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Everything posted by Lunar_Drifter

  1. I'd actually go for about 500 tokens before you start. It takes very little time to get them and you'll go longer per trip. Buy up about 4 attack, defense and strength potions, bring some food, and start training! Keep your potted stats up. You don't have to worry about wasting them seeing as they're pretty cheap.
  2. It might help if you tried killing goats. They're the thing you kill to get the horns... :
  3. Yes, you can use it in the Crypts but not down in the tunnel.
  4. For laws, you could do Dark Wizards. I know they drop them.. And for Deaths + a few laws, go for Ankous in the Stronghold of Security. I don't think anything in F2P drops rune ores however.
  5. To elaborate on Bluedragon's response, you'll need good mage defense to fight them. This is because a Pyrefiend's melee attack is actually magic based. Although if you want to use a Protection spell, protect from melee is what you'd use. So, I'd reccomend the best set of dragonhide you can wear, an elemental helmet, elemental shield, Amulet of Glory, mystic/snakeskin/ranger boots, and your best weapon. It's also rumored that the little ones hit less often, but it's unconfirmed. Have fun!
  6. But Pyramid Plunder is not always as rewarding. With the Rogues Den Safe, you're getting moola and gems. Great for training crafting once you're done with your thieving goals. I'd say go until you get bored of it or feel like you've reached a good stopping point.
  7. I just read yesterday of a very similar case. Person A loaned out a lot of cash and/or items to Person B. Well, Person B finally got enough funds to pay him back, and so he did. There was about 7 mil, 400+ super sets, and a lot of sharks. Person A traded him Absolutely nothing.. JaGEx saw that as drop trading or trading between accounts and he got permanently banned. Maybe if you traded it in smaller increments? Unless you've already done it. If they attempt to ban you, tell them to take a look at your chat log (if you two talked about it first).
  8. Most people who mine the 3 iron rocks in Al Kharid drop their ores. It's called powermining. You don't keep any of the iron, but you get your mining level much faster. There are essentially two methods to powerming. 1) Mine all three rocks once, then drop the 3 ores you just got. By the time you're done dropping, the rocks should have respawned. Repeat. 2) Mine a full load, and then drop 'em all. Repeat. Personally I like the first method best. And if you're going to keep your iron ores (assuming your F2P), then mine at either of Varrock's mines. Find a high populated world with few people at the rocks.
  9. You could check the official forums. Or... go to w2 and hit up the Runes section.
  10. Gabe... READ! It's beneficial both to your education and your social status here at TIF. He clearly stated at the top that he was asked by the original author to repost this and manage it, seeing as she quit. And I'd love to be the first supporter on the new thread!
  11. You'll also have to have started the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest to get in.
  12. Hahaha.. that's what I meant. Sorry about that. I was thinking of what numbers I was hitting when I typed that
  13. It only effects how often you hit. If you had 99 attack and 1 strength, you'd just hit constant 0s.
  14. Yup, you're right. It's dinero. Heh.. Thanks for pointing that out; I'm in Spanish this semester. But on topic.. you could also get a bunch of chaos, good mage gear, and chaos gauntlets and hit up the steel dragons. Great for some good profit and decent magic experience. It helps to have 2k+ chaos at the start of each trip to let you stay down there longer. Bring along a few antifire pots and don't forget your shield! Read up on the guide for it here in the AoW. It'll help out a bit (although it's a melee guide). Just modify it to your situation. That's what I did!
  15. Well, it's best to range these little dudes. Without a facemask, you can't stay down there forever by Guthans. Maging would end up being costly methinks. So high ranged, probably 60+ would be a great benefit towards you. Wear your best ranging gear and find the safespots. Bring a fire staff and some nats to alch things and keep room in your inventory. Also, if you have the time, go ahead and get bones to peaches. You could stay down there indefinetly using melee that way.. but that's the only way really. If you wanna take the melee route and don't have Bones to Peaches, note your food and sell it to the shop that's outside the well. (Assuming there is one.. I've heard of one) Then buy it back again and head back down into the well for some more slaying. Good luck and Have fun!
  16. High-Alching is always a good way. If you can craft one of your materials it makes it all the better. Whether it be nature runes, yew longs, dragonhide stuff... that's mucho denero saved right there! Other than that.. cursing is an cheap way, but extremely boring. Deaths are pretty costly but are fun.. and Cammy teleport is pretty costly, as it has no return.
  17. That's an incredibly small picture you have there... I'm not sure what it is.. Your best bet would be to retake the picture entirely. Paste it into Paint, and crop away the excess white space... please crop, it's horrid looking if you don't. Afterwards, save it as a PNG file, and upload to Imageshack. Make sure that when you're picking the URL to copy, use the last one. Hope that helped!
  18. I'm guessing you're a member... so the Stronghold would be great for you! For now I'd probably recommend sticking to the Flesh Crawlers on the second level. There's a room full of 'em in one corner of it (don't remember the exact location). They drop lots of fire runes and herbs... and a few other things. Check out the Bestiary for more information. Once you get to a attack and strength level (assuming defense will stay 45), go on to the level 75 Ankous in the very last level. Right north of the entrance is the best spot to kill them. They drop lots of deaths and bloods! You'll also get mithril ore, pure essence, herbs, food, and geepees to boot! Have fun!
  19. My advice is to skip them. The assignment is really too small compared to the cost and effort it takes to get ready for it. But if you must, just bring prayer-boosting gear and a good weapon. In your inventory you'll need about... 2-4 antifire potions, and 3-5 Prayer potions. Bring a few sharks for safety, an easy one-click teleport and you're all set! Oh.. don't forgot transportation fees to the island if you're not Glory'ing and 875gp to get into the Brimhaven Dungeon. You'll also need a disposable woodcutting axe to hack through the obstructions. Well.. have fun!
  20. You'll do quite well! It'll be a great money maker for you. Using slayer dart, you'll only use about 100 casts per trip if you mage 5 out the 6 brothers. If you manage your time and prayer well, you'll make it through using only a few sips of your pots. I'm only 48 prayer and at most I use one full pot, and that's if Ahrim or Karil is in the tunnel. If not, 0-2 sips. Get your kill count somewhere between 10-30 to hopefully get a payback on your runes. Anything above 30, as noted by Leesters, isn't very significant and can waste time. Goooooood luck!
  21. Ok ok.. it's 91. I was just confused. I edited when I saw your first post. If that's the case, then it's level 91. I remember a discussion about this not too long ago.
  22. It's up in the 100s. I'm not sure which level exactly, but somewhere above 91. Probably when you're 110+ you'll start getting them.. but I'm not sure. *EDIT* Is it level 159 when you're 91+? I thought 91 was when it changed, but to a different level... Oh well.
  23. I don't believe that JaGEx allows the creation of names with "Jagex", "Java", or "Mod" in the name anymore. At least not at the beginning of the name. Try it out and see if any names of that such are avalaible. But yea.. that's just a sad attempt at a scam. Seeing as you've reported him, just move on and don't sweat it.
  24. I'd say monster drops are the best source of them. And for deaths you'll want to kill Ankous, as said before. Great droppers of deaths, bloods, and high-level herbs. Also you'll get pure essence, mithril ores, and the ever lovely geepees! Not to mention laws..
  25. Wrong forum muchacho. And your price seems a bit lower than the normal asking price..
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