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Everything posted by Giordano

  1. Well the way I see it, is when we as a society want our romantic relationships to be on the same level of trust and support as our family and best friends, we're going to run into inconsistencies. Why should I date this person for support, when I got my best friend? Why don't I sleep with my best friend when I'm feeling "in the mood"? So girlfriends/boyfriends really become a status symbol and a [bleep] buddy. Sounds pretty selfish to me (not to say selfishness is a bad thing). it's just my opinion of course, perhaps not relevant to what you said but it triggered those thoughts.
  2. It'll be pretty stupid to leave her for her age, Noxx will be just as old as her. Contrary to popular belief, there are only two types of old people who get girls in their early 20s: millionaires and billionaires.
  3. That was when TIF was more populated, no? As for this, I'll be frank I don't see how this would bring me a feeling of happiness. I already show my gratitude to those few who has helped me, I don't need to write it down saying thanks to them.
  4. I really doubt she'll, or anyone else, ever understand that. While all this monogamy/polygamy talk we've had here over the many months is all interesting and stuff, it's not something I can see being used in reality with the vast majority of people (when you want a somewhat serious relationship).
  5. Giordano


    My drug-free mind is having trouble understanding how a drug can make you focus more. Sounds like a terrible crutch.
  6. Giordano


    Gah... I decided to watch the TV show Firefly after many times being recommended to me. Watched the entire first season within three days, looked to find more seasons. But there's only 14 episodes. I am extremely disapointed. I did find out there's a movie though, but after that I'll be disapointed again. Why do shitty shows get millions of seasons but good shows don't? Live is not fair. God is dead. [bleep] everything.
  7. Giordano


    I don't regret my RS times. I wish I could go back to those times...just playing the entire day (yeah, I was very unsocial) and not worrying about anything.
  8. Giordano


    I'm entirely banking on my ability to get a teaching job at a California public school. Join the (mandatory) union and be protected from getting fired, receive great benefits and pension, and pretty much live the rest of my life laughing in my Union T-shirt.
  9. Giordano


    When you eventually get a job, you'll be more willing to spend money...then they'll criticize you for acting like an arrogant rich kid. From my experience, there is no end to family snide comments. :rolleyes:
  10. Giordano


    If its not you, it's someone else. So might as well be you.
  11. Giordano


    Down with a cold. Yesturday a missed a co-workers BBQ I was looking forward to go, but I was so tired I could barely focus.
  12. Walmart's stoplight in the main road in town. The thing is on a scheduled cycle so it forces cars to stop and show there is a Walmart there. As if nooone knew...[bleep]ing annoying.
  13. Still haven't done exercise. Should really do it though. This is on progress. I guess? Life kinda stagnated I don't have much time for social life atm. I'm happier now at work since I wrote that. But I wouldn't mind a better paying job though.
  14. I wouldn't correlate different historical events, they usually have 0 relations to each other. While I can see Russia annexing Crimea or creating a puppet state, I highly highly doubt they'd invade Poland. They're in NATO, Ukraine is not.
  15. You're completely in the right Noxx. You don't approve of smoking and you're not being authoritarian in forcing her to stop, but you won't be a part of it. If I had a girlfriend who smoked that's what I would of done. That said, I do like your reasoning for being against smoking. Government would [bleep]. You. Up. I wouldn't call this drama, though...nor an argument. Noxx cares about her and doesn't want to go to jail for it. He has to tell her about how he feels, also to make it clear he's not going to go riding in and saving her if she ever does get in trouble.
  16. I have pity on the RS community.
  17. Giordano


    I wouldn't worry about it. Her boss probably mentioned something needed improvement, so she's making sure everybody below her is doing it right. Happens at my job all the time. The district manager comes in, says we're putting too much cheese on the pizzas, then my manager grinds our asses on putting the right amount on, checks up on us, tests us, etc. After a while it kinda dies down and things return to normal.
  18. Man, I always write these long posts supporting Muggi but then I go severely off-topic and delete the whole thing, only to come back not knowing where to start off again...so I end up with nothing. The only thing I can say at this point is if you are happy now Gabe, good job. Keep it up. But, just be mindful of the (high) possibility of it ending.
  19. And the Library of Alexandria being destroyed was a blow to Western/Greek thought. Indian and Chinese knowledge were kept, for instance. There's no doubt some technology was forgotten in the past, but I doubt we don't have something similar/better today.
  20. Giordano


    Unless you got AC hitting you, yeah it's a fine temperature. People be crazy.
  21. Giordano


    People do buy pizza on V-Day. I made a little bit less on tips and mileage than on Super Bowl...and that's saying something.
  22. Giordano


    Do people normally buy pizza on Valentines? That's like the tenth times I've read it mentioned today.
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