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Everything posted by henk333

  1. The guard one is getting kinda old, it was funny in the cutscene of "Garden of Tranquility", but to do it over and over again... Not much hidden references to coming updates, at least none that I detected, unless the Trojan cow is a reference to the penguins in sheeps clothing and they will take part in an upcoming quest.
  2. You're absolutely right, thanks to you I re-read the conversation and there's another bit that struck my attention... The part with the albatros. He says he can't tell it because the captain will flay him if he would. That must be a heck of an albatros if the captain is that desperate to keep it a secret! I wonder what that is all about...
  3. Yea I love it. I wouldn't go back to f2p ever again. On members there's just so much to do that even after a full year of members (coming friday :) ) I still haven't done everything. For example, I did cw for the first time last weekend and loved it a lot, so I'll get back there soon. I tried barrows for the first time a month ago, didn't get lucky on my first day, not on my second day, but finally after about 30 trips I got 2 items only 2 chests apart. And besides minigames theres more skills, more ways you can do existing skills, I got my first 99 on members too :D So if you are doubting whether you should get members, don't doubt anymore. What's 5 dollars a month compared to the load of fun you get in return?
  4. I love that game :D You've been had on the scimmy trade though, those scims are worth way more then a rune full helm :( Anyways if you find me online, talk to me, I got some stuff in my bank that's worth more then your helm and you can have it if you like. rsn: pinguin333
  5. Necroism?? You believe in dead people or death? :? :?: I don't really support any of the RS gods. I use whatever items are best for a situation, so zammy book when I'm attacking (barrows) and sara book when I need defence bonus (abyss crafting). As far as capes and mystic armor goes, I got black mystic top and bottom and zammy cape because it looks best with obby shield and whip.
  6. :shock: *note to self* make sure my address cannot be found on the internet and never ever get into a fight with anyone that has an internet connection... wait, something's not right here... Man, I'm shocked by this. If I were to post that some guy hurt the girl next door and post a picture of him, without it being true, people would actually believe it and go find him and beat him up? Innocent untill proven guilty, right? Whatever happened to that? I guess the saying is true: "while an individual is smart, people are dumb"
  7. Maybe it would be an idea to just leave the noob alone... :shock: Just because someone is walking around in the wilderniss doesn't mean you HAVE to kill him. Actually, if I read your post carefully, you just want a big reward for an easy kill. You kill someone without any armor or weapons on him, or 3 items maximum. Because they don't have any items on them they can't really defend themselves and die pretty easy. But when they die they only drop bones, which you think isn't a proper reward. So you want the value of those bones increased to make yourself some easy money or easy xp. No, simply no. This idea is horrible and luckily will never happen.
  8. Just follow the one that's following you, the both of you will start moving around in circles. Most of the ones trying to get a lift from you will jump on someone else within seconds, if they don't just say that you can do this for hours, they will leave within a minute. The best way to shake begging noobs is to enter somewhere they can't. On f2p that can be the mining, cooking or crafting guild, on p2p there are various shortcuts and even more guild which need high levels to enter. But if this were to be added maybe it should be like a trade message: "rsplayer01 wants to follow you", if you click the message, you allow him to follow you, if you don't he has to find his own way around.
  9. I had a noob on my tail yesterday when I logged into f2p to meet a friend. I politely asked him to go away, which he didn't, so I walked all the way from Varrock to south of Rimmington, making sure I did some detours. Upon arival in the middle of nowhere I teled back to Varrock :twisted:
  10. Don't believe me? It's true. Do a little searching, I read about this in the new york times. (I think that was it) You cannot survive without half of your brain. There is absolutely no way. Period. It really depends on what period in life you lose half your brain. If you were to lose it as an adult, you'd be dead for sure, even if you were to survive the massive bloodloss. Your brain is the weakest part of your body, that's why your skull is the strongest. If your skull is cracked you suffer bloodloss and have great risk of all kinds of infections. Even if you were to survive all that, I highly doubt that you would be capable of living without the help of any machines. But cases have been documented of babies being born without a big part of their brain, in some cases more then half. These kids live happy lives with only minor learning trouble. This is because as a kid your brain is still developing and the half of the brain that's left is very capable of taking over the work of the half of the brain that's missing. In some very rare cases adults would be able to survive losing half their brain: If it were removed in surgery in case of a tumor. We don't use our whole brain, most brain scientists estimate we only use 10-20%, a little more at peak times. So in case of a tumor more then 50% of your brain can be removed, if they work around the active area, but the removed part wouldn't be an entire half, but pieces of both halves.
  11. gnome grand tree, all the way in the basement. I think there's 3 or 4 addy and 2 mith rocks there conveniently placed next to some coal rocks.
  12. Daganoths are hardly (if ever) ranged or maged without cannon backup. What you will need to know is that the daganoth cave is a multiarea and that the dagganoths are very agressive. There's 2 types of them, a lvl 92 that uses melee, and a 74 that ranges you. Your best bet is to dress in full melee with a granite/obby shield for extra range defence. As far as tactics go, on an assignment like this your better of in a crowded world because there will be more people in the cave so you will be attacked by less dags. Try to get in a corner somewhere so you don't get attacked by more then 1 lvl 92 at a time. Watch your health carefully since the 74s will hit a lot of zeros, but can hit 9s too. If you got multiple dags on you try and take out the 92s first, since they do most damage. If you are getting owned, don't hesitate to run back up the ladder. Bring a good pile of food and bones to peaches if available.
  13. Yea it's a quest reward from Rag and Bone man, it gives some defence points (+4 to all :?: ), so it's actually a free cape which you can pick back up at the quest start when you lose it.
  14. tip.it has a main site too, besides these forums. You should check it out, it's filled with nifty guides. Here's a link to the one you're looking for: http://tip.it/runescape/?page=prayer_guide.htm#ecto
  15. Recipe for Disaster by far, mostly because I had very high expectations because it's the one hundreth quest out and they lived up to those expectations and then some. For some strange reason I like the "Hand in the sand" quest very much, the humor is just so... over the top, those obvious puns and the NPCs sometimes knowing they make a bad pun. It's just hilarious, almost Monty Python like humor, you either love it or hate it.
  16. If you bank at rogues den you can recharge 29 per run :o Just wear one and have 28 in your inventory, after you charge the first one wear it and charge the other 28, easy as pie :)
  17. You can wield an elemental staff while making the tablets to replace one type of runes. So if you wanted to make varrock tablets wield an airstaff and bring fire and law runes and soft clay.
  18. A WADDLING NINJA MONKEY! SW00T Yeah... sound like I'll be going to Ape Atoll now. You sure should, nothing beats the monkey course after about lvl 69-70. Bring a full load of energy pot and get yourself 60k+ xp per hour without worrying about food or pkers. The best thing is that after 74 you won't fail an obstacle ever again. 74-81 was a breeze, the only time you need to leave is when you're out of energy pots. A little note: be carefull of the evil chicken random event, when you're attacked your greegree gets removed from your hand and the scorpions and monkey archers will attack you aswell. A one click teleport might be a good thing to have with you.
  19. Only the bows you buy completely new are tradeble, as are the dead seeds. The fact that it gets cheaper everytime you recharge is the very reason recharged bows are not tradeble.
  20. Same for me, the extention for the file is still .wav btw
  21. Man, did you get lucky on your first day :shock: I tried barrows, did 25 trips on the first weekend, following Leesters guide to the letter, walked away with NOTHING :( I should get back to it sometime, but I have the sad feeling it will be like Dust devils; I'll be there forever without any luck.
  22. I very much doubt it. Clay is hardly used for crafting, you need very little of it in construction, so the only possible use would be teletablets. How often would you use a tablet? I hardly use them, I only got a couple of house tablets to use for barrows and that's it. If I go in the wilderniss and want a 1-click 1 inventory spot teleport I take an elf crystal, on slayer assignment far away from a bank I use a glory. I think the reason for the current soft clay price is that there's hardly anyone selling them. If a lot of autoers would mine them the price would crash since there's virtually no demand for them as opposed to ess, oak and yew which have almost infinite demand.
  23. The question is more like how do you NOT make money from fletching? As many people have said you make little money if you buy all the supplies, so go get them yourself. I handpicked all the flax for 99 fletching myself (yes, I picked 70k flax :shock: ). The best spot to do this is Lleyta, where you an get up to 2k an hour. Nowadays flax is available from Miscellenia too, although I don't know about amounts or costs. I made pretty much all that flax into bowstrings myself (I had a couple of friends spin some for me, they didn't mind the free crafting xp :wink: ) If possible craft the natures yourself. 99 fletching got me 54k magic longbows, so buying natures to alch them is pretty expensive. Crafting them yourself is not only much cheaper, it works wonders for your total lvl. A thing to remember is that you shouldn't craft them all at once. I tried that and almost went screaming mad after 10k. My 99 fletching is now 5 months ago and I still have 10k magic longs left to alch and 5k natures to craft. So all I bought were the magic logs. These go for 1k each, in smaller amount you can try 850-900. If you see someone selling 1k+ magics for 900 each it is a magic --> willows switcher 99% of the time (I must have reported dozens of those :shame: ). When buying the magic logs at 1k each and doing everything else yourself you make 536 profit each magic long. For 54k magic longs that equals 28,944,000 gp or close to 29M. So you see, making money from fletching is easy. It's not the fastest money in game, but it's a sure way of making it. From 85 onwards for every million you invest you get 1.5M back.
  24. The bold part is not true, unless they changed it recently. The first time I went into the abyss I got a giant pouch eventually even though my rc was around 40.
  25. Ouch :o You could have just valued it in the shop and multiplied that with 1.5. Personally I would have kept it, maybe someday you can sell it back for points.
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