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Everything posted by gonpost

  1. School started. People tend to sell things and keep cash while they're gone in school. At least, that's my theory.
  2. Mk well here's my advice then. Get 2gigs of RAM or 4gigs, but not 3. You want to be able to run in dual channel mode (you need two sticks of the same size/type). It's worth it. There's very little difference at all between 2 and 3 gigs because of this, and there's really not much difference between 2 and 4 gigs unless you're on vista with a LOT of stuff open, but even then 2 gigs will do you alright IMO. I'd only consider getting 4 gigs if it's like a $50-$75 upgrade. I suppose that you'll be getting an integrated graphics card, so get the X3100. That *should* be your only option. It'll increase battery life a lot, for what it's worth. Obviously you need a lot of storage. One option to consider is a good 250gb internal drive, and then maybe get a cheap external hard drive later. It's hard to fill up 250GB unless you have a LOT of media (movies and such), so that's really your call. Depends if you think it's worth the money for 250->320. Personally, I wouldn't. Lastly, the most important aspect of the computer for you will end up being your processor. If you have any extra cash, or if a decent upgrade is available for maybe $50 more, I'd seriously consider getting it. Also, don't get a 9-cell battery. 6-cell will do you just fine.
  3. For that price? Yeah it's not bad. But what would really help us is: 1. What's your price range? 2. Do you need any real power? (Are you going to be an engineer? Are you going to play modern games?) 3. Do you want a good laptop or do you not care much at all about your computer, and you just want it to work? Tell us any other wants/desires that you can think of.
  4. I've always found that good cardio exercise that same day and limiting how much I sleep helps a lot (7-8 hours max, every night).
  5. The day after? I wouldn't personally...you really don't want those scabs to break open. 4 gees and a potentially high blood pressure make me think it's a bad idea. At the same time, however, bleeding is the worst that could happen. So it's up to you, really. See how you feel.
  6. Hah, well I will tell you one SURE way to clear it up. Don't eat anything. I had oral surgery and ate nothing for a good two days except for tons and tons of water. I usually have a few zits here and there (you might be able to say very mild acne? nothing much), but after those days I had NONE forming at all. I mean literally zero. It was kind of cool. And then I started eating again, and they slowly came back.
  7. Tbh the best way to tell is simply if the person makes eye contact with you a LOT more than everyone else is. There's at least some sort of fascination. I guarantee that's true almost every time.
  8. Ah, but the thing is, it'd have to go state-wide to get any attention at all. To be "classified" as a group affected by racism, I think you'd need more than that. Not to mention, there are so many sub-groups of white people. Africans tend to look African and Asians tend to look Asian (to the large majority of Americans). There's your blonds, your brunettes, your redheads, your pale white people, your blue/green/hazel/grey/brown eyes, the Italian complex, the French complex, the Swedish complex, the Russian complex, etc. Too much variation means that no one feels the need to particularly make fun or oppress, in any manner, a particular small group of people. If red-headed pale Irish people make up .05% of the population, that's not enough to garner enough attention. The main thing is giving a particular group enough attention. I sincerely doubt that would happen to a group comprising a small portion of the population like the people who are obviously Irish. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but it unlikely. EDIT: I've gtg to bed, so I can't continue the convo tonight.
  9. My post is probably interesting past the second paragraph...it's a stream-of-consciousness analysis. I'll probably contradict myself, but take the latter statement to be the true one. I sincerely doubt it. You're white, so there's no chance at all of you being declared a minority or even a group affected by racism. It MIGHT if the problem was absolutely rampant, but that won't happen (for the foreseeable future). I'm glad you don't take offense because most people don't mean it with bad intentions, especially with the current teen-20s generation. I have to admit I find it funny that blacks sometimes call themselves or are called "African American". To be perfectly honest, I'm about as French as most of the black people I know are African. Do I ever even consider calling myself French? Hell no, there's no reason. I'm just a white dude, it's really rather irrelevant. But then again, what do you call people from Asia? Can't really call them yellows, now can we. You're stuck with Asian. Why don't we call them Asian-Americans? Most people just call them Asians. So perhaps it's just best to call white people exactly that, white. They almost never identify themselves with any country other than the US, whereas people of other racial descents tend to. This is most likely because minorities feel pressured, or at least compelled, to identify themselves with some origin, and thus they will often group themselves as something other than just "black". African gives them roots. It would be, for many decades to come at least, a naive idealization to hope that people will not care what they are called or where their roots are. Perhaps what really matters is where you were born and raised, not where your great grandparents came from? I'm very curious to see how racial attitudes will progress throughout my lifetime. :)
  10. I've been teaching myself Swedish lately...just for kicks, heh. It's actually rather easy...easier than Spanish, IMO. The only annoying thing is that my keyboard doesn't have 3 of the vowels that Swedish has that English doesn't. Jag tala litegrann Svenska. :) Oh, and I also watch star trek sometimes. I have every episode of the original series which I'm slowly making my way through.
  11. Perception is NOT better in this case. Facts are what we're after, and they're what should be given. The number which disappeared after so many shots was useful, but the most useful thing would be exp/hour. That would concretely tell us which bolt is the best.
  12. Just ran through and did your guide for the first time. Took me 1.5 hours lol. It'll probably lower once I get better, though. :)
  13. This is perhaps a little bit too old, but still. This is the old goblins by the big wilderness mine. And this was my max hit in RSC at karamja lesser demons. Blue dragons in the old members dungeon. Uloveme was very well known back then, so I took a pic.
  14. I don't know, but that kind of mentality drives me freaking insane. "oh my god we're going to war with russia, they invaded some helpless little country to their south!" "oh my god we're going to war with china, they're ruining the world and taking all our [cabbage]!" "oh my god we're going to war with iran, they must have some freaking nukes and want to 'wipe Israel off the face of the earth'" Lordy people. Georgia kind of started the conflict in the first place, invading South Ossetia and the other separating group which had been (very obviously and for some time) allied with Russia after these two groups attempted to break off. Russia decided to intervene. I could understand you supporting either side, but there's no good reason for any other countries to get involved. It would be ABSOLUTELY FOOLISH for the US to take ANY military action there. There's no reason good enough to fight Russia. That and then there's the doomsayers who don't treat China as it should be - an economic competitor and nothing more. And Iran - that quote was completely mistranslated. Freakin doomsayers. Go cower in your little bubbles and stay there. EDIT: Oh, and here's some of your stupid American media. Read the description on the side of the video, and then watch it. http://ru.youtube.com/watch?v=H8XI2Chc6uQ
  15. If you already have windows installed, I suggest you use a program called Partition Magic (it's not free...you'll have to get it somehow...i'll leave that up to you). It's a very nice program that can split your harddrive. You just partition off some free space (I'd leave about 20 gigs for ubuntu), and then you can install ubuntu on that free 20 gig partition. Windows won't be able to see the ubuntu partition, but when you're on ubuntu, you WILL be able to see all of your windows files.
  16. Something like that. Just look for the names....if you recognize it and want it, keep it. I just bolded some things which I was pretty sure you wouldn't need or looked somewhat fishy. Extra buttons are almost always fine to be deleted... That's just my quick run-through. I wouldn't say any of that NEEDS to be deleted for sure, though. Maybe look up one or two of those EXEs.
  17. http://hundredpushups.com/ That's right, push ups. They're good for you. There's a set routine that you can follow and motivate yourself to do. No more than 3 days per week. Oh, and you'll probably want to eat a little more than you do now.
  18. You could always look up that computer model on the maker's website. I'm sure there are only a few motherboards that they used with certain computers. Once you find the motherboard that's in there, look up the manual online. You should be able to find it. There, you'll find out where you should plug in everything. The manual should have a detailed diagram of all ports on the motherboard. GL
  19. Seekad, how'd you get runescape to work on your second monitor? If I put the rs window on my second screen, it doesn't work. It's frozen on whatever it was at when I drag it from my primary screen to my secondary screen... I'm on a laptop, if it matters.
  20. GPU-Z http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/1132/mirrors.php Get it. It's just a single file so no installation required. This should only take you about 5 minutes to DL and test.
  21. Hey, I'm almost for sure I know your problem. Get a program like GPU-Z to see what the temperature of your graphics card is. What you have going on looks like an overheating graphics card. It may or may not be permanently damaged yet. The reason I say this is: A) You have little colored specs/pixels all over B) You get more as your computer stays on C) You get more when using graphics card intensive programs (hence why normal RS is fine but HD screws you up) D) the discolorations show up when you take a screenshot Take a temperature reading when you're running rs HD for a few minutes, or some other intense game. If this IS the case that your graphics card is over heating, you have a few options (not necessarily in this order): a) underclock it B) make sure any fans inside your computer are working properly c) check for dust d) if your CPU is (somehow, stupidly) located near your GPU, try underVOLTING your CPU to lower its temp. might or might not help. I'm almost for sure the GPU over heating is your problem, though. Has your computer ever shut off or frozen while playing a game? How many times?
  22. 10k dragon leathers per 4 hours.... I bought 70,000 over the course of 2 days heh
  23. This is true Yet it requires much more effort... I'd rather mindlessly hack away at willows and bank every few mins than worry about dropping a load of logs so often. I tend to cut down teak trees quick too, which means I have to move around a bit more.
  24. Yeah I've been using it since RSC as well. It works great and you don't have to ever worry about accidentally going back a page (hitting backspace outside of the runescape box or hitting that button on my mouse that goes back). It also never, ever crashes on me.
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