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Everything posted by hardwick246

  1. I dont bother rendering. Just brush over the parts that aren't focal. Heres mine, dunno if you'd like it: [img=http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/2899/runechaoswh1.jpg] I don't have a clue what this "Trollwess" thing is. If you don't like it, I'll not make another one, because the request was bad. Owwww... my eyes burn from the lack of color and border that takes up 25% of the signature. You get the joke. :)
  2. Why thank you, but really and truly, im not that great, im still a beginner... Though i may be an advanced beginner, im a beginner :P Scale: Beginner, Intermediate, Pro, Expert, Master. You: Intermediate sounds better.
  3. Many C/C is opinion here. Like some like thick borders and have text stand out while most choose medium signatures, blend text, and have 1px borders. 8-) I perfer 150x350, 1px border, and try to blend text. I can see the many effects that you used. The scanlines are too wide for my taste, but like I said, we all have our opinions and taste.
  4. Thats a hard request you are asking. Pixel or graphic signature? I don't see either one taking your offer. #-o Between rendering the character and somehow finding a "trollwess" mountain picture to make a decent signature. Not many pixel artist here either. :-w
  5. Something with your computer most likely. You don't need any program to view those images. Something with your browser or add-in most likely. ThruItAll, I have no tips to give you because you are as good as me so what is there is c/c on? :shock: I'm going to have to make a new signature... :-k Stats are outdated and I kind've destroyed all my PSD's \
  6. I just like giving advice. Whats wrong with it? :roll: I only do it to things that are major notice like what I said above. Small things make a big difference. :-w
  7. Touching [ I can understand too, its just the common looks that many may enjoy. You're making the signature, not me, so use your own style. I see scanlines as more of a small detail than a whole background. :thumbsup:
  8. Tips: -Add a border to all of them. :wink: -Use a glossy coat effect. -Maybe decrease the opacity of the scanlines Hope all goes well. :)
  9. -Add some cuts or blood to him -Maybe some dragons fought by players or a war going on in the background. -Show the first version of the pixel. I want to see the changes to the arm from before.
  10. Just some hints: -Dim down the scanlines and also don't use them all the time. -Add more color to the render with color balance
  11. Eww... bleach sucks. Naruto/FMA ftw On-Topic: I would make a banner, but busy with God-Wars :) I usually make banners at 150x700 so its more of a quick picture instead of a whole screen image. :anxious:
  12. I almost didn't see what was the fake. The bar above the guy with veracs is too thick and short.
  13. The top one reminds me of a vortex and the bottom is a atom. 8-) I'm sure they would look cool if they had more detail and precision. Try using a scanner next time if possible.
  14. Obsessed with Gaara much? :wink:
  15. Just redownload the pack that I gave you of my Photoshop Brushes and then go to deviantart.com and download some more. It isn't too hard. Look around for signature tutorials for some cool effects. Don't give up :wink:
  16. Too much room. Most perfer small signatures. I can't stand large signatures.
  17. Different style than usual so it isn't perfect. [img=http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/5364/spawnconbg7.gif]
  18. I have a premade signature from myself experimenting with C4D's. Yes it's very basic, but I'm sure some while find it interesting. Simplicity is one of the greatest forms of art. :) I will give this to the person I deem worthy. Put their various texts and any other additions on their as while.
  19. On the bottom part of his arm is a misconfiguration. Its nearly straight and then widens at his wrist. Most people I know have their wrist smaller than their arm. :roll:
  20. He most likely had to decrease the quality of the picture because of Tip.it's size requirement. Having the render cut off is a bad idea also. The text is pixelated. Try using a more precise font. The one you are using now looks like more of a sub-text font.
  21. Text and goal signature how original [/sarcasm] 2/10
  22. I don't get it. 1/10. It's just text in a picture. -.-
  23. SÃÆÃâÃâí Things take practice, not something you learn instantly. Want me to order a sig to help you?
  24. Busy or not, you should be as "specific" as possible. You want a Runescape avatar in your signature? Give us the image. We are willing to make these signatures for free. All we ask is for the basics and as much information. Bad request= Low quality signature
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