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Everything posted by Laikrob

  1. People lining up in front of the event: 3 current and one past admin photographed by yours truly - notice the Tip.It book: Bot busting session was popular: And the YouTubers could not win this war... Costumes: Bumbum earning money the oldest way known in history - £1 a squeeze: Rest for the wicked: Pumpkins were carved: One of the several signature walls: Some more pics from the venue: Efficiency freak tourist photo - double decker, cab & phone booth in one shot: And only in UK (FYI it tasted mediocre at best - had to try one!): Finishing with the best part - cake. Except, we didn't get to taste it. Which could be a good thing, seeing as it had been in room temperature for days:
  2. I will be posting pictures on Wednesday, when I get back home. (Technically on Tuesday very-very-very late...) Should be some decent ones in there, with less hangover blur than on Sio's. ;) I had such a great time!!! Also, to my disappointment it turns out that Peter is a human being. Thankfully a nice one, so all is forgiven. Skittles gifted to someone special. Oh, and Mod Poppy kissed the signed t-shirts for the contest winners. Someone was offering good money for one of them on the spot for that fact alone! Was nice meeting everyone, and I am looking forward to posting the pics. :) Laila
  3. You're more than welcome. :) E-mail is the best way to recover accounts aswell (as I have painfully learnt when my e-mail account was stolen a few years ago), so it is a double security.
  4. What kind of shit is that to post? :unsure: But seriously, it has been more relaxed for a while, I guess they just haven't advertised it for obvious reasons. :)
  5. One of the many scam mails going around atm. I suggest making a separate e-mail account for your RS account (and not use it for anything else) with a name urelated to your RSN. That should do the trick, and make your account a lot safer. :) Laila
  6. Contact an Admin here via the PM system, they might be able to help you. :) Good luck!
  7. how a slayer penguin would look like? :D:D Not sure... Wearing a black mask and maybe wielding a weapon (chaos rapier, whip?) - hiding inside a slayer gem or slayer icon skull? How can a cross between penguins and slayer go wrong? <3:
  8. As said, love them. :thumbup: How about making a Slayer penguin? ...no?
  9. There is no reason not to create a cabbage penguin! :^_^:
  10. Well... let's not forget the polar bear. :shades:
  11. You are very talented indeed. :^_^: I especially like how you are able to work with such different materials with such amazing results.
  12. I support. :razz: Also, most of the changes look good. A few of them might take some time to get used to for most of us, but we always said that if subforums didn't work as intended, they could always be removed. I am glad to see that works in reality, even though topics such as health and fitness are worth having in one spot, as they don't "expire" in the same way as many RS related and Off topic topics. That way new users - or users with a new found interest in health and fitness - can easily find said topics.
  13. but please leave your pets at home lol....see you there :) And you're supposed to be the tough guy... :shades: But looking forward to seeing you.
  14. RuneFest tickets: Check Plane tickets: Check Hotel room: Check Time off work: Check I'll be there, bothering admins.
  15. Double posting since noone has posted about this... He had planned this for 9 years, and had made and published a YouTube video and a 1500 pages long anti-islamic manifesto, which also contained a diary. Obviously racist content. http://theconservativetreehouse.wordpress.com/2011/07/23/norway-gunman-anders-behring-breivik-released-manifesto-on-the-web-video-and-1500-page-document/
  16. This. I am still waiting to hear back from some family members and friends in the area, it's quite nervewrecking. My thoughts go out to everyone who were affected by this. Edit: sees-all1: It is political, as the targets were clearly political - and of course the attention this case will get from the outside world would have been bigger if it had been muslims than what it will get now when the perpetrator turns out to be a right-wing extremist.
  17. I guess people were right to complain about the Clan Citadel update - looks like it's very buggy already! :??? :^_^: :
  18. And hopefully even using those resources and hard work to build a better citadel. If they execute it correctly this could be really awesome. However I sincerely doubt it will be the biggest update of the year. I assume the reintroduction of free trade and wild (if you want to really call it an update), Nex, and the upcoming ROTM quest are in line to be first before these citadels. This is what I'm hoping for aswell. Looking forward to this, we have enjoyed the previous clan updates this year and hope that this will be even better. It always baffles me how people are so negative about updates - even before the updates happen. While I don't always agree with the decisions and priorities JaGex make, I certainly don't think they do a lousy job on making an effort to improve the game. Just look at some of the reactions here: Several say "As long as they don't make the game imbalanced by giving the citadels lots of ressource spawns..." and many say the opposite "This update is worthless unless they make great new training spots". Then some people refuse to be in a clan, or clan updates are nothing for them. Some are F2P, and are excluded - again. A few are dead set killers, and unless the update offers 5 different options for killing, it's quickly deemed worthless. They simply can't win - especially since the dissatisfied ones often are more opinionated AKA loud about it. :)
  19. This topic already has an extensive discussion on the subject. :)
  20. This year I will be there. :) Looking forward to it, and to meeting some in-game friends. So far 2 women going to SausageFest 2011?
  21. I managed to rack in a nice chunk of exp & be a pretty active Admin at the same time. One doesn't necessarily exclude the other. Honestly I think that a nice balance between playing and administrating the forum is the best option, as I agree that playing RS increases the understanding of the users and the community that the staff is guiding. I encourage staff members to at least log in game once in a while, if nothing else to join a few TET events. Edit: I am not saying that staff members who don't play can't moderate the forums, but that it helps to be in touch with the game that is the base of the forum's community.
  22. I can confirm that negative weight has no impact on run energy drain rate, have tested this in several ways.
  23. This. Except make sure that the attacker(s) have good combat stats, or the waves will be slowed down. I have good experience with lower combat players, and never discriminate based on combat levels. I always make sure to be the recruiter, as I'll have control over the selection and, more importantly, can replace people if needed. One inefficient member kills the team.
  24. I like the " making it interesting" part. Competitive = fun... Seeing that I don't play much at the moment, 5M to the first spotter.
  25. Villandra deserves to be on that list, I agree on that. (Interview with her from the Clan Chronicle can be found here.) Otherwise a nice list, mostly agree with it. As a few others, I don't find all the YouTubers as influential, but some of them definitely deserve their spot. :thumbup: Edit: <3 Duffy for the mad skill ranks.
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