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Everything posted by Stilev

  1. that has to be the hottest thing i've ever seen :| im utterly speechless
  2. lol no :lol: and just so your wondering, i've used both, placed gimp in trash bin, but w\e works for i guess
  3. defently make one later
  4. turned out nice imo, was wondering when you were ganna finish :P
  5. we've probaly all had them, those mysterious cuts that we dont even notice Today i was at work, ringing this guy, look down to get his change and i see my hand is covered in blood, after a little bit realized i cut myself when i was cutting some tomatos. but was odd kuz i didn't even notice it. another story which was alot worse happened to my friend, running down the basketball court at pratice, and out of no wear another guy lost his ball, friend slips and lands on his elbow, breaking it really badly took like a min for him to realize it #-o im sure most of you guys got stories about something like this happening, probaly several
  6. Stilev


    for people who say they dont dont dream? we all dream, its just that some people can more easily remember there dreams then others, me i dont remember many of my dreams, maybe one every month if im lucky
  7. waaaaaaaaay to much free time imo nice pieces of work, why couldn't she just use paint, normal paint -.-
  8. as much as we all want there to be some kind of desinty in our lives, we could never prove it, even if we wanted to, so i say live life the best you can, you only got one shot at so live it up while you can booze, rave parties, sky diving, or just watching Tv, what ever you enjoy doing, do it :
  9. 2 things, if you start it, i'll do a sprite, where a good place to upload .psd?
  10. as long as it isn't a sprite :?
  11. thats a serious lawlz moment right there, cant be more then 20-30min drive from me OT: what kinna camra you using woopidoo
  12. Haha, lots of people say that. This was after a day of rain, one of those gray, boring days that we've had for the last couple of weeks. And then I think about you Americans, where it never seems to rain :) Say that to Virginia man. I swear I've lost power like 4 times in the past 2 months because of storms. i know what you mean, virginiana here, power doesn't always 'go out' but just enough to turn off my computer, and get all the clocks to reset -.-
  13. [hide=] [/hide] lol looking back at the old ones, your realize you improve beyond just sharping an image, and using the eraser
  14. lol my older brother does something like that, every year, past 5 years i think, bring a cell phone that gets service there, one time he went, and we couldn't talk to him at all to see if he was ok, and he was in a violent area, so didn't know if he was ok or not :(
  15. simple draynor.net, and all i can read is the "ohai guise!!1", 3/10
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