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Everything posted by Silverchipmunk

  1. This rule bans more innocents than rule breakers, and JaGEx really doesn't have the time to investigate every suspicious case. Away with rule 8.
  2. Oh man, is that lucky. Wish I could do barrows. Oh well, maybe I will get members someday.
  3. Happens to me too. When it happens, I don't get annoyed, I laugh at the lvl 3.
  4. Um... This may sound nooby, but what is "pure ess"? I'm f2p, apparently it's a members thing.
  5. My favorate cereal! :D Mine too whats your favorite marshmellow. I like the Body rune ones! No way! Law runes are better! Mmm, judicial...
  6. 1st time: Boots and shirt 2nd time: Pants and gloves 3rd time: Mask 4th time: Zombie walk 5th time: Zombie dance
  7. No, that's how you become a forum mod. Pmod is in game.
  8. Have you even noticed how annoting it is when you have a group of firends, but you have to pm them individually? I think there should be "lists", to which you can add diferent people, and pm them all at once. There would be 2 new buttons on the friends list, "Add List" and "Delete List". When you create a list, you will choose a name for it. When you right click on a list, you will see the options "Add to List", "Remove from list", and "Rename list", along with the normal options. That way, you can talk to multiple people at the same time. What do you think? Supporters: 1. Silverchipmunk (Goldchipmunk) 2. 3. 4. 5.
  9. Not true, ip stands for internet provider (I think), so they have the same ip address, unless you use different internet providers.
  10. Go to http://forum.tip.it/viewforum.php?f=38&sid=c8eadc74b459fd2a1811f8e88cb5ff0f to recruit for your clan.
  11. Lol, they should have that rabbit next easter. "What's your favourite colour...?" "Blue- no, yellow!" *Catapult launches*
  12. I bet jagex can see more that 60 seconds. They could probably see any amount.
  13. Thanks, I'll look around for some fonts, backgrounds etc.
  14. Oh, I didn't really think of that. I'm new when it comes to this. Well, I can't really say, maybe I'll wait and decide in that case.
  15. People are commenting on the time frame, but nobody's noticed the low damage compared to the extremely slow reloads?
  16. Well, I could never afford one, but they are now free, and I've always wanted a nice one. Anybody?
  17. Exactly! That's why they were made untradeable in the first place! Full camo was selling for 2 mil, without any work from the seller.
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