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Everything posted by remington

  1. Thank you. Looks like I've got a trip to Keldagrim in my future.
  2. Does anyone know if buying a better stone is permanent, or does it have to be re-bought after every death?
  3. The loot share that Jagex states they are looking at fixing?
  4. The bots are owned by the RWT. Once the RWT are gone, their bots will go with them.
  5. The 3k will stay in place for trades. The +-5 percent will stay in place for GE sales. EXCEPT FOR NEW ITEMS. NEW ITEMS ONLY will be given GENEROUS prices, then allowed to float for a period of time with NO restrictions. So players have the ability to make ALOT of cash on newly introduced items.
  6. Actually, while I do like your sig, this is more SOCIALISM than COMMUNISM. And to the guy that stated Communism will work in theory; And in theory killing everyone on the earth would solve global warming. And has JUST as much possiblity of working in real life as communism. Communism will never work, because people like to OWN things.
  7. Indeed, proxie servers can only do so much. There are ways to determine a ROUGH area where the original IP came from. And if this rough area is thousands of miles away from the last IP range that a player logged in from and not enough time has passed it would be an instant ban. And Jagex can always just ban players accounts from being accessed through the most popular proxie servers. I run a board, and I've got it set to reject ANYONE coming through using a proxie.
  8. I think we've seen the end of most of them. And that's a good start.
  9. While I hope there's NOT that many fools in runescape to pay another person to play their accounts, I would rather have THAT then thousands of bots. One macroer can run dozens of bots, I doubt that same macroer can run more than 2 or 3 accounts at one time. And I SERIOUSLY question ANY company that claims it will farm you one million in gold on your account for a set price. Farming 1 mill for a set amount on a toon with 2000 skill total? Fast, easy. Farming 1 mill for SAME set amount on a new lvl 3 toon? Not so much. The problems RWT were causing the game in the past did not have a base in that they were abusing the rules. Though they were. The problems were the thousands of bots that hogged resources, then undercut ALL player gathered materials in search of gold to sell quickly. Having a few hundred idiots getting their accounts tweaked while they sleep is WRONG, and I hope they get banned quickly, but their actions will hardly have the same affect as the bots of old.
  10. How many of those that staked and PKed for money used any of it for "skills"? The majority just used used it to stake/PK more. And from what I've seen the only ones that have quit are a lot of the bots, and several thousand PKers/stakers. And while I don't like seeing any player that didn't break the rules leave, runescape can survive without bots and the few thousand that have left. All the ways of making money are not gone. Several "quick and easy" ways have been removed. There are PLENTY of ways left, but they MIGHT require more of a time investment. If this isn't for you, then I suggest you go play any one of a hundred instant gratification first person shooters on the market today. When all this is over, and runescape still exists will all these "doom and gloom" players admit they were wrong?
  11. This is dream, those thing cannot coexist...(hmmm.i doubled message, sry) You are a real life innovation newb. The day you log into runescape with swiping your finger trugh a bult in DNA reader incorporated into any machine making it impossible for other people to log into your RS account and when JageX ban your DNA profile when you break rules so it is impossible for you to ever enter Runescape.com again it will happen. Oh and then they can also manage to keep everyone that is under the age of 13 away for good. Age limits on the web will mean something. Yeah.... Jagex refuses to collect personal data on anyone that's F2P. I don't think you can get ANY more personal than DNA. SO I doubt that will ever happen.
  12. Sharks are still used for high end monster killing. If Jagex fixes group drops sharks use should be high enough.
  13. Autos were not good for runescape, they were good for players that both didn't want to gather items themselves AND didn't feel they should have to pay a fair price to those that DID. Now that this flood of illegal resources is about to end we will see FAIR prices for resources. Some prices WILL go up. This will lead to players either PAYING that higher price, or getting off their duffs and gathering it themselves.
  14. I THINK he meant, how will Jagex price new items in the game on the GE? The shop price for whips is about 200K right? Well they first started selling above 60 million. How is the GE going to handle that? It's a GOOD question. Would anyone sell a whip for 200K if it was introduced in January?
  15. BS! Jagex knows that stats are more important to a player than items. I worked YEARS for my 1919 skill total. Over 6 to be exact. I'd rather have my STATS than ANY of the tripe in my bank. I can get the items back rather quickly. The QUESTS/STATS would just hurt to much to try. #-o Sorry, didn't think about that. Then in that case, I would suggest to them that they transfer the STATS (they can change their own, why not his) to the new account, as well as items. Or just rename the account. Both just seem so much better. Indeed. Jagex stated years ago that they were going to introduce a "rename" feature. They never did. I don't understand why they don't offer it in his case. He's OBVIOUSLY not made one of "those" names that deserves an instant ban. There's no reason to totally bone him like this.
  16. BS! Jagex knows that stats are more important to a player than items. I worked YEARS for my 1919 skill total. Over 6 to be exact. I'd rather have my STATS than ANY of the tripe in my bank. I can get the items back rather quickly. The QUESTS/STATS would just hurt to much to try.
  17. To be technical Jagex can ban a player and does not need to give any money back. But to be honest I would still call paypal and ask for a refund. I'd send them the notice Jagex gave you, and your reply. (Unless you can't I don't use paypal, I'd call my credit card company and have it immediately refunded, let Jagex fight for their money back) There is NOTHING offensive about your name. You've probably angered a few "noobs" and they've done the only thing they could to get back at you. That would really burn my buns. I'd drop everything, and quit.
  18. I don't see where Jagex stole anything there. And Jagex is free to allow customers to do things normally not allowed if they so wish. It seems they are trying to help you there, but I can say if I got an offensive name ban after I've played since Sep, 2001 with NO black marks I too would just give everything away. I see nothing wrong with your name. I hope they changed their minds.
  19. Only a fool would agree to that. I think having a player in one country play, then 10 minutes later log back in a thousand miles away will set SOMETHING off. RWT is feasible. But not profitable. There are plenty of bot account with millions on them right now. We'll see these being sold. But after they are gone I doubt we'll see an army of toons being botted up. Without a way to tweak their new toons they will have to work for every gold piece and every experience point. If you try to bot it all there is a VERY good chance the account will get banned. This wasn't a problem when you could have dozens of accounts, as long as a few got didn't get banned you made money. Now if the account gets banned they lose everything. Nope. Some RWT will stick around, the vast majority will go to easier pickings.
  20. And still no comment on what Andrew himself said about players that don't like these kinds of updates? Oh, and I haven't seen where Qeltar wrote that ALL PKers were scum. I've seen him write that MANY of them were. But I've never seen him state ALL anywhere. But I digress, in the spirit of ANDREW himself: If you hate the ditch, think players that get scammed deserved it, and don't like us making this game safer for new players, LEAVE. Jagex doesn't want you here. The update WAS heavy handed, Jagex has stated they are going to adjust things, and introduce new content when they can't. Flooding the forums, spamming, and rioting does not help matters. And no matter HOW much a player is mad they have NO right to break rules to express their anger. They can act civilized and follow the rules like they agreed to do. Seeing as all these "players" don't seem to care about breaking the rules when something happens that they don't like, I have no doubt these same players didn't care about breaking the in-game rules before this happened.
  21. Thank you. I may have left your site. But I still agree with you most of the time. While this update is a bit overbearing, there's nothing truely "evil" about it.
  22. Maybe you should read the article that he links to at the top? The one where he states that he doesn't LIKE the price controls maybe? The last article was one opinion, now THIS one is attempted to try and show what GOOD came of it. He states that MANY good players are quitting because of this, did you miss that part? But he and ANYONE else should be happy that RWT and their bots are now GONE. He and anyone else should be happy that it's now impossible for players to trade items from one account to another in an effort to make training the new account easier. Because obviously none of the posters here would EVER make a pure, and cheat to level it up. Therefore you must be glad that no one ELSE can now either.
  23. "More stereotyping, generalising, blame throwing and being self righteous. Who are you to judge who should be here or not? Why do you think after all your posts nobody ever offered you to be a mod, pmod, forum mod, any mod?" One of the CREATORS of Jagex said almost EXACTLY what Qeltar said in a news post. Basically if you were the kind of player that felt the victims of fraud deserved it, and that Jagex shouldn't do all they could to stop these scams he stated he DID NOT WANT YOU TO BE PLAYING RUNESCAPE. I wish I knew which post it was, I'm gonna look around right now. But I'm sure there's others that read it. Oh, and I dislike pures as well. On principal, NOT because I got "owned". I'm lvl 124, if and when I went into the wild PJers, and their like bothered me, pures didn't. I dislike pures simply because they are an ADMITTED exploit of the combat system. And I dislike ANYONE that abuses exploits.
  24. Solo Pking died along time ago. "Safing" on the edge was never solo PKing. I hope Jagex fixes this, or makes a REAL "one verse one" area. But don't try to equate this update to some mythical type of PKing that's been dead since players started to swarm the edge.
  25. Seeing as it's generally accepted that most pures were made by trading items from mains to the new pures I can see that this update is partially against pures. But seeing as there's so many pures running the show in medium bounty hunter right now they aren't going anywhere. This just means players will have to level pures honestly. Something Jagex should have made them do since the beginning.
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