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Everything posted by Ts_Stormrage

  1. Thank God I am not alone! Every person I've talked to in game who supports Zaros have all fundamentally said the same thing "I've picked Saradomin because Zamorak stole his power/killed him". But if you truly support Zaros then would it not be more in his favour to try and deal a blow to Saradomin? You know, the guy who knows where every single elder artefact is, has a huge support base and has been around since a time before Guthix, he's one of the oldest and most dangerous Gods. As someone who is a Zarosian, but has ambitions similar to that of Zaros himself, I would prefer that Saradomin isn't killed by someone else but by me, and ONLY me... Cuz I want his Crown...
  2. You mean like 2 towns? Honestly; While they once claimed F2P being the actual game with P2P being an expansion, and considering it at the time lived up to its self-proclaimed title of largest free-to-play game out there, it isn't the case anymore... P2P is the real game, and F2P has become little more than a trial version; evident by the ability to level members-only skills to level 5...
  3. That'd be why it's complete but not yet finished :)
  4. So we know that this thing: Also boosts Farm and Summ levels by 5, yet eats the whole pie at once, including shell... Any idea what the Pigswill and Mature Pigswill boost by? They do boost the same skills, that much I know...
  5. Just turned 32, so old fart is old :) But yeah, the Iphone generation is going to get a new addition soon: Glassholes
  6. Probably is if you play RS because your friends play it, and not because it is the most awesomest game ever...
  7. TBH; That was exactly what the 1st fest had to offer (and some bits of extras), and it was the best party of the 2 fests...
  8. What's stopping people from organising a satelite fest?
  9. Just when you think Jagex's mainstream press coverage has started looking better, the Financial Times calls Jagex's flagship game "RuneQuest." :? I would LOVE to play this RuneQuest you speak of... Is it as good as EverScape? I'm playing Scape for Ever now anyways... so...
  10. On a more selfish note: The Times used to be tweeted as well :)
  11. Why has the twitter account stopped tweeting?
  12. And first ofc that ore needs to be smelted into a bar ;) And mind you; I never said anything about lowering the mining requirement, so Rune would still remain just as rare (and noone spends his rune on making daggers, do they?)
  13. All they need to do to make it a proper nerf is to still have the times it appears happen randomly; but when the warband does happen, it appears across all the worlds simultaneously...
  14. Btw; these reeds spawning toads and lizards (if I understood that correctly), are now the first domesticated critters we can farm ourselves! Can't wait for chickens, pigs, and cows!
  15. But that's just for Limpwurtsezzes...
  16. Figured I'd link to my article about the EoC here... Quite the all-encompassing opinion of mine on the current features and trends... Enjoy the read
  17. This is actually a really big problem. Meet you in the wild, hmk? @strilmus: EoC atm is just all a giant Beta for RS3... We're helping them release an as close to perfect combat system as possible with the next generation of RS... When people realise this; it all makes sense...
  18. Double the articles this week, cuz may 5th, some of the admins were trying to resuscitate some of the other admins that were passed out from Cinco de Mayo :D
  19. So the current verdict of the EoC is this (if I understand it correctly): It's a much needed replacement for the old combat system that is not complete yet at the high tier weaponry, or all-tier armours cuz they added the Hybrid Defensive and Offensive versions, and frankly some of the abilities coudl sue a polish as well... But seeing that they are still updating it with our feedback, it is not totally wrong to asume that we're going to end up with ~90% of a product that is acceptable... Sound about right?
  20. 100k per person killed that tries to run home... Not a bad deal tbh... And yes, I get the frustration of being killed, but EVERYTHING these FC's do to prevent everything descending into a massive melee can also be done by those who want to PK... They can blend in... Wolf in sheep's clothing story etc... And people still whine about dying to those wolves... More on this in my Times article that is due on the 12th... It will largely cover Warbands, but some EoC elements in general as well :)
  21. TBH; these Warband chats should meet as often as possible on the same world without knowing it... I've been a few times to both of these FCs and both of them have people whining constantly and annoyingly about getting killed... They definitely need to be taught how the Wilderness works... 100k XP for a few minutes of work means you do risk getting killed, and therefor occasionally SHOULD be...
  22. Thank you :) Although I should point out that Warbands is but one of the many things we do... So is shameless advertising ;)
  23. That does indeed suck... So you better join one that is quite established... *looks down*
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