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Everything posted by Lunar_Drifter

  1. 1. Well, if I recall correctly, they require 50 thieving to begin cracking anyways. So no, not for your level, seeing as your Thieving is only 43. But once you get it up to 50, it's great. Wall Safes aren't the best experience, but they provide plenty of gems and cash for crafting/selling. 2. You have to click on them to begin cracking the safe. The actual process takes only a few seconds, and you have a chance of failing and being damaged. So you'll need to watch your health... You could do other things, but I wouldn't recommend it. 3. They are located in the Rogues Den, under the bar in Burthope. The Rogues Den is the best place for cooking, seeing as there is a banker and a fire steps away from each other. ~Lunar *EDIT* Darn.. Jake beat me to it by a minute! Curse my overly-detailed explanation! :XD:
  2. <~Locked~> Question has been answered, so I'll throw a lock on this one. ~Lunar
  3. You have to have the Barcrawl Card in your inventory, and then talk to him. He'll give it to you, you'll get a message, and that bar will be marked off on your card. ~Lunar
  4. I'd say possible with extreme luck, but not plausible in the least bit. Jad can one hit anybody if he gets in a good hit. You'll most definitely need at least 43 Prayer, if not higher. ~Lunar
  5. It varies. If you mean just an offence, it could happen in a day, could take weeks. For last chance appeals, many reports said a month or more. It varies. And seeing how we here can't help you get unbanned, I'll go ahead and lock this. ~Lunar
  6. If you mean your TIF name, that won't happen. Just make a new account here. If you mean your RS name in your Profile, just go to your profile and change it there. ~Lunar
  7. We actually have a long-running discussion about this here on Tip.It. Investigating the Wise Old Man ~Lunar
  8. Ice Fiends are on top of the mountain above the Dwarven Mines (north of Falador). ~Lunar
  9. To recharge them, yes you'll need to do Heroes. I'm sure there's someone that would exchange their charged for your uncharged. ~Lunar
  10. As many Glories as you think you'll need. If you have a low amount, you'll have to charge them too often. So I'd probably go for 20-30 for now, and see how it goes from there. ~Lunar
  11. <~Locked~> Use the provided link for the Price Check Sticky for future reference. ~Lunar
  12. Locked by request. Next time use the Price Check sticky in the Marketplace forum. ~Lunar
  13. Yea, the Chaos Druids are probably your best bet for being so close to a bank. The Men in the Edgeville Hut or Seers Bar also work, but they don't drop nearly as many herbs. I've collected herbs in the Edgeville Dungeon for many hours, and only one attempt was made to PK me, which failed miserably. Just bring a quick teleport method; whether it be a Glory, Ring of dueling, tele tablet, ectophial, etc. Also, a bit further from a bank (but close to a Fairy Ring) are Basilisks in the Slayer Dungeon. Assuming you have 40 slayer and a mirror shield, they drop lots of high level herbs, nats, and water runes, along with some alchable drops. Have fun herblore'ing! ~Lunar
  14. They're untradeable.. so go ahead and start working on that Herblore! ~Lunar
  15. Monsters will become "unaggressive" towards you if you stay in their area for long enough. To "reset" this, just walk away about a screen or so and they'll start being aggressive towards you again. I don't remember the exact time off the top of my head... but you get the point. ~Lunar
  16. You can use either the Database for all items, or the High-Alch Calculator for commonly alched items. I'll go ahead and give this thread a lock since it's been answered. ~Lunar
  17. If you want to right click with MK, you press the "*" key on your mousepad. If you want to left click again, press the "/" key on your mousepad. And yes, it's completely legal. ~Lunar
  18. @Jard: I was thinking the exact same thing like 5 minutes ago while I was telling my friend about Java. I know the difference.. just messed up I'll fix that now. ~Lunar
  19. Well, first off, they're not images per say. They're sprites.. just wanted to straighten that out. And it's very simple coding really. I don't know how it'd go exactly in Java (or RuneScript), but it'd be a simple If...Then Statement. If player.chest = 0123 AND player.legs = 0124 AND player.head = 1235... etc etc for the whole outfit //Player is wearing full jester Then NPC.face = 1203 //Show Face with Helm Else Npc.face = 1204 //Show Face w/o Helm End So yea.. just thought I'd throw in my two-cents worth. ~Lunar
  20. Well, seeing as my construction is horridly low, I wouldn't go by my word on how many planks you need : So if it is 8, that'll make 'em go even faster! Yes, you have to pay your butler every so-often, and no, it's not "cost-effective". The charges really begin racking up after a while, but it is also the quickest. The higher level your butler is, the more things he can bank and unnote at once, but he also will charge more. Flatpacks will disappear after awhile, just as any other item; but they're worth nothing essentially so they're not worth keeping. Soo.. yea. Hoped that helped again! ~Lunar
  21. You'll get a special emote that you can do whilst wearing it, specific to each cape. Also, when you do the emote, it boosts the level of the skill the cape is by 1. So if you had 99 cooking, and used the emote, you'd have 100 cooking! Pretty nifty, eh? Also, if you get it trimmed, it's comparable to a Fire Cape in stats almost. ~Lunar EDIT: Aw darn.. toast beat meh.
  22. Yea, you should be able to still report them. Just don't let their name get off the chat screen and you should be fine (methinks). ~Lunar
  23. I've never been on a world with more than 1 person down there, mrchainmail. Most of the time, I'm the only one there, besides a straggler who wandered down there out of curiosity. ~Lunar
  24. *Whisked away to Tip.Iter Events Board* Wheee! ~Lunar
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