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Everything posted by Silverchipmunk

  1. 8/10, not great pic, but I love the quote!
  2. 6/10, I don't see you much but I know who you are. Maybe 7, I dunno.
  3. I don't know, just want to say I made the mistake 'cause I didn't get it.
  4. Goldchipmunk/It's peanut butter jelly time!/The Buckwheat Boyz
  5. Lol siggied. Yeah, the mod (if there was one) technically does have the power to do it, but they'll be punished if they abuse their power.
  6. Sounds great, I'll be there! Woot 1st post! But why is this the last H1P event? It's my first one! :( :boohoo: #-o
  7. I once got 100k from a fellow tipiter. Won't say who, just in case they don't want me to. He know who he is. \ Thank you!
  8. If he's getting really annoying, the block him. Don't think about it, just do it.
  9. I bet someone would buy it for a lot if you could prove it. But of course, don't sell it. It's special. =P~ RIP The Old Nite. :cry:
  10. Ahh! Scandal! Prepare the tabliods! :P Anyways, I'm 12, almost 13 I suppose technically I'm not supposed to be playing. :-k Oh well.
  11. It's not completely true, but I've attacked him twice and never killed him. :-k
  12. That is hilarious! I guess the newb didn't know that shafts are stackable. You can fletch them without bank trips for one solid year if you wanted to. No you cant, everytime there's an update, you automatically log out, and i doubt there's no updates for one year :roll: He means it's hypothetically possible, not actually probable.
  13. I really like this artice, I'm f2p, so it gives me some insight into why Pest Control is so popular! =D>
  14. It'd be great, but it wouldn't work. People would come jus to annoy us. :?
  15. Agreed. I enjoyed it, but he should credit the source.
  16. At the Help and Advice Forum
  17. I have met other people while in the frog cave, and Evil Bob's island.
  18. Erm... kurtvegita is right, you can get to lvl 5. Once again, the n00ber, becomes the n00bee.
  19. While it's not scamming, it si taking advatage of people, which is also wrong. Tell your friend that goldchipmunk says "Shame on you!" :shame:
  20. Right now I'm in the Varrock general store world 1. I've gottens ome chefs hats, runes, gems, and a pair of green d'hide vambraces.
  21. Shut up. The point of the game is to have fun, and that's what he's doing. You need to get a brain man. On-topic: Ha ha, well done, Smavey the super-dwarf! Since you're also f2p, I'll be looking out for you!
  22. Yeah, I think I saw you in world 7 today. I will give and respond to hyt's, but I never get any. I can remember 2 that someone responded to.
  23. Same here, that's what I do. Sometimes I laugh a bit, but never really the amount 'lol' would suggest.
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