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Everything posted by mario_sunny

  1. What is the disadvantage of having a high tax rate like 50%? Does your loyalty just lower faster? Also, what is stone primarily used for?
  2. Erm can anyone tell me why my idle population is in red? WHat does it mean and how do I fix it?
  3. Anyone in Bloodlust Mountains, add me. I'll be happy to forge a tip.it alliance with you if I can gather enough funds. If not, we can just have peace together. Even if your not in Bloodlust, add me anyway! I've got about 10 friends already. :mrgreen:
  4. "Mario Sunny", anything else results in "request unsuccessful" :P Whoops, sorry about that lol. I'm just so used to people asking if there are one spaces or two spaces in my name (really, is it that hard to tell?). I didn't know it was that case sensitive. Yes it is "Mario sunny" Capital S* :mellow: EDIT: What the heck happened to my army. I sent it to attack a wildland like the task thing said, and I only lost about 29 men out of 100. They are supposed to return, right? Then why don't I see them in my garrison or parade grounds?
  5. "Mario Sunny", anything else results in "request unsuccessful" :P Whoops, sorry about that lol. I'm just so used to people asking if there are one spaces or two spaces in my name (really, is it that hard to tell?). I didn't know it was that case sensitive. Yes it is "Mario sunny"
  6. Hey, everyone feel free to add me. My name on WoL is Mario_sunny as always!
  7. What the heck how do you send messages? I was writing this message to a nearby player and clicked 'send,' but it wouldn't send. Is there some quest you have to complete to do this?
  8. Has anyone noticed that is is an absolute rip off of Travian? Its basically the exact same game with different graphics. But I'm not going to complain that much until I try it out. It looks like a well made game.
  9. I don't know what that means. :mellow: But anyway I know that all the laws are well thought out, I just wish people would stop bashing on the government and try to see it from their perspective. For the most part, the government is trying to help. Now of course we shouldn't all stop bashing on the government, that's how it keeps running knowing that we still care about how our country is run. I agree that criticism is necessary, but sometimes its just ridiculous what I hear from people.
  10. I usually don't reply to topics in the general forum... but this post kind of irked me. Why don't you not even start that argument... seriously. Save us the trouble of making this a flame thread.
  11. Haha sorry I turned this thread into a temporary religious debate. I kinda considered totally erasing that post a few minutes after I posted it, but I said, hey, what the heck. I've spent my entire tip.it life thinking twice about posting anything; I always read over my posts and think how people will respond. Sometimes I just hit the back button. But I just gave it a shot because I was curious if anyone felt the same way. :razz: Really it is kinda hard for me to avoid being an extreme atheist... infact I think I am one. But I don't really want to be... I'm the kind of guy who likes to see it from other people's points of view. Like for example, when the government enacts some law that everyone complains about, I see it from the government's point of view and figure out "hey, that's actually a beneficial law." Damnit sorry I talk too much. I've already edited this post 3 times now I won't do it again. Bye. EDIT: fourth edit... spotted a grammar mistake. Bye. EDIT: fifth edit... removed some cursing. Lol.
  12. WHAT! KD... is... everything! Every waking moment of my life I'm thinking of my KD ratio, even in my sleep I dream of my KD ratio. If... if... it went down even the slightest bit.... OH GOD, I CANT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!! :ohnoes: I like your sig.
  13. This is why I like to have virtually nothing in my bank. Its just safer that way. Who knows, you may wake up and see runescape gold is useless! Then I'll be the one laughing then... all of you would be just as worthless as me, and I didn't even have to work for all that money. :twisted: My advice: Spend all your bank on skills. :thumbup:
  14. I am a very rational man so I just absolutely refuse to believe in any god... even if it makes me happy thinking that I will "go to heaven." The concept of god is such a ridiculous thing... I just don't know how people can believe it. Surely there must be something in their head that tells them: maybe this is all wrong? I mean, it just bothers me so much that billions of people all over the world can believe this. Can someone religious please explain to me WHY you believe in a god? While were at it, why do you believe in an invisible place called heaven where all the good people go? I mean, surely, you must see something wrong with this theory, considering there is not one piece of evidence that supports any of it (and don't say the Bible, for all we know that was written by some random guy). Although I do have to say I do believe in Jesus, I just don't believe he had any magical powers or preformed any miracles or is the "son of god." He was probably just a very influential man whose powers were exaggerated. Again sorry if I'm offending anyone, I just want to know why people believe this. (and pegpenguin, I hope you don't think you're the only one who looks at porn every night. Tons of men do it...)
  15. Lol I just discovered how awesome chopper gunner is at Rundown. So I get the usual predator missle, that gets me a nice triple kill because the entire enemy team was rushing one spot. Then my harriers come in, and kill two more guys with the strike. Then in a few seconds the harrier guns down one more enemy, and I get a chopper gunner. And OMG... it [bleep]ing owned. For some reason the apache spawns almost right above the battlefield on this particular map, so in the first two seconds I had already killed two guys. And of course in Rundown the spawns are in the open, so I'm gunning down the enemy team so goddam fast I eventually nick all 6 of them in under 10 seconds (it was a challenge). Then it was party time: All six started spawning next to eachother in the open. As you can imagine, it was a bloodbath. I ended up getting a ridiculous 20 kills with my apache, breaking my previous killstreak by 3 and placing it now at 31. :thumbsup: I would have gotten even more if it were not for the stupid score limit.
  16. Well I wake up one morning, turn on my Xbox, and what do I see but Dante's Inferno the game featured on the dashboard. Apparently they are making a game based off Dante's Divine Comedy. So I test out the demo, and its actually very fun. The controls remind me of God of War: its third person, and you play as Dante, who has a huge weapon that he swings around with supernatural speed. Although it does seem sort of like a button smashing game, it will surely make up for it with an awesome storyline. For anyone who's read Dante's Inferno, you'll know what I'm talking about. From what I've gathered from the demo there are magical powers (Dante's holy cross power: shoots a magical cross at enemies), huge [wagon] weapons, and lots of bosses (I fought two and its only the first circle of hell). The first boss is a bit of a pushover if you know the trick (hint: block). The second one is a bit annoying because you can't block, but easy as well. Oh and you also get to control huge monsters at times. Anyway, here's the site if you want to check it out. http://www.dantesinferno.com/us/about I'm not sure if the game is still featured on the dashboard, but I'm sure you can still download it if its not there. PS: It also has nudity like god of war. You've been warned... (don't play the demo in front of your parents, kids)
  17. Lol yes it always bothered me how nice Ezio was. Assassins creed 2 was bloody awesome except for the fact that the game designers fell for the fatal trap of softening up the hero in the sequel. Sometimes I just wanted to kill my fellow assassin friends because half the cutscenes were just us talking together and smiling. Yuck. I liked Altiar's rebellious personality. At least he showed people who was boss. Ezio is a [kitty] compared to him. PS: What was up with that cutscene midgame where Desmond dreams about being Altiar and making out with that girl???
  18. Infinite spawns.... *shudders* Think back to Heart of the Reich (second to last mission) on WAW. Holy [cabbage].
  19. Double Fix'd. Agreed. Underpass wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have that stupid highway. I wasted an entire supply drop because I forgot about it. Some maps have some poorly designed spots. But overall I don't really 'hate' any map. I can't stand Rust because personally I'm not a close-quarters combat kind of guy, and I can't stand Favela because there are just too many damn ways into every building. But I still respect them. There are a few bad spots I've noticed though: Underpass: the stupid highway. Totally agree. Everything else is fine. Estate: Needs to be more than two ways into the second story (although I like the fact that there are more than 10 ways into the first story) Wasteland: They need to fix that house without the roof where snipers can crouch on the beams, where they can have a huge advantage while all the while being hid by a conveniently placed tree. Karachi: What's wrong with it? I don't see anything. I can see how it could be a frustrating map though. Here's a tip: Take advantage of the roof system, and always watch your back. Derail: Probably could be a little smaller. Some of the sniper spots are overpowered and give a large view of the battlefield. I picked off the entire team twice once on that roof where that one team spawns near (the place with the two buildings you can climb up on). I also wish it wasn't "defend the house" all the time (we get enough of that on estate, thank you very much) Sub Base: Too many ways for enemies to sneak up behind you. They need to just remove a few rooms. God it gets annoying. The spawns change too fast too. On another note: Since I saw someone talking about the veteran campaign... did anyone think that was ridiculously easy? I completed it in a day on veteran. I was quite disappointed. Cod5 and 4 veteran was MUCH harder. Ah remember those times... Pinned down on all sides, hoping to god one of those smartass terrorists didn't come up next to you.... Everytime you stuck you head up your screen was red in less than a second... Every hallway you rush into some idiot shotties you in the face... Every goddam 5 seconds a grenade rolls next to you... There were so many grenades in Call of Duty: World at War, people renamed the game Call of Duty: Grenades at War. Appropriate title I think. The point is I didn't see any of that in MW2. WHAT HAPPENED???
  20. Lol so true. :razz: I would never use thermal... ever. Unless you have bad eyes, then its just a horrible attachment. Makes my eyes go CR@ZY! So i use normal. I use thermal. It makes sniping on Estate and Wasteland so much easier. I use normal on Derail though because snow is the same color as people without coldblooded. I tend to avoid it. Don't you think its easier just to watch for movement? Besides, to use thermal you have to zoom in, and when you scope you have limited vision, giving other enemies a good chance to get you without you seeing them.
  21. Lol so true. :razz: I would never use thermal... ever. Unless you have bad eyes, then its just a horrible attachment.
  22. Stealth bomber? That thing gets an average of 2-3 kills per strike. Sure, the strike goes across the map and makes a big boom but the kills are minimal. The Pave low, on the other hand, the other 9 killstreak reward, hovers around the map gunning down enemies; it even takes a buttload of firepower to take it down. I usually get 7 kills on average with the Pave low. Never use stealth bomber... pave low is sooo much better. Most kills you can get with the stealth bomber is 6 anyway, and what are the chances that all 6 guys are standing out in the open, all massed together or in a perfect line? I do know about Modern Warfare 2 btw. :lol: I said it looks hardcore, not it is. I never would take it for making kills, i'm just getting the killstreak challenges, however you can easily get more that 3 kills, if you place it correctly you can get a decent amount of kills fast, for example I got 7 just 10 minutes ago. Oops. Sorry about that. (ffs where the hell did the embarrased smiley go... anyway...) :cry: But yes I agree the actual stealth bomber plane looks intense. Huge [wagon] black plane flies overheard and all of a sudden half your team is dead. :lol: Did someone say the stealth bomber sucks? It actually adds to your killstreak unlike a pavelow (unless you get it from a care package, it's a weird glitch or it might be intentional by IW). Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLfA2dpreV0 If you know how to position it to kill the team twice, it's awesome, since it goes all the way through the map in the direction you point it in. Add danger close pro and get an AC-130/Chopper Gunner Instantly. I tend not to use pave lows anyway. My killstreak rewards set up is missile, harriers, and AC130. Its of course easy to get a 5 killstreak then from there its even easier to get an 11 killstreak. Use your predator to kill a guy (two if you're lucky), then you'll have harriers. The harrier strike usually kills at least one guy, and sometimes more. Then you just have to hide somewhere and wait for your harriers to get a few more kills for 11. Usually harriers can get kills pretty fast if they are positioned in the open. I still say the stealth bomber is bad. From experience, I just judge it to be inferior to the pave low, despite the pave low not counting towards killstreak. I've used it about 30 times in the past, and it usually only gets me 2-3 kills while the pave low guns down at least 7 per life. But I will watch the video you posted. I'm interested in the method you mentioned.
  23. Stealth bomber? That thing gets an average of 2-3 kills per strike. Sure, the strike goes across the map and makes a big boom but the kills are minimal. The Pave low, on the other hand, the other 9 killstreak reward, hovers around the map gunning down enemies; it even takes a buttload of firepower to take it down. I usually get 7 kills on average with the Pave low. Never use stealth bomber... pave low is sooo much better. Most kills you can get with the stealth bomber is 6 anyway, and what are the chances that all 6 guys are standing out in the open, all massed together or in a perfect line? I do know about Modern Warfare 2 btw. :lol: I said it looks hardcore, not it is. I never would take it for making kills, i'm just getting the killstreak challenges, however you can easily get more that 3 kills, if you place it correctly you can get a decent amount of kills fast, for example I got 7 just 10 minutes ago. Oops. Sorry about that. (ffs where the hell did the embarrased smiley go... anyway...) :cry: But yes I agree the actual stealth bomber plane looks intense. Huge [wagon] black plane flies overheard and all of a sudden half your team is dead. :lol:
  24. RULES ONE AND TWO NEW[bleep] also, rants is awesome but there should be more serious attention to it AHHHHH@@@@@ *BURNS*
  25. Well I'm pretty sure the entire human race would die in less than a second. :P
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