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Everything posted by lagatag

  1. Imo the orange is really lame. It hurts my eyes to look at my stats now.
  2. I like my own pronunciations better.
  3. I once high alched my natures on rs1, which alched all your nats. Good thing I only had about a hundred or so withdrawn.
  4. Withdrawing all my gp after membership ended, so I couldnt deposit without dropping all my p2p and over half my f2p items.
  5. My fav member outfit is zammy robes, redheadband, and legends cape. Looks awesome.
  6. You should play rs1 then. Rs2 killed rs by your definition of kill.
  7. Rune sqaure back when only like 2 or 3 people could make them, and they were a couple hundred k.
  8. I spent many long hours, lost count of number of runs, and never got a single barrows drop.
  9. Runecrafting is slow, even with pouches and abyss. So is herblore and prayer. Slayer is slow, but for me at least its fun, plus you get normal combat expierience and drops.
  10. During mass leather crafting I actually used up a couple needles, so went and bought about 100 from store, then didnt use any up since. So idk what Jagex is doing, maybe its a sorta anti macro thing. Macroer thinks needles dont break and boom they're needleless.
  11. Using "n0 lyf" as an insult has overtaken noob on free world i think. I can't walk anywhere without some random low level asking for free stuff, or just yelling out omg, 107 u no life lol. Although when I ask how much they play, and it turns out they play more than me, they turn to noob, and when I dont give them free stuff too, or at least not free rune. It's great to give like pots to people who ask for free stuff.
  12. I think the censor is ridiculus. It blocks more acceptable words, then curses or other offensive words.
  13. No, because jagex is too ban happy, and my mind is often against the rules.
  14. I only rely on people actually buying and selling stuff they say they're going to.
  15. I'm 99% sure no one at my school even knows what runescape is.
  16. Lol? There's an actual species of penguin called a macaroni penguin.
  17. I loved most slayer assignment monsters from lost city, like fire giants, black demons, jellies, trolls, daggs, etc.
  18. Deposit my coins, I'm actually contemplating getting p2p again just to do that, because I don't fell like making mules for all my f2p stuff, and dropping all my dragon.
  19. Jagex needs to make one bite things that heal 20+, are relatively easy to make as in same time as fishing a load of shark, and massive upgrades to cooking guild. Still, fishing will always own cooking, as even if jagex makes better foods to cook besides fish, they will be members only, and the majority of raw fish comes from f2p, and the market is already established, and I doubt "spaghetti" or whatever will take it away.
  20. Runescape economics don't reflect real life economics. Money doesn't magically appear in real life like from high alching in rs. Also the people with party hats don't all buy and sell from each other, its not like a club. New and more people constantly want rares, and when theres only a couple hundred left the prices will be so high very few could afford them, but there will be people willing to pay and able to pay.
  21. Even with the extra burns monkfish are still better xp, unless jagex nixed their catch rates since I fished there last, which was actually a good while ago.
  22. Going over 30 is useless and a waste of time. I got 20 most when I went there.
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