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Everything posted by Lunar_Drifter

  1. So, they'd give me 4 mystic bottoms before we go out into the wild? Or while we're out there? If it was before, I'd just run off with them... and if it's after, I'd just drop 2 of them.. :twisted: What a stupid scam. Anyone else to confirm this though?
  2. As a general rule of thumb, we'll say that the higher level the monster, the slower the respawn. So a moss giant will respawn faster than a Lesser given the same conditions.
  3. I've had this asked of me twice. Someone would offer me a high amount of money (last time was 300k) to have a video of them killing me. Both said that they needed a video of them killing a high level with a whip to get in their clan. Both said I only need to bring one item, and they'd attack. But, it sounds a bit fishy to me... I've been in the wild and someone made me skull.. don't remember how though, as it was about a year or more ago. So, anyone hear of this? Is it a scam? How do they do it?
  4. Yes, more people will make the respawn rate faster, but a fast respawn rate won't make more people :shock: I know what you're saying, but it'd been better to say that's inversely proportionate. Meaning, the more people, the faster the respawn rate, and the fewer people, the longer the rate.
  5. Great experience! But if you're not using those trout and salmon, then you should cook them and sell 'em in a busy Edgeville bank (F2P) to low level pures. I personally fish lobsters... I actually use those for training and Barrows, but it is slower experience then fly-fishing.
  6. Gotta LoVe that Tip.It filter! And just experiement around to find some formulas. Why do you want them anyways? To make your own calculator?
  7. Isn't there also a mature dwarven stout?
  8. S'what I do! I use the Lumbridge Caves (shortcut through the Lumbridge basement). Go in without a light source and you'll die pretty quick. You could also: fight a tough monster; go into a crowded PKing spot; eat a bunch of rock cakes (from Gu'Tanoth); uh... get attacked by a swarm (improbable though). Lots of ways to die.
  9. Ahh... the good ol' days. Having to walk everywhere, running from the big bad bears and unicorns. The memories of a newb, no? But, many people make a side-character, or even dump their "main" altogether to play as a low level. They usually include non-combat skills in the setup, and it's referred to as a "Skiller". All of you should know this by now. But the question is: Why? Why would you want to go from being able to one-hit kill things, walk into any territory unhindered, teleport wherever you need, to having to walk everywhere? To having to eat like a madman (or woman) whilst running away from wizards south of Varrock? To resort to saying "Oh! I could do that... if I had combat stats!" I'll keep my personal opinions out of this for the time being to let the debate go on with your ideas, not mine. So... GET DEBATING!
  10. Nice effort, and a spiffy idea, if I say so myself. But you could put some more work into it. Try working on the aesthetics a bit; make it a bit easier on the eyes. Add some cell-shading, bold the titles.. stuff like that. And about the calculator... what If I use lobsters? :?
  11. Last one I did, I got the dragonstone, and 3 rune bars. That made my day! The other two times I did it, I got the stone, 2k, and a spinach role. Wierd...
  12. Yea, a stat restore potion should do the job. I also think there's a potion that cures the disease which they've given you. But the easiest way to do it is to put all your stuff in the bank and die. Bada-bing bada-boom, all done.
  13. It's a Dwarven Stout methinks, and it raises your mining by one level temporarily. You can buy one pretty cheap in the Falador Pub, next to the west bank.
  14. Ouch dude... that must stink. I gotses meh a Crawling Hand.. hand. :?
  15. Shilo Gem Rocks hands down.
  16. Yep, Doughnut. I was gonna say that, but I was at school and had to get to work.... But your attack lets you wield stronger weapons, and stronger weapons increase your max hit. Therefore attack does affect how hard you'll hit.
  17. Try THIS GUIDE, it'll tell you all about it.
  18. They can use Strength Pots, not make them through herblore. If they take a red spider's egg and 5gp (methinks) to the Apothecary in Varrock, he'll make ye one.
  19. The Max-Hit Calculator from Tip.It will tell ye. Checked it for you. Assuming you're F2P using a Strength Ammy and a Strength pot.. Rune Scim will hit 15s, and a 2H will hit 19s.
  20. On Tip.It? It's :twisted: (second row, last one) *EDIT* Whoops, I mean :evil: (second row, second to last one) On Runescape... there's the one where you shake your fist at people, and... you can stomp. That's all I can think of.
  21. Hm.. even on different computers, it's two of your accounts logged in at the same time. I think, knowing JaGEx, they would consider that multiple-logging in.
  22. I don't think they actually have any in stock. The default stock for it is probably 0, and it's there so you can sell them the crossbows. Since it's not a general store, you can only sell them the things that are already in stock (what you can see). So.. that Rune Crossbow that's always at 0 will always be at 0, until someone sells them one. Get it?
  23. Are you sure you're not talking about the Onyx gem? It probably takes a while to respawn, so you'd be better off worldhopping to find a shop with one in stock. And they sell for the same price the Furies are going for.
  24. That is profit. How much did the raw fish cost? 0 gp. How much did you sell them for? More than 0 gp. So, that is a profit. Although I understand what you mean. You should say "which will make very little profit."
  25. \ Moos giants ftw! But mebbe guards, flesh crawlers, hill giants, moss giants... There are some decent training spots out in the wild, but you need to find an world without too many PKers, and keep it safe with 3 items. I haven't been F2P for quite some time, so I don't remember them all as well.
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