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Everything posted by Lunar_Drifter

  1. I'm pretty sure that everytime you change them, it's 25k. The quest guide says that they will charge you a fee everytime it's changed for you. I didn't see anywhere where it said the price would vary. ~Lunar
  2. You're not-not wrong.. :) I'm pretty sure the prices are the same. I haven't tried for the Goldsmith Gauntlets, but both Cooking and Chaos are 25k each. Don't see a reason for the third to be any different. ~Lunar
  3. Prayer pots or Super Attacks are a good bet methinks. Try those. It's even more profitable if you gather the materials for yourself. ~Lunar
  4. To get it changed into chaos gauntlets, you'll need to talk to the brother in the upstairs of the pub next to the Varrock Wilderness. The fee is 25k.
  5. You'll get experience in all 4 skills, you'll just get more in the ones you chose.
  6. Depends.. Are you cutting your own yews? Are you picking flax, buying it and stringing it, or just buying the BS? If you're getting all the materials yourself.. it'll take awhile but it'll be very profitable in the end, cash-wise and money-wise. Otherwise, it depends on what materials you make/buy. Give us some more details on your method.
  7. I hated Ranging at low levels too, but it gets easier and more fun when you're higher. For now, I'd range the Dark Wizards south of Varrock. They're easy, and don't hit high, and drop lots of runes. From 50, you could try Fire Giants at Brimhaven Dungeon. It's usually uncrowded there, and there's a safespot for each of them if you can hit it right. Click the guide in my signature if you wanna learn more about "making" your own safespots.
  8. Well... you never miss lobs, going by the definition of "accurate". But if you mean what time do you start catching them quickly, I'd say about 65 or so.
  9. There's a topic that has pretty much the same idea as yours. In fact, it's mine... Here, check it out! Question: Least Admirable Skill Cape
  10. ToG? *is confused* I'd say buy hardleather (or tan it yourself) and make hardleather bodies for fast experience. *EDIT* Oh, you mean Tears of Guthix.. haha.
  11. Whether he uses Barbarian Village or Karamja docks really depends on his fishing level. So my question to you is.. what is your fishing level?
  12. Abyssal, be nice.. But on topic, you can do it most definetly. You don't even need all this mage boosting gear, really. Just wear Monks Robes, a magic/glory amulet, and you'll be fine. Bring the staff and runes necessary for ~150 casts of your chosen spell, and about 2-4 Prayer Potions. It's a real pushover.. just watch out for PKers. You shouldn't run into too many though.
  13. Yup.. it works just like everything else that boosts your stats. You'll have it at over 100. Same with stat-boosting potions.
  14. That looks more like Java, are you sure that's not what it is? Anyways, I'm not up for checking it out and whatnot but it looks good. Do you know if it works? Have you tested it?
  15. Pick bananas for the guy in the plantation, put them in the crate, and then put your rum in there as well. Once you're back in Karamja, you gotta get inside that kitchen place.. I'm not sure if it's changed or not since RSC (last time I did it).
  16. I'm liking all of these ideas! They're great! I'd add on some more ideas, comments, and questions.. but I don't have the time nor the patience at the moment (my fingers are frozen!) But one little thing that's bothering me throughout this thread.. It's "fluctuate", not "fluxuate". Other than that... I love it!
  17. Hey you Tip.It'er. It's what we say to each other when we see another person who uses these forums.
  18. Hm.. This is my 3rd Leo the Gravedigger event.. and I've got them all in the Brimhaven Dungeon! Once whilst ranging Fire Giants, and another whilst maging Steels. Is this cave a hotspot for Leo? I've also gotten two Shades down here. Out of all my combat training, this is the only place I've gotten those two randoms. And yes, I've buried bones elsewhere with neither random. Is this place a hotspot for Leo? Or is it just me? ~Lunar
  19. Whatever herb you give him, he'll give you the corresponding potion methinks.
  20. Yep.. just wait. Pet it and feed it (you did bring food right?).
  21. Let it grow into a cat. As a kitten it rarely catches anything.
  22. Essentially, use any spell that doesn't do damage if you succeed or fail. So.. curses and teleports are your best bets.
  23. Fremus... you use normal feathers for fly-fishing. You use the stripy feather (methinks) for catching rainbow trout. And yes, you need a new feather for each fish.
  24. The Jailhouse is the building with all the jail cells within it. The inside corner of it is attached to the Fight Arena. If you go to the pub there, and walk out the door south east, it'll be the first door you see.
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