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Everything posted by yomom1919

  1. come back later. i had the same problem 3 months ago (except i only played 1 hour a day lol) i quit after that for 3 months, and got back on track, and got a's in all but a few classes third quarter. you just need time management skills and help, and try making a schedule to practice self-control. after you master that, you will be able to juggle runescape and school and anything else. and time-management is ALOT easier then u think. it may take a while, and it WILL take help from your parents and teachers (assuming they are determined, as you should be), but yll make it thru i hope. but im afraid you will probably regret dropping your stuff.
  2. one problem.. if you had members already, then you wouldnt need this machine.
  3. mwhaha youve got a merchants heart :wink: btw nice drop. barrows seems real fun but im lvl 72. so ill pass.
  4. ehh... umm... what? :shock: sorry but i didnt understand that, but yeah friends sometimes want ur stuff lolz. that grup of people are called moochers, just put em on ur ignore list and report him for asking personal questions.
  5. its just another one of those hidden updates things. stop spamming greenboy, youve been spamming up the last few posts and just insulting the poster.
  6. no. impossible. you need to be lvl 25 in a skill to cash in the token, sorry.
  7. sry doulbe post cause of lag :cry:
  8. there should be the word 'from' in there. yes it is a gramatical error. and its not 'british' english btw. ill put it simple for you: Me stops breathing too much dust. < thats a fragment. even if you put in from it would still be a fragment, however. you need to define what you are talking about. in that sentence there is NO subject. what stops you from breathing too much dust? you could say either it or the dust mask. do me a favor and try to diagram the sentence. you cant hmm? its because lack of subject. it/dust mask would be the subject, stops would be the verb, me would be the direct object. from breathing is a prep phrase. dust is the indirect object, and too and much modify it.
  9. animals have as many NATURAL rights as us. none.
  10. could you circle the loading gangplank on that minimap pic plz? and like that other person said mabye put some tatics on. (this would help it get into the archives of wisdom) otherwise, nice guide! sorry if im being too demanding :? . its only one day into the minigame and you already have this guide up 8) gj i hope it makes its way into the archives of wisdom.
  11. you for trying that nooby scam on us :roll:
  12. If you havn't got anything that doesn't intimidate me then don't type at all.... So people should only type if they are going to intimidate you? Rofl
  13. aww plz dont turn this into jagex itll spoin my easter fun :?
  14. they should make a tip.it research team for stuff like this. id gladly join to contirbute.
  15. no, because heres the reason: the average game for a console is 50 bucks (american). youll play the average console game for 1-3 months, then stop runescape is 60 bucks (american) for 1 year. cut that in half its 30 bucks for half a year, which is 20 dollars less for twice the amount of playing time. in other words, youll play rs for alot longer than a console game, so you save money because console games are more expensive AND you play for a shorter time.
  16. ive nevr got called a noob on my pure cause people see him in green dhide and there like :?: . so instead of calling me a noob they ask :lol:
  17. lol i thought you were going to stop flaming. dont heil hitler plz.. lol i think you can get hit for that. anyway i can type very, very fast. ill type however i want thanks for your concern though. and no i dont peck at the keys, i type witout lookin (yes i kno its nawt amazin but dis dude dinks im bad thyper yo i spell bad becuz you seem to dont understnd). and i care that you look down on me because.. . :roll: i hope you hate yourself because you were once a little kid.
  18. as something you would find on any boards for a price - 210m, however youve got something nice in there. go quit for another 6 months and itll be 400m.
  19. einstein's estimated iq is between 160-180. so i assume your a world class physicist? :roll: bill clintons iq was 182, and i dont believe he was all that great of a physist. i highly doubt his iq was 182. monica was ugly as hell.
  20. i was training on giants, had no school that monday. i logged on a f2p world not knowing i had members, didnt think my money arrived yet. i trained for a while on the giants, then switched worlds and i was like WOAH IMA MEMB0R YAY!. then i told my friend and she gave me full ham :lol: . i wuz so happy.
  21. actually i do that, im not a little kid, and it saves me time :roll: . i can spell correctly, i just dont choose to on the internet.
  22. einstein's estimated iq is between 160-180. so i assume your a world class physicist? :roll:
  23. guthans just simply doesnt match because it doesnt appear 3d anymore.. it looks like a drawn cartoon or something. its just 2d.. take a good look at it.. like animation\cartoon. as for the animations, they will NEVER be worth it. ill put it to you this way. would you rather have 10 million dollars on wednesday and only wednesday, and the rest of the week you have 50k. or would you rather have 10m all the time, 24/7? how does this make sence? your only gona animate once in a while, but your armor will be on all the time..
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