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Everything posted by elmo_killer6

  1. There could be a little more contrast in the shading. Right now the colors look too bland, if you know what I mean. Also either make the sky transparent or do something with it since the sky isn't really white, unless this is a WIP of course :-w
  2. I'll see if I have time I might do something. EDIT: My entry
  3. Default brush put on scatter settings with a character pasted on and plain text.
  4. Defense is getting hit less often.
  5. New sig. I personally like the outcome.
  6. Yes, isn't she soo leet? I would request one, but my sigscript is full. She? :o OMG WOMEN ON THE INTERNETZ@@@@ By the way what do you mean by "sigscript"? He uses uzzisoft and it can only hold so many images to swap between.
  7. Yay for me. Good job to you guys too I really liked them.
  8. Im fine with him entering it even if there are scanlines don't know about yaff though.
  9. Can a mod please move to the gallery didn't realize I was in Contests.
  10. Here's a gallery of some of my sigs in no particular order, but for the most part my newer ones are at the top: Before I started using c4d's
  11. My entry, don't know if I'll have time to make another tomorrow.
  12. Most people who make profit mine the steel and coal themselves. Steel bodys by buying steel is faster experience than say cannon balls but you lose the profit aspect. They jsut alch them to gain mage exp and minimize loss.
  13. Is this what you're talking about? All it took was a simple search.
  14. It's okay but the water looks a little wierd and the sky in the background doesn't really seem to fit. It seems like it should be darkened abit.
  15. This forum is for contest of art that you create, not screenshots, unless ofcourse they're fakes. Screenshots go here.
  16. IT's from king lathas's traning ground which can be used after completion of the biohazard quest. The can be found to the northwest of east ardougne.
  17. F2P or not? If members I'd say go to caged ogres on a populated world and pick them up there. IF you're f2p then this is for you.
  18. Writing things jsut helps you remember them more. Just type something like hiah392vjkafl into word then copy and paste in into the two password areas. Then click the x on word and goodbye.
  19. Dang nice! May i see the orginal render? or stock? looks like a dinosaur, not a dragon :P Render Now we're just waiting on thru. I think I stole his render though from what he posted on my thread on it in the gallery :roll:
  20. Yeah .psd is the format in which photoshop will save the layered document. Oyu can do it by saving normally instead of using save for web.
  21. Yea I suck at text and I didn't have enough time last night to find a font I liked so I jsut kinda picked one.
  22. Made for a battle with thru and yaff. I was mainly jsut messing around and trying different things. EDIT: ver. 2 Changed text, still not sure about it though and added some stuff around the mouth.
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