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Everything posted by onauric

  1. That's gotta hurt. At least you can high alch them for 25k ea.
  2. It's just luck. On my last barrows session I did first 50 chests without any items and then got like 4 items from less than 10 chests.
  3. You just forgat to kill him in his tomb. Your kill count might have been 5 when you entered tunnels, but sometimes you get some "extra" counts like sometimes I might have kill count 6 when I enter tunnels and sometimes even 7+. I actually have a some sort of theory for this; on your last run you might have attacked some monsters like rats when you were running in the tunnels hitting them way over half hp but not killing them. Then you loot the chest and get out of the tunnels and start over again, but the monsters are still down there and someone else might attack and kill them but they count as your kills... So you get kill count for your new run while your still up killing the brothers in their tombs.
  4. Rune defenders. Sold my obby shields when I got my defenders.
  5. Running around the scape from wild to Isafdar and back and getting 3x rune dagger, some runes and lobbys.
  6. I used house tabs when I took 68->70 rc few days ago crafting mainly deaths. I'm quite paranoid and also recharged my prayer in my chapel and used my wall glory, it only takes few secs if you have done your house layout wisely... And it sure did piss of few pkers who were able to attack me (mainly 107-109lvl) when I hitted my prayer prots on. :) With black dhides and prayer your pretty much unbeatable and you can always just crash your tablet on the ground if your getting owned. If they cast tb (usually splash against your hides) on you then don't worry, they are wasting their time giving you time to reach the zammy mage. I have never died doing abyss and now I don't even bother changing worlds if there's pkers.
  7. Hmm... That just tells that forum mods have some common sense. Stop being hairsplitter.
  8. 5 emmys, snapdragon, 3 toadflaxes, gnomeball from the gnome at trollweiss mountain, then I lost my interest running around the scape delivering toad and worm cakes. :P
  9. Can you use the glider station at the southern part of jungle?
  10. First time when I wen't there killing them I got two masks in a hour and I though they were only semi-rare... After that I have had few 150~ cave horror tasks without getting a mask. (I Had wealth equipped all the time). Hope this helps some.
  11. I've got most of my items having kill count 6 (killing only the brothers). Hope you gain some luck soon. :)
  12. Fury ammy instead of gnome. Gives 10+ att and 15+ def to all and 8+ str and 3+ pray.
  13. Yes yes, I really want to learn how Glough summoned his Black and Jungle demons and then have them follow me as bodyguards. :roll:
  14. Sound nice and too bad you aren't p2p(?) since Entrana church would be one of the largest and most peaceful around I suppose. Too bad also that I can't come since my wife Princess Astrid of Miscellania can't spare time from her duties. Also Saradomin would strike me down if I ever entered one of his lovely churces since I worship Zamorak in my chapel and guess which family crest I have...
  15. Yes, same with the another armor thingy.
  16. Yes, Jad sure is a firey beast... As any other creature there are living inside a volcano I suppose... :-k But you still have to switch between your prayers there and fight your way to Jad so it's always difficult whatever your levels or gears might be. Took me 6 tries and 5 failed Jads to get that cape.
  17. Two so far, it was actually quite hilarious. One from lesser and one from hobgoblin and both in the same hour. I was doing lesser task at crandor and shortly after I had got the first one from lesser I accidentally attacked the hobgoblin wandering there and it dropped champs scroll too. :)
  18. Ya, very common in many games. They always seem to forget bathrooms. :shame:
  19. I now days usually play on servers in Sweden as they are most closest one to me so worlds 120-124, mainly 121. Used to be 69 before them.
  20. Nice guide, I decided yesterday to start hunting that cape for first time. Failed 4th time today, I have no trouble getting to the Jad and have done it each time. On my first try he spawned right besides me and I guessed his first attack right which was range, but then he one hitted all my 91hp... I'm not sure which attack it was and it happened too fast but trust me it was a 91 hit... On 2nd try I messed too much with healers and the 3rd try was the most closest one but I messed it up again. On my last try I failed to find him, I had changed auto retaliate on but it was all too late when I finally got him in sight. :P I just have to learn how he spawns, does he always spawn at the same place or is it completely random?
  21. Just be extra careful with verac as he might hit through your prayer with his set effect now days.
  22. I'l think I face my last day before RuneScape does. :| I'm not se keen after these never-going-to-happen "what if..." dilemmas; Probably nothing would happen exept streets full of peeps complaining and cursing Jagex.
  23. I don't think many p2p pk with large and kite. If you see someone wearing them and who are non-skulled then just leave them alone or bug them until they get skulled. Also when you make heraldic items you already "lose" them as you can't trade them away, all you can do is high alch them so it's pretty much 70-30.
  24. What, someone has two ectophials? Jagex better make it possible for me too. :(
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