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Everything posted by Laikrob

  1. Hiya, and thanks they are. :)

    Been out snorkling today, among other outdoorsy things, and caught up with old friends.

    Have been attacked by icecream aswell. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

    Hope you're enjoying your vacation and that you find some way of communicating with the world apart from forum profiles and RS chat. :P

  2. Congratulations, Doom. It will be good, especially for the very active Falador Tavern (check it out, all of you! :thumbsup: ) forum to get an extra pair of helping hands. :)
  3. It's a wonderful place that takes a lot of my time atm. :D

    Just keep in mind: Bright bright light = Dangerous.

    Working out was deadly today, 30C doesn't make anything easier.

    Currently playing on my iPod: Rage Against The Machine, Stone Temple Pilots & Live. Yes, 90's music is good.

  4. In case it isn't blatantly obvious (which it turned out not to be); having broken codes in signatures or public posts with the intent to break forum posts is of course not allowed. Laikrob, Tip.It Administrator.
  5. Yes, it should be worked into the main rules aswell, and thank you for pointing out the lack of consistancy between the rules and enforcement. :) To make it clear, we aren't just making up rules to be mean here - our users have several times (in example through polls on the main website) given the feedback that merchanting clans, which are mostly based off of manipulating GE and/or their lower ranked members, are not something they want to see around here. As tripsis also mentioned, several "general" discussions about merchanting clans or items often turn out to be hidden manipulation or advertising topics, and we do not want these forums to be used as a tool for such activity. As opposed to other grey areas in the game and outside that we DO allow - such as the newly updated RS cache policy - this is a thing that can affect players directly ingame, and they can in turn lose their hard earned GP because of merchanting clans. We do not wish to support or be a part of that, and the majority of our users are pleased about that stance. :) Laikrob, Tip.It Administrator
  6. So yes, please report the topic(s) you want moved. :) Thanks for the positive feedback, all. :^_^:
  7. Since you're not looking for a clan (which we have a forum for and that people have linked to) and you have found a clan chat (which this forum isn't really for), I'm locking this. Laikrob, Clan Staff
  8. Funny how you changed your RSN from your merchanting clan's to the one you're sporting now on your profile right after I asked about the merchanting part. :) I'm normally all for helping, but yeah... Reading through your post history, I kind of doubt that you're all about the chatting. :) That might just be me, though. I'll suggest Mod MMG's clan chat again.
  9. Going to ask directly... Is this question in any way connected with your "merchanting"?
  10. I am in a great mood today!! :D

    Going to be lovely weather tomorrow (well, technically today, as it's 4.30 am) and I plan to enjoy outside with a few friends. Life is good.

  11. Hi all, We're happy to present a few changes in the clan section: First of all, and maybe most visible, we have split up the Recruitment forum in warring and non warring clans. Recruitment Clan recruitment for warring and PKing clans. Recruitment Non Warring Clans Clan recruitment for non warring clans and communities. I have moved the most obvious non warring recruitment topics over, but feel free to report your recruitment topic if you want it moved to the non warring section. :) The Looking for a clan/group/team forum remains the same. Then there are the TWR changes. After consulting the Clan Officials in the Conclave and then later asking you all for feedback in this poll in Clan Discussions, it has been decided by the large majority to change the point system. A new TWR rank list will be used so all clans will reset to 0 and will be listed alphabetically initially. You can find the info topic with the point formula here, the old topic with the final standings before the reset (plus war records) can be found here and the new topic can be found here - currently with each clan at 0 points and listed alphabetically. Which leads me to the new TWR rule changes, many of them which were direct or part suggestions from you guys... You can find a summary of the changed rules here, and then there is the TWR Information sticky where you can see the rules in context - all the changes are marked in red in that sticky. The Clan Community Leader applications are being processed as I type, so if you are one of the people who applied and haven't heard anything; don't worry just yet. We just got surprisingly many applications this time - which is a good thing. :thumbsup: The only bad thing is that it takes longer to read and process them properly - which definitely is worth it to us. Enjoy the changes and always feel free to suggest other improvements. :^_^: On behalf of the Clan Staff, Laikrob
  12. Again, wondering why and for what purpose?
  13. Would be helpful to know what you want to "use" the clan chat for. Do you want to be entertained, get friends, look for someone to play minigames with or do you have other motives? In general, Mod Mmg's chat is usually active, but again it depends on what you are going for.
  14. Hi, Just in case you wondered where the TWR point system topic went; I have temporarily removed it from public view so we can review the feedback and poll. If you all wish to, I can move it back later. We expect to go through with the changes very soon, along with the TWR rule changes and some other tweaks and improvements around the clan section. Thank you very much for your feedback! :thumbsup: Remember to use our feedback stickies in this forum and the TWR forum if you have further suggestions. Laikrob, Clan Staff
  15. Was a patch note update a month or so ago, so indeed you can get them while cleaning herbs (as you now know). :)
  16. Stay away from the moonshine, Kevin...

    Unrelated: I'm looking forward to tomorrow, last day of being incredibly busy. Well, at least the kind of busy where I am getting an average of less than 4 hours of sleep a day. Long weekend coming up. <3

  17. Hi all, Following the feedback we received in the Conclave, we are looking at the possibility to change the points system. This will only happen if we can find a system which will reflect both the strength of a clan and activity in a better way than the present one does, and that is relatively simple to manage. When/if a new system is in place it would be necessary to restart the points to zero for all clans. As clan staff we feel this is worth it if we can make a better points model. The following are suggestions we have come up with: Suggestion 1: Include a bonus % for pvp and/or full out wars: 100 points + (any % bonuses for PVP or full out) + Ending for winning. The loser would get 50 points and the same bonuses (just not the ending). Reasoning: Encourages clans to have full outs and/or do PVP while not penalizing them for not doing it. Balancing strength and activity Adapted to CWA, full outs, PVP, matched etc... Makes full outs more attractive So theoretically it could be 100 + 30% (10% for full out and 20% for PVP) + Ending. The loser would get 50 points and the same bonuses (just not the ending). [hide=Example:] Suppose a war occurs with clan A having 50 people, clan B having 45. Clan A wins with 30 people left. Full out: Points given in a pvp or cwa, would be: Pvp war points: Winner gets 100 + 30 + 30 = 160 Loser = 65 CWA war points Winner gets 100 + 10 + 30 = 140 Loser = 55 For matched ops fights Matched ops fight example: 20 v 20. Winner has 6 left. CWA Winner gets 100 + 6 = 106 Loser = 50 PVP Winner gets 100 + 20 + 6 = 126 Loser 70[/hide] Suggestion 2: Points given based on pull and rank. Full out fights 100 + your ending + double the difference in ranks if the clan is higher ranked 30 pts if you lose Capped Fights 60 + your ending 20 if you lose Reasoning: Strength, bigger reward for taking down stronger clans Rewards performance more heavily by incorporating ending into points awarded No bonus for rank difference in a matched fight because the number factor difficulty is nonexistant Top clans don't get rank bonuses because... they're already top. They have proven they are the best Memberlist factor removed, as cmb level is not an indication of a large or skilled clan Default points still awarded to reward and incite activity, but significantly lowered Suggestion 3: 100 for winning + 50 for Warring + Ending (Half of the opts goes towards the point aswell if in PvP) Reasoning: Simple to manage and understand Easy to calculate for clans PvP bonus Like the previous suggestion, no ML or rank difference included High default points to encourage activity (can be adjusted, please give feedback here) Suggestion 4 : Leave it as it is Included in this would also be the halving of points for wars with 10 or less pull (as mentioned in the other rule change topic) - this number is arbitary, we can make it up to 15 ... Again, feel free to discuss. :) Please give your ideas on these suggestions and improvements you think could be made. The least thing we want is a convoluted points system that no one can understand. Also note that this is a public poll where everyone can see what you voted. As the poll mentions, this poll will only be open for 2 days. Laikrob, on behalf of the Clan Staff
  18. Laikrob

    Rant Forum

    Next time, please let such topics die of natural causes instead of bumping them :) Laikrob, Tip.It Administrator
  19. Come back here now, will you!

  20. I am against banning cow jokes. Welcome, now let's find out if the grass really is greener on the other side.
  21. Yes, Clan Staff member never troll. Honest. :^_^:
  22. It's being discussed by the Clan Staff, sorry for not posting that. :) Laikrob, Tip.It Administrator & Clan Staff
  23. And probably not very appropriate for these forums. :O

    Neither are the lyrics for another of their songs, Be Aggressive.

  24. Please note that Romy said to keep them within the rules. :) Removed one post that wasn't, please try to use a little judgement - even though it's all in good spirit. Laikrob, Tip.It Administrator
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