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Everything posted by Lunar_Drifter

  1. Doesn't block ECTOPHIAL! It gets around it somehow.... s'what my friend brings all the time to the wild. Hasn't died since he started bringing it.
  2. Teleblock doesn't block an ectophial though! It's saved my friend's RCing life multiple times.
  3. Well, first you "shud" learn how to spell "should". But you're fine at the levels you have right now... just be safe!
  4. Great! Yet you need to add in the yeller dawt for the dragon.
  5. Ok, here are the flaws in that. Just because there are trees out there, doesn't mean that people would want to go out there. They'd see it as too dangerous and time consuming (getting there, getting PKed, walking back). Level 30 is not that high of a level of wilderness... and you spelled "ridiculous" wrong. And with a bank deposit, PKers would just put in their stuff before they died if they could make it in time... not very good.
  6. Still, IRC = typing. Vent = speaking.
  7. Ahh.. let's think. I believe that the wilderness should be given a little bit more spice. Its horridly gray and depressing out there; very well suited for such a place of death and destruction. But there could be more little doodads here and there... a few more trees, maybe some more, tougher monsters to deter the lower leveled or timid players from venturing too far. Also, I think the introduction of PK-only worlds should be implemented. We all know that there are "official" worlds for PKing, as well as other things. But methinks they should open up a server That only includes the wilderness and maybe a bank here and there... Like include a few at the veeery edge of the wilderness (similar to Edgeville). Another thing would be to include more natural weapons. We already have the lava that can spurt up and damage you if you walk too close to it (near the Chaos Altar). Methinks there should be some "haunted trees" as there are at Draynor Maynor. Mebbe if you walk over a grave, a zombie could pop out that you can fight... Ahh the possibilities. All these would be just to liven up the wilderness a bit and get rid of that overall gray and dull theme it's got going on.
  8. Methinks a teamspeak or vent server has been suggested but shot down before. I don't remember where the thread is, so I couldn't find it for you. But it was denied because of the inability to control what people were saying and things... Like vulgar language or talking about breaking JaGEx's rules..
  9. I'm not asking which one is the worst, I'm asking which one is the least admirable out of the capes. That doesn't mean it's bad. As I've said many times before, they are all admirable and worthy of praise and a great achievement. Just some are less so than others.
  10. Methinks all fo the items he used are the old style... not sure why. Work on the number placement, and copy and pasting your items... As we all know, Santas don't stack unless they're noted : Nice try though.
  11. Never heard of ye... hm... Not sure if anyone in this forum would recognize meh.
  12. It's the fact that it's a lovely KO weapon for lower leveled pures, around 45-55. I used it quite a bit as a KO weapon on my Granite Maul pure when he was a member. Quite a lovely tool. But it was glitched a while back where if you clicked too fast on the special bar, it'd use all of the bar, but only spec once... Kinda stunk how I lost kills like that. So basically, if you can't wield a DDS, then your next option for a KO is a Granite Maul! Woot!
  13. Agh! What ever shall we do! He's been capture by a bunch of black-armour wearing dudes! That like tea! And have manners! What a lovely video too..
  14. Hit up Seers Bank on a busy world. If you're just buying one, you need to say so and pay extra (as you already are).
  15. It looks like the penguin has terets. Slow it down a bit and it'll be better.
  16. Actually, for training I would say a defense amulet if you have a 1-defense pure. I tried both ways on my melee pure, and the defense won me over by far. With a strength amulet, I would go through all my food before I had a full load of herbs (against thugs). With defense, I ended up having to eat my food to make room... so I'd say defense for training, and what you use whilst PKing is up to you.
  17. Yep, it's in the Armour shop, just north of the Archery Shop in Varrock. And next time this should go in the Clues, Clues, Clues Forum.
  18. If you train on Minotaurs, then yes, you may end up with more arrows than you started with. I started with about 1.2k iron arrows, and I'm still floating around that mark. My range is only 31 so at a higher level you should keep more.
  19. Ergh.. you might wanna think this out a bit more, and provide a picture... not looking too good, y'know?
  20. Meh.. I read that information a long while ago, so I wasn't too clear on it. But hey! I was only missing a 0 :
  21. Yes, it splits it up. You'll receive half the experience in Magic, the other half in defense. It would be more cost effective to just train with magic experience and gain your defense experience through melee combat.
  22. Sometimes if you don't let the page load all the way, it won't load the actual HTML (the code that makes the page work). It kinda stops halfway through and displays what it's loaded so far. If the code wasn't fully loaded, it would usually show up as fragmented HTML...
  23. Not really, considering that JaGEx realized people would want to do that and they set him to give.. 1/4 the experience per hit methinks.
  24. How many topics of this calibre must we have on these forums? Aye aye aye... It's all personal choice and which is best for the type of opponent you're fighting. If something has low stab defense, go for the longsword. If something has weak slash defense, go for the scimitar. But either works really.... test 'em and find out for yourself.
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