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Everything posted by 12pure34

  1. Maybe instead of speculations about what he is going to do, perhaps just aks him?
  2. Just for the record: DIY means DECIDING that you choose to do actions with the limitation of your own character at that point. There is a big difference between people not knowing other methods, not having means to other methods or the actual DIY who willingly and knowingly chooses to do so (which we are discussing here). Like I said, just for the record, so we are all on the same page.
  3. What would you use Magic on? Only thing I can think of are Glacors (Fire Surge, debatable if worse than SoA). Barraging rock lobsters or perhaps sheer fun for those that don't maximize experience. Either way, lower prices on a skill that is high-consuming on expensive runes, making it somewhat cheaper benefits almost everyone I think.
  4. When I see all those fancy calculations and numbers, I seem to miss the RC experience you get in the game. I think that adds up quite quickly as well? Is there a boost in GOP players at the moment? It's a fun little minigame and the buff to blood tablets is very significant. Will we see high level players in there commonly now? On economic side: Blood rune is ''officially'' down on G.E., how much is it in actual value? lower rune price --> more magic? Seeing how blood runes add up in higher level spells, this is only a good thing? Less effigies - more runecrafting done in general - buff to blood runes = Cheaper magic
  5. What I always experienced: If you don't do something, you most likely have something else to fill your time with. For most of us, there simply isn't enough play time in a week to do all ''daily things etc etc''. Therefor we drop them ;) I did sometimes go out of my way to do something I haven't done in a while, just because I like to keep things fresh. It's the reason I was never able to train something more then an hour on end haha.
  6. I'm just checking, because this is actually the first time I read it. Your ranged damage goes up if you increase the distance between you and the target? I am not an expert on ranged, far from, but I can't find anything about multipliers and distances, that is why.
  7. Was there ever a calculation/approximation done for the damage per shot INCLUDING the dragonfire effect from the dragonstone bolt? Also how often are those used on bosses or PvP? I would love to see a damage comparison on a fixed defense level. Ruby bolts would (I can only assume) be highest if monster > X amount of health. And dragonstone spec value would be relatively higher when mob has high defense. (I don't think the spec is affected by defense values?) Mithril bolts Broad bolts Runite bolts Dragonstone bolts Onyx bolts Bakriminel bolts Do we even need to consider arrows?
  8. Has there been a new time tabled formed with effieincy rates and how long it would take to max having the drop rate of effigies reduced? Also does someone know which methods have changed from effigy-scape to something else for maximum ''practical'' effiency (given, what the top 15 uses, not demon thrones ;) )
  9. If you are going for a cost base decision making, do note that SoA has a higher KO potential. Every value added to the burst (and thus KO potential) is exponentially more worth in terms of value. There is a lot to be considered. Just remember that spending an extra 500k on spells to win 10m (or to not lose 10m) is definitly worth it. For balance issues, Runescape is extremely hard to balance if you compare it to games like WoW. In WoW, everyone has the same potential to get gear (depending on effort you put it), much like Runescape. Same HOWEVER! most fights are between NON-EVEN levels, which makes balancing harder. In a lot of MMORPG, the real game (hardcore PvP / PvM) doesn't start until you reach the final level. different Even if you were to use same levels (most likely maxed out), you still can't compare gear. In WoW, gear has a pointed rating. Each stat is valued and a certain amount of points is distributed over multiple stats. I don't see that happening on Runescape items yet. Until they do so, balance is hardly worth a discussion. Last thing, and this is most likely the worst, the money spent on each class ISN'T compareble. You simply are unable to compare a fixed price (Sword) vs. a variable price (Runes) in a PvP situation UNLESS the price is neglectable, which for the (by far) majority isn't the case.. To sum up: - Level difference - Gear level difference - Pricing difference - Only availability is ''fair'' (in the end, those who spent more time and effort should have some sort of reward, that's the big idea about most MMORPG's)
  10. They probaly won't be PvM, they probaly won't be gathered by the mass, but I can see their use in PvP. Low amount of people that are able to gather bolts + low willingness to gather bolts + scare method of getting bolts + risk when getting bolts = expensive bolts. In the end, price will decide and set the demand/supply for it. If little enough people are willing to make them and enough to use them, we got ourselves a nice profitable woodcutting / fletching update! AND THAT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IS A GOOD THING! Also this will be commonly used by people alching or doing such things as to make money on the side I can see. Expect the safe trees to be camped 24/7
  11. Just how many charms do you have exactly? :shock: I'm more curious about the secondaries and shards. We demand pictures! The people demand pictures!
  12. In defense of S U O M I, if you say you are able to play upwards of 10 hours a day, I, and I believe many, are flat out jealous. You are able to do what you like, whenever you want. (given no obligations etc etc.). I think it interests many of us due to your status in the game. You are a hollywood star amongst Runescape players and I guess haters is the price for fame (wether you like it or not). I think it's just human nature to respond like we do. Do note, not defending it, talking someone down is something that seldom if never is the proper response. Either way, cats are always a good addition. Do you have a baby troll btw and if so, how did you name it? (absolutely not relevant to 200m :P but w/e) Also, who's going to give us the sweet top 15 update before and after the BXPW?
  13. 12pure34

    All set

    Give us some screenshots of the materials and methods :P We like pictures! Especially with short descriptions ^^
  14. Now there's a man who knows how to sell me a spreadsheet!
  15. Well, it sounds fun. I will be reading your blog but please please please, stop if your not enjoying yourself :P I know sleep depriviation is a KILLER even when your having fun. Let alone if your burning out. Either way, any goals that are set, or just a goal of staying awake ~50-60 hours.
  16. Perhaps time for an update on the time chart and milestones? Also, did anyone dare to make an estimate on the amount of hours played on average weekly by our top contestors.
  17. Can we get 2 different definitions. E.g. for the absolute max exp/time --> Experience Efficiency And insert subjective factors --> Perceptual Efficiency It would solve most of these arguments ;) Just use the terms correctly. On topic, very interested in how extreme the jumps during the BXW will become. A few guys in top 10 doing 20-40m weekends?
  18. I believe that if you look back a few pages in this thread, it has been discussed.. quite a few times.
  19. K O N Y 2012, congrats on taking rank 1 ;) J/k, guess S U O M I changed name. Didn't read it before, so it's fresh?
  20. I quite like your writing :D It's a quest I finished a long time ago but your story actually made me enjoy that moment again! Keep on writing away!
  21. What does this mean? The bot bust got solved? There is big money in botting again?
  22. :) fun to read. Cool that your doing some clues now. Using those paws on slayer I assume?
  23. Keep it up :D good luck I'd say! You practiced with the sounds and hotkeys?
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