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Everything posted by zonda

  1. Bah! Foiled again by you, cameron.... Yea I suppose it could, never crossed my mind. Not used to thinking that way. I don't generally create the restrictions lol, because I am the one trying to get around them... 8)
  2. Yuppers, other wise it won't create back ups... so if you end up needing those for some reason or another you are spit out of luck
  3. I don't see the point of using a proxy either if you don't need to... They can make connections slower, and a pain in the butt... The only good that can come from them, is more security because your browsing annonomously... but if someone is going to go through the trouble of getting an IP (or in your case a proxy) they can easilly trace it to its where abouts and get the IP. The ammount of people that would just target a random person are slim... and there are a lot of 'random persons' out there in line before you. Unless your mommy and daddy are secret agent FBI people who can't reveal their uber doober super secret location, aka 123 fake street, then you should have anything to worry about :wink:
  4. This is a known issue with firefox... for some reason it only happens when your computer is using alot of CPU. There really is no 'fix' for it besides doing less at once :wink:
  5. And I would just like to add, that I don't think it is the computer that is stupid... but maybe hte operator :wink:
  6. Well if that wasn't the most ignorant, crude, and discriminating comment I have ever read... ...Get over yourself. Please. :roll: Yea well.. the truth hurts. I happen to live in nowhere's ville Wisconsin where all we have are farmers... and guess what? They all happen to be complete idiots, believe in rascism, hang confederate flags on there big loud trucks with 32 inch tires on them and drink beer all day while shooting at gophers :roll:
  7. ok you say this idea is lame.. but then you come with an even lamer idea.. farming! wooptie doo! i have dreamt all year to be standing in a garden with a hitchfork.. waiting hours for a cabbage to grow ! wooot! designing is fun.. but would be very lame as a rs skill. carpentry has been done in the past.. but didnt work out. because crafting is such an expanded skill theres hardly any good skill to think about.. besides perhaps beer drinking :roll: so some respect to Jagex if they actually do come out with something. actually perhaps this "summoning" could actually be good. my only doubt is what effect it will have on the wilderness? Agreed... why do we need new skills? 99.9% of you don't have a single skill over 98... There is plenty of stuff to do in RS stop whining. Farming? Yes... my fantisy is being a red neck skin headed hick who stands around with hay in his mouth mumbling such things as "hey der der hey har de who derrr.... get me my gun maud, that there is a rabbit eat me cabbage and I is a gonna get him!! I is a gonna teach him a real good lesson fer eatten mah cabbage!" Come on... get real :roll: :roll:
  8. This is what I do... I like thinking about the satisfaction of a 99 skill, thinking about all the money that will flow in, making a forum fish shop, and even watching my experience rise (I love watching my experience rise in the skill menu...weird huh) but i found it to provide plenty of motivation that will get me to 85 easily
  9. Lmfao... sex[Caution: ExecutableFile] That is hilarious try going to start >> run then type msconfig look for the entry and just disable it :wink:
  10. RIght click my computer >> properties >> hardware >> device manager >> display adaptors Look for the onboard card (it might not be in display adapters) but it WILL be somewhere in the device manager list, possibly near your MB stuff... then just select it and choose to 'uninstall' it which will basically tell your computer to ignore that it even exists untill you choose to 'install' it, which I don't see why you would ever need\want to :wink:
  11. play withyour router and\or your firewall gold plx :wink: lol
  12. You do know that beretta has like 5 definitions, is mutple corporations and companies, and a kind of car... right? I believe he meant beret
  13. Can you actually manually find the file? Is it hidden? It it protected?
  14. Ugg.... don't reformat, because that is too much work for most people to be bothered with when you really don't need to. Read the stickies on the tech and computer board. There you will find links to housecall, which you should scan with, adawarre, spybot, zone alarm... which is a firewall that you should use. Then post a hi jack this log here after scanning with all the above listed programs in safemode. If you don't know how to enter safe mode search for it, it has been posted many times before.
  15. Bad Idea in this case. To the poster: Install the latest version of DirectX, from Microsoft. Search their site (it may even be linked from the front page). Why is that a bad idea hannibal? I have gotten plenty of requiered DLL files off library sites? Unless you would be worried about like a virus or something... but the sites I am refereing to are all trusted
  16. Use the search button or read the stickies on the media board
  17. Yes i know that people do that, didnt the 90mil gone guy do it? Believe it or not, but there are a few that do it. I used to know one of them til they got hacked. Well those 'few' that do are idiots because in the long run they lose money :roll: Also, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the 90million gone guy (which was actually around 76 mill, and that is just in todays prices) was doing it because he quit
  18. I don't see why it would be a browser ordeal, since one day it worked and the next it didn't. Do you know if she changed any settings at all, install anythign new, switch ISP's? anything? I suggest scanning with Anti virus, sanning with adaware and spybot, as well as housecall. The links for all of them can be found in the stickies on this board. I also reccomend posting a HiJackThis log here :wink:
  19. maybe he can't see the processes if not on admin account? That doesn't make sence to me because I can see processes even when at school \ library unless it is restricted somehow? Maybe because windows is being shared by a bunch of computers? I have no clue.... maybe he edited it :wink: :wink: Anyways, the odds of the person who would put a keylogger on a library computer playing runescape would be slim, the odds of a person putting a keylogger on one of the hundreds of computers a library has is slim... and the odds that your on that computer are slim. In any case, most librarys don't allow you to save to any drives, and also have a form of 'clean slate' which will delete anything on the drives that was not protected. For instance, it will say "don't delete internet explorer and solitare" but anything else on that drive would be delete on start up :wink:
  20. Nuff said... lol With out windows updates, your reducing your computer's security greatly, even if you have firewalls, antivirus, hardware firewall, you name it... don't be arrogant. It's like saying because a gun backfired once, you should never use a gun to hunt a bear, but instead use your knife which has never hurt you... sure your knife didn't hurt you but good luck with that bear. And you wonder why there are so many threads on every board of these forums going "OMG!1!1! I GAWT HACKD!!"
  21. The only thing I have noticed is that firefox sometimes takes a while to start up, and occasionally after I am done using it and closed it all out, firefox is still in my process list like 2 hours later, using like 30megs of RAM :(
  22. Well what exactly happens when you try to access a website besides runescape?
  23. \ Arg, good thinking. Never thought of that :wink:
  24. Just search on google for the files you need, chances are you will find a site with a big library of DLL and OCX files and what not
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