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Everything posted by Laikrob

  1. Samuel L. Jackson... At least there won't be any mother freaking snakes in your mother freaking clan. (Self censoring...)
  2. I support, and love the item name. :thumbsup:
  3. It's not a screamer... Moving to Tech & computers.
  4. That requires a Moderator / Super Moderator / Administrator being active, spotting it and taking them out pretty much instantly. If they post viruses or shocking/offensive images, that can be spread around the forums very fast. Those of us wo have dealt with those situations with the 1 minute timers, can tell you that it can be bad enough. 15 seconds is not an option right now, and as Tripsis said; the Administrators have discussed this very recently (because of this topic, actually). You are stuck with 45 seconds for now, changes might occur in the future. :)
  5. Desperate times indeed. Huge congratulations to all! :thumbsup:
  6. Maybe... :O

    I still have that written up somewhere.

  7. Locking this. :) Not because we're afraid of the competition (*giggle*), but because we require a bit of quality in our discussions. This is borderline spam & baiting, so no point in posting it. I suggest you read our Rules. :) (Also, you can get Jmods to say just about anything... Unfortunately I can't release those screenshots. :unsure: ) Laikrob, Tip.It Administrator.
  8. That's an interesting question, which happened to come up at work the other day. I am trilingual, and I think in all languages. The deciding factor is what action I am doing or who I am talking to, in example if I am having a conversation with someone from Denmark, it just comes natural to think in Danish - otherwise the thought to speach process would simply be too slow in most cases. Especially at meetings or in conversations where you need to keep a professional image, then thinking in a different language than you're speaking can slow you down just enogh for you to seem uninterested or like you are stuttering and are unprepared. I am thankful that I didn't have my current job when I had just moved, because I wasn't mastering the language well enough to make it natural to think in it, meaning that I thought in Norwegian and spoke Danish-ish. When I use English-spoken forums or voice chats, I solely think in English. Sometimes I even catch myself thinking in English at other times where it would be natural to utilise Danish or Norwegian, but I take that as a good sign. I guess that's better than admitting to insanity anyway. ;) Off topic: I dream in all three languages, but mainly in the one I use the most. (Currently Danish.)
  9. I never thought I'd actually care much about a clothes update, but they did this one WELL. =D>
  10. Removed the name, as we don't allow naming of players in a negative light. I also moved the topic to Rants. When it comes to the internal FSC problems, I suggest contacting someone ranked there and have them verify you in some way. If all else fails, there are other monster hunting and DG clans. Good luck! Laikrob, Tip.It Administrator.
  11. Hiya. :)

    And lies & slander, and only a little true... Okay, I admit everything. :(

  12. Welcome back, glad that the rule adjustment allows you to participate again without any of your members having to choose sides. :^_^:
  13. Welcome, great to see you guys on TWR. :thumbsup: I know a few clans will be happy to see you, always good with more competition.
  14. Changes can be added at any time, not that I can promise anything specifically about that one. I can definitely sympathise with you, especially since you have an old forum account.
  15. Hi you Tip.It users, It seems someone has gone through the trouble of sending a few malicious e-mails out. We want to warn you about it, so you can avoid getting scammed. This is how it looks: The link goes to a fake Tip.It, which says that your account has been verified and asks you to log in again on it. Basically it is phishing for Tip.It forum passwords and accounts, and probably even hoping that you are using your Tip.It password for RuneScape. Please take this as a reminder: Don't click on links without checking them first Don't use your RuneScape password for Tip.It or other places Consider the source - spellcheck would have cried its way through that e-mail... And disk space? Not so much On behalf of Tip.It Staff, Laikrob
  16. Locked on request. Laikrob, Tip.It Administrator.
  17. My pleasure, even though I am not quite sure exactly what I have done. :)

    On an unrelated note: Have a good week or so, all. Vacation time for me, woot! :D

  18. Never thought I'd see the day... Welcome! :^_^:
  19. ...and the world was safe again. :P

  20. You're talking about TSG correct? Yes. And as someone else mentioned, most of them came back apologising and wanted to rejoin.
  21. We've had a few of those. :) The two categories are people who get girlishly insulted because we actually enforce the few rules we have (thus they or they friends get banned for breaking them), or people who want to copy our success because they didn't get promoted to staff by us. We wish them all the best of luck, we haven't heard or seen much from them since... :unsure:
  22. This topic is from 2006, please don't bump old topics for no reason. Locking this one. Laikrob, Tip.It Administrator.
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