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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. I heard sara armor went down to 2 mill in members. Buy it asap before the craze over new Treasure Trails items end :
  2. ummmm.... 0? :wall: Or if they do, they don't admit it...
  3. He obviously PCed up his HP. Or Genies... lots and lots of them :D
  4. Spend time in isolated areas (where no one goes) and you will occasionally find scammers trying to "trim armor" or scam items in one way or another. They're still out there, but the majority of f2p is good citizens :D .
  5. I've heard that the Heraldic helms were f2p and so are the magic amulets, but I'm not completely sure.
  6. For money, chop willows in lumby and sell to store (a little slow, but works). Mine, smelt, and smith rune plates and afterwards high alch them, (considering that you have enough runecrafting to make nats or get them from drops). Kill Ice giants or moss giants or lesser demons. Fish, cook, and sell lobsters in karamja. PJ!!!! lol, that's a mean one :P
  7. Every level is called a noob now. I've been called a noob at level 92 by people ranging from level 50 all the way down to 10. I find this ridiculous. I'm not doing anything wrong, but they still find a reason to call everyone a noob...
  8. Seriously? We had some speculation about that a few pages ago. Some people who investigated found that when WOM sent them to "kill the monster" under his bed, they claimed it looked somewhat like a Kalphite. I've never seen it myself, but if the thing is really a penguin then it wouldn't surprise me. Wow, this opens up a whole new area of penguin-related theories. "Here be penguins," the penguin-sheep, what's going on? Are penguins trying to infiltrate Runescape through sheep disguises? Perhaps WOM is just a puppet controlled by penguins... See i told you there may be some connection to the penguins that disguise themselves as sheep in lumbridge Not the evil penguins!!! NOOOOOOOOO.... Wait, penguins can write books about algebra and evil chickens and a lot more?
  9. I think someone hacked his account and are trying to get him banned :notalk:
  10. I actually haven't really paid much attention to this. Most people don't wield the scepters, although the lowest would probably be around 60s-70s from what I've seen.
  11. I'm not quite sure it's a good idea to save them from being lured. If they learn through the hard way, they'll be sure not to repeat it, but if we help them, they probably will think it's not too big of a deal and then be scammed for more later on. I could see this argument from both views.
  12. To be honest, I've never heard of him. But he seems like a cool guy 8-)
  13. I actually met my best friend in f2p (since I was only p2p for a month). I was chopping yews and we started talking. Then we became friends and it continued from there :P
  14. Maybe he's afraid that the god for DT (forget what god it is since I never did it and I can't do it right now since i'm f2p :wall: ) will take over the world if he gets enough support... If he has no wisdom, why'd Jagex name him the wise old man? :XD: (Not really trying to flame. If it looks like a flame, my bad...)
  15. Just like he took the party hat, he might be thinking the same thing for the runes in the wizard's tower... Oh, and he was raised as a spoiled child. I mean come on, taking anything you want? #-o , lol.
  16. It happens to me and the moss giants and Lesser demons occasionally :XD:
  17. Similar situation happened to me, except the guy said something more on the lines of, "Do you want to play runescape with me?"
  18. Good luck to both of you. I know a green mask is hard to get. I've tried... #-o (still haven't succeeded, but I will some day and I'll be happy when that day comes :thumbsup: :thumbsup: )
  19. Touching story... I wish I had met you while you were playing more often. Good luck on your finals and hope you come back soon!
  20. When you mentioned ferrets, I thought... Maybe the eggs can be used as bait. I don't know, but could that be a possibility?
  21. Nice job on all the facts. =D> The upcoming quest for the Wise old Man will tell us even more. I'm not sure, but he might fall under a warrior of Saradomin. He has the armor and he can use Saradomin strike. Maybe learning about him and his ambitions might explain more about the gods? :-s
  22. I agree. F2p is more of a skilling place, where p2p is more fun in my opinion. There are all sorts of things ranging from mini-games to the numerous quests to DKing, KQing, Barrowing, and the new items, POHs, almost weekly updates, and much more. I would prefer members if I could get my parents to agree to pay for it -.-
  23. I think the events are just getting worse as they go on. Jagex is running out of ideas. #-o But... I wish I had the rubber chicken. The 2004 Yo-Yo wasn't all that great. I don't see anyone use it. The zombie head was also kind of dumb, seeing as all you really see it do is say "Alas!!!!" and whatnot. The Christmas hats + scarves are nice since they match with so many outfits. I guess it's all opinion, but I think Jagex should do more thinking to get better holiday events. Also, maybe the phats and masks and santas are only cool because they're tradeable? Just a thought.
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