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Everything posted by Lunar_Drifter

  1. Hm.. I think for experience and rune drops I'd train on Elementals in the Elemental Workshop. They also drop herbs and cash for you! For straight experience, you could try killing Experiements, those always seem to be a good choice for lower levels. ~Lunar
  2. I'm not sure if there's a guide, but the answer is: Oak larders. Powerleveling construction with oak larders is your safest bet. The planks are easy to get, oak larders take 5 planks each, and you rack up experience very easily. I think you should be able to flatpack them in your workshop, but I'm not sure.. Just buy up all the oak planks you'll need and get to work! I think that some use this method: Have noted oak planks, saw, hammer, and enough cash to pay your Butler's fees. Talk to the butler and have him unnote your planks Flatpack those planks, drop, and repeat. Pay him whenever he asks, and you never have to leave that spot! ~Lunar
  3. The "Pinkies" you refer to are the Barrows Brothers. As you may already know, there are 6 brothers. You kill 5 of those in their respective crypts, and the last one will be down in the tunnels; it's random which one you'll get. In the tunnels, however, are various safespots great for killing off the melee brothers, since they won't be able to hit you. Others prefer to spawn Ahrim and/or Karil at the chest, since you can't "safespot" them. Some even prefer to spawn the melee brothers at the chest and fight them; really a personal choice. ~Lunar
  4. <~Locked~> Try using the Price-Check Sticky for price checks. ~Lunar Heh.. thanks aaron1120 for reminding me of the Price Check sticky! :D
  5. If you want to get a bunch of low level herbs for training up your herblore, hit up Chaos Druids. They drop herbs nearly everytime, often two at once. They also drop Nats, Laws, Air runes, Snape Grass (for Prayer Potions), and Vials of water. The best place to kill them is in the Edgeville Dungeon, around level 3-4 wilderness. Just bring 3 items; two pieces of armour and a weapon- if you're afraid of dying. You'll also need second ingredients (referred to as "seconds"). You can get eyes of newt to use with your guams from the Taverly Herblore store, and from the Port Sarim Magic store. You can get limpwurts from farming, or killing monsters (cockatrice and hobgoblins drop regularly). Red Spiders Eggs can be obtained from any place there are red spiders. The Karamja volcano is the best place for this, seeing as there is a bank right there for you to use. Have fun herblore'ing! ~Lunar (sorry for the long post.. I must be in a helpful mood tonight!)
  6. The only truly effective way to combat the Giant Mole is to use melee. It has high mage and range defense, so those aren't good options; not to mention a waste of money. I've been killing it since I was in the low 80s in combat, so you should be able to do it very easily. My suggestion to you would be to make sure you've poisoned it before it hits half health. Once it gets down to half-life, it'll start burrowing away, and you'll have to chase it down. Whilst fighting it, keep Protect from Melee on, and wear Prayer bosting gear. With a little bit of running, some energy pots possibly, and a few well placed hits, she'll be dead. Once you've killed her.. take her claws and hides to Martin (methinks) in the Falador Park, and trade them in for nests! I'd say it's a very effective way of getting nests if you prefer combat. ~Lunar (sorry for the long post)
  7. Liek, OMG! Jake is a mod?! Hax hax! Lol.. But really, it's up to you. If you want something that has a return, then get 99 Fletching. The downside to that is that it's so common nowadays.. You sacrifice skill for "popularity" or "originality". If you want a cool looking cape and emote (in my opinion), then go for the Firemaking Cape. As you've already found out, not as many people have that one. More of a status symbol than fletching is really. ~Lunar
  8. He posted that while it was in a different forum. I just moved it 8-) And P2P means "pay to play", otherwise a membership. F2P means "free to play", otherwise the free version of the game. ~Lunar
  9. Yar, last night. And don't worry, the quest seems pretty straightforward to me. ~Lunar
  10. Well.. when did you change my name to Junar? Lol.. and my modship was announced last night. Thanks for noticing! 8-) And the quest shouldn't be too hard; I'm sure you can do it! ~Lunar
  11. You'll get Ava's Attractor from the quest initially, which "finds" and gives you iron things. If you have over 50 range, you can upgrade it to the Ava's Accumulator, which picks up steel things. These can be steel arrows, knives, and things of the such. ~Lunar
  12. <~Moved~> Next stop, Bugs & Suggestions Board! Be prepared to hop off in .2 seconds! Also, try to plan your idea out a bit more. ~Lunar
  13. Oh, I see now what he's talking about. I misread the post and thought he was suggesting a new quest with these things. I assume he is talking about the new Fremenik Isle quest? If so, that's just a misreading on my part. I have no powers in this forum, so we'll have to wait for another mod to move it. Sorry for the misunderstanding! ~Lunar
  14. This should go in the Bugs & Suggestions Board.. I'm sure a mod will be here to move it away soo... Wait! I am a mod! Here ya go, I'll plop it down in there for ye. ~Lunar
  15. I'd say once you hit about 20 or 30 range, go train on Minotaurs for the duration of your range-training. They drop lots of iron arrows that will more than make up for the ones you lose whilst ranging. At 20, I'd say start with the lower leveled once close to the entrance. At 30, move on up to the level 27 Minotaurs in the far southwest corner. There's a safespot in the room so you'll need little or no food. ~Lunar
  16. I would say Brimhaven Dungeon either way. It's usually uncrowded, with one or two people at the most. There's a safespot for ranging, and possibly for halberding, for all three of the southern-most giants in the caves. ~Lunar
  17. You'll only get sharks. They both use harpoons, but Sharks are located at a different fishing spot. You get Sharks from the fishing spot that has a Harpoon and Net option. You'll get tuna and swordfish from fishing spots that have Cage and Harpoon options. ~Lunar
  18. If you're going for money, then you'll want to fish sharks. But if you want fast experience and inexspensive training food, then go with Monkfish. ~Lunar
  19. Yar, those posts are both right.. kinda-sorta. As you may know, some specialty shops have a "placeholder" item there. It is only in-stock when someone sells that item to the store. So I'm guessing your issue is that the Diamond you're wanting to buy is just a "placeholder", and you'd be better off buying one off another player/mining it/thieving it from the Rogues Den. ~Lunar
  20. If you want to get back to the island, go upstairs and talk to Daero next to Burberry's Bar. He'll blindfold you and take you to the hangar, where you'll take a glider to Crash Island. After you get to Crash Island, talk to the other Gnome there and head on over to Ape-Atoll. ~Lunar
  21. With your stats, I would say fishing lobsters would be your best bet for mindless training. Also, if you get your woodcutting up, you could chop yews once you get to about 70-75. Chopping willows and doing homework at the same time isn't the best idea; the trees go down to fast, you'll end up sitting there doing nothing (in-game) 60% of the time. So.. just go with fishing at the moment. After you fish, you could cook, but that's not as easy to multi-task with as fishing is. ~Lunar
  22. According to a post on the official forums, the prices are They should be something similar to that if you go into w2 looking to buy some. The requirements to wear 3rd Age armour are to have 30 defense, and 65 magic (not to mention a lot of cash). Also, I'm going to go ahead and lock this. For future reference, use the Armour/Clothing/Weapons Marketplace Boards for Price Checks. ~Lunar <~Locked~>
  23. With some decent food, and determination, you'll be able to get it. You could try ranging the Ankous, but it wouldn't kill them very fast. Once they stop being aggressive, there's a good safespot in there. The first two levels should be pretty easy. Just bring a full load of food and whack away. The third room (with Catoblepan [sp?]) will be a tad harder, but you'll be able to do it eventually. Just watch your health against the Ankous when you get there and you'll be fine. ~Lunar
  24. Knives you can get anywhere. If you find a crowded F2P world, you could probably buy logs from a general store. There is a fletching store in Catherby, owned by Lowe (methinks). And all arrows are made from normal logs. Each log you cut gets you 15 arrowshafts. After you have the shafts, you need to attach feathers to them, and then put the heads on. It's pretty straightforward, really. Have fun in members! ~Lunar
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