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Everything posted by Lunar_Drifter

  1. It's not your post count that makes you or your posts popular. It's the content of them. The guide you've written may not be popular as of yet because it either is poorly written, doesn't have good information, or it hasn't been read that much. Just give it some time. If you think that it's still not "popular", try adding in some new information. Pictures are always a nice touch for guide.. and try to cut down on the reading.
  2. Yea, I think the Rune Warhammer in the Relleka shop is just there for place-holding purposes. It's never in stock until someone sells them one, so just go about finding a 90+ smither, as said. If you check on the forums, you should find someone making and selling rune items that would make you one for a fee. I did, albeit expensively. And the reward from that clue was... rubbish :(
  3. What kind of connection are you on? I have a wireless connection and it drops on occasion. Also this might be better out in the Tech & Computers forum. I'm sure a mod would gladly relocate it.
  4. Here is Tip.It's Cooking Guide, where you can find all the information you need to know about it. You just need to take the bucket of milk to a churn and use it on it.
  5. I checked out the calculator for you.. I'm not sure if it's accurate, but heck, it's worth a shot. I calced how much damage you need to do to get to 70 ranged.. Which was.. a really high number. Then I just guesstimated the average hit with the cannonball would be 15, and did a simple little calculation... It came out to probably 10-12k cannonballs. I'm not sure if this is accurate, as I've never used a cannon.
  6. Here is the official Missing Persons List, where you can post who you're "missing". Hopefully they will be a Tip.Iter or someone who knows them will be and can tell you about it. *EDIT* Typo
  7. Yep, high-alchemy is always a good fast choice for leveling your magic. You never fail, and if you can make one or more of the materials yourself, then you'll probably end up making a decent profit. If you want cheap, effortless, albeit boring levels, go ahead and try failing curses. I'm sure you've heard of the method. Get your mage bonus as low in the negatives as you can (full metal armour, etc.), and get to cursing on something that can't hit you. Preferably these would be behind a wall or some other obstruction. Finally you could go for Fire Striking with Chaos Gauntlets at Steel Dragons... Not always profitable, not the fastest, but if you can get lucky with a pair of legs (or even a skirt), you could more than make up for your expenses.
  8. Well... I'd go with option 1, seeing as it has better melee defense. If you're talking price, option 2 would be better.... but otherwise go for the first one!
  9. Get some swamp tar, and I believe you take it to the house near Rimmington. It's the one with Da Vinci and those other guys.. a distillery outside... Go inside and there will be an apparatus thingy that you use the swamp tar on to make oil. Voila! Sorry if that was confusing.. haven't made oil in quite some time!
  10. You need to speak to the Director of the Mining company you helped out during the Giant Dwarf quest. If you forgot... just talk to all of 'em!
  11. Yesh! First post ftw! I beat that other dude you were talking about. Loving the non-existant blog so far! Keep up the good work :
  12. Take a gander at Zoidnerd! That kid is a beast! He was hacked for most of his valuable possesions and already he has more net wealth than many others. Just keep on going and trying, you'll get back on your feet in no time! A decent way would be collecting a few unids until you can buy some armour for fighting or supplies for skills.. something to make you money. Good luck getting back on your feet!
  13. I believe a higher combat would help more than getting that set of Infinity robes. But it's more of a personal preference... Go for the triple digits or the fancy clothes? Up to you really.. ..Although I'd go for combat 100 :D
  14. Yes, just like any other spear.
  15. Not anymore, no. They've changed it to where you require water pouches out in the mine. No good for powermining anymore, so stick to iron.
  16. Try Fire Giants in the Brimhaven Dungeon. They have decent drops and won't hurt that much.
  17. You can change it upon completion of the "Recruitment Drive" Quest, which is members-only. You can choose between Falador or Lumbridge, and can change it at any time by talking to the guy in the white knight's castle. Forgot his name..
  18. Kay thanks. Sorry for doubting ya on that but I wasn't sure. Gotta love that KB! Thanks again.
  19. I was just reading the quest guide and the AoW guide for Dagganoth Armours, and nowhere did it say you needed to complete Fremenik Trials to wear the armour, just to have it made. Are you sure you need to finish it before you can wear the Rock-Shell armour? Or are you just confused with the helms?
  20. Seeing as rock-shell armour is pretty much a different coloured rune armour, does it still require Dragon Slayer to wear the body? I've got a staker account coming up on 40 defense and I can't be bothered to complete Dragon Slayer. So, can I wear rock-shell plate without completing the quest? Thanks in advance, ~Lunar
  21. Ok ok.. he must have thought he was TB'ed but really wasn't... sorry 'bout that, just going by second-hand information.
  22. Well methinks the PSP doesn't have Java installed on it or enabled for playing games... sooo, you might just be outta luck in this situation.
  23. Dagganoth Armour Guide for ye, it'll tell you all about it.
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