head and wait a minute... then cha-ching, you just got 20k! lol.... I like from randoms and gravedigger and clothe giving randoms because it adds to my wardrobe, although it takes up alot of space. The genie random is awesome. Free xp :D I also like the maze random because it gives me a chance to take a break from my skill and run to the center. The candle random is kinda pointless... I don't mind the dwarf random, but it's really kind of pointless... actually, i was having a staring contest with the dwarf for a while... but ended up giving in because they just don't blink... :roll: I really can't think of any other randoms... river troll is pointless.... tree spirit: i'm still waiting for that "rune axe" it drops... rock golem is also pointless unless you want the few earth runes or somehting. So yeah, i dont' really mind the randoms, but I think jagex can get rid of a few.
  14. Make friends :lol: And play c wars (if i'm p2p...) and walk around rs helping out little n33bl3ts... :P
  15. I'd go to varrock/fally (depending on f2p or p2p) and then slaughter a few phat sellers!... although at my level, it would take a while.. and i only have a runes scimmy since i'm f2p... :oops: anyways, then i'd be rich! MUAAHAAHAA... although i'd probably end up giving back to phats and the money because of guilt (I can't even get away with taking a rune axe from a woodcutting :()
  16. This goes in the help and advice section. Wait for the site to load and on the top right, there will be a counter. Once that hits 0, it says "click here to download". Click that and download it. Then save it to wherever you want to save it and wait for the download... I'm not sure if this is the same with Internet explorer, but I use firefox.
  17. Free 700k plz!!!!!! Lol. Lucky... :( I probably would have taken it for 300k :P, or sell my zammy armour since i don't have 300k in cash :oops:
  18. Lol, I did that for some guy at the yews who thought he could be a tree spirit. He just took his stuff anf logged.... I guess it depends on who dies.
  19. omg, wow... i'm shocked... It would amaze me if that happened to me
  20. Cool find... Maybe it has something to do with the new f2p training ground thing.... Just a thought :D
  21. Runecrafting... it's so boring and tedious and not an afk skill :(
  22. Why not just make new friends, like me :P :( I've never met you or seen your post, but I hope you do come back. Cya later... hopefully.... aznmidget448
  23. awww... the first one doesn't exactly work... :( Nice find though... Just curious, how did you stumble upon andrew's things?
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