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Everything posted by Jimmyh7

  1. Futurama > Family Guy > Simpsons. On topic: Nice find :wink:
  2. Congratulations! That's a big achievement :thumbsup: . I'll try to make it =P~
  3. That is partly why I wear black d hide and rune defender... :P Thanks, I'll try some of those.
  4. Hi, I recently bought a mystic mud staff and 90k body runes, to get up my pitiful magic level. I've started cursing ducks, but I was wondering if there was any better monsters for cursing :?: Thanks, Jim :
  5. Hehe. "toilet". This is slightly better than normal spam. Slightly. Grats on 99 hunter? O:)
  6. I had one of these - I called my friend to duel me, found spot, potted up, and dug. And... nothing happened. No wizard. Just another casket with a clue in. I was really surprised at the time, but looking back at it, it makes sense not to get a wizard inside the duel arena.
  7. mine was WITHOUT ancients btw - I can't beat DT yet :cry:
  8. barrows was pretty good, but the most useful is cook-x i reckon. 1) that isn't an update #-o 2) I find it pretty depressing that every half-way decent player has a whip now. When I bought mine at 5m it was a sign of pretty rich player.
  9. I told my cap that few jews...
  10. vending machine giggles and falls on top of you.
  11. You made no wish... :shame: I wish pizzar started using proper grammer. (fat chance) :-w
  12. Your post makes no sense... :-s and I already made the phat into a glory ammy and gave it to your widow... =P~
  13. I get my 93 slayer friend to chop them all into little bits. Then I hang you up with my whip, plunge my dds into your blackened heart and grap the phat. I check its not fake, then I hi-alch it into 2gp. I then chuck the 2gp into a furnace and take out the melted gold... I then turn the gold into a amulet, which I encrust with a dragonstone. I then string the amulet, and enchant it. I give the amulet to your wife as compensation for her "loss". Owned? :3>
  14. niether, I never have valubles in my inv when alching :P . What? I have to choose? Ohhh kay then. whip. Would you rather have your stats wiped or your inv, equipment and bank wiped?
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