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Everything posted by Trip

  1. Because you are posting on an internet messageboard at 4:55am Because you are posting on an internet messageboard at 4:55am
  2. entourage, arrested development, scrubs, futurama, south park, harvey birdman, aqua teen hunger force, the oc :P there is more but i cant think of them at the moment :|
  3. What has that post got to do with this thread. What im saying is this is probably gunna end up getting locked because its not concerning runescape so its pretty much just spam like the hidden update threads your talking about :roll: what are you talking about? this whole topic is about runescape :P \ lol no its complaining about hidden update threads and a thread about posts has nothing to do with runescape :-k , no #-o
  4. What has that post got to do with this thread. What im saying is this is probably gunna end up getting locked because its not concerning runescape so its pretty much just spam like the hidden update threads your talking about :roll: what are you talking about? this whole topic is about runescape :P \
  5. Trip

    Rank 1

    Although I respect n0valyfe, I think zezima will be much more of a legend, it will be sad to see him drop of the first rank :cry:
  6. Hahahahaha, rolf :lol: Some people... First off, no player ever had a purple rune item. They changed rune to the cyan color before the first player owned rune items were around. And that was waaaay before r2h's came around. The only way you would have seen a purple r2h was on a mod, but even then you couldn't tell what kind of a sword it was. On a second note, no, I don't remeber it. I didn't play that long ago, and im not gonna try to act it either. ~Bepo werd the only reason you think you saw purple rune was because of the pic that was passed around of purple r2h in trade. Was never worn by a mod or anything.
  7. so the woman who called you son was in possession of the stolent mobile (I think I'm reading it correctly :?) why didn't you do something about it?
  8. ocarina of time super mario bros 3 super mario brothers WITH DUCK HUNT SAME CARTRIDGE! (NO WAI!) banjo kazooie
  9. thats the worst question ever, freezing of course
  10. Well the 02 8404 2213 number rang me aswell :?. Lucky I didn't ring back. Thanks for the info. I got a similar missed call but had no interest in ringing back someone from NSW(?). Good to know thanks skelm
  11. Even if it's an urban legend, still a great story :D
  12. I have to agree with the above posters
  13. pipalonias admitted to that purely so he would be banned, so not really considered a tragedy :\
  14. http://www.gingerkids.org/faq.html
  15. looks great, love the pop out :)
  16. if the first ever planned version of RS your is what your talking about, than it was named DeviousMUD, later on called RS and launched as RS. not referring to deviousmud, I hope someone with a good memory can come in here and clear it up :?
  17. Don I remember the game but not any details, I think it was with aircraft though or something? bah I cant remember (not deviousmud) But I'm fairly sure the thread started was referring to rsc.
  18. Yeah I loved my scythe back in rsc :), heres a pic i took when rs2 beta was about to end and I was planning on quitting. I actually quit playing for a year or so after rs2 was released, played it again for a couple of months but it's honestly not the same game :( Oh and heres a pic someone sent me recently of them beating me in a duel back then :(
  19. the only impossible quest to date was when the dig site was first released. thankfully it was fixed like a day later. yeah anyway just thought i'd say that for no apparent reason
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