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Everything posted by Enipeus

  1. cool i like how they show it and put a coming soon instead of just releasing it by surprise :o
  2. I think bad with membership costing more per month they should be releasing more updates not fixes even though he said he wasn't going to now its basically paying for members to have it not for new content. I just want more ways to get faster slayer xp and mining xp and the other hard skills with a mini game or some sort of update so you can get like 100k+ xp per hour in those skills =P~
  3. maybe the system counted Learning the Ropes not Jagex #-o
  4. I hope they never do this phats need to stay the way they are theyve probly been the only reason I play rs because items that cant be brought into the game anymore is such a cool idea especially because they on the rise and worth loads you gotta show you're good to wear one :ugeek:
  5. uhh noo thats cool people make it sometimes :lol: but yes as in rs items eg: ashes
  6. Jagex puts lots of things thruout scapeland to keep people wondering I do hope a new quest will be related to it though =P~
  7. well shoot if you think about it theres nothing else to do sometimes. this happens to lots of people like me but life is so boring for me right now i'm about to start playing rs again, and when I skill I play long after I first get bored.
  8. awseome didnt see this on the front page probably on forums right?
  9. I love all your pictures gl with 99 ranging :thumbup: :thumbup: 2 thumbs up
  10. hah thats cool lol I thought only I looked up to people =P~
  11. interesting indeed I have never done the quest and when I do I will look around a lot.
  12. Lmao u just trying to show off ur pic ? dont do drugs but gl wit 99 wc :thumbup: :thumbup:
  13. good luck with yoru blog on your new laptop \ addme in game i'll monster hunt with you :mrgreen:
  14. seventeen turing 18 in 5 months :ohnoes:
  15. yeah I think when people quote someone they want a free post count, and usualy doesn't contribute to the topic so I dont read those usually as well when reading through topics.
  16. The f2p town songs brings back feelings of playing rs when I started but I like Reggae2 and how they made Life a Beach! :P I want to hear that 1 but I dont have it :-#
  17. I definitly wouldnt be playing rs but if so I would get 200M prayer xp
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