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Everything posted by Knite

  1. That's everything you need from this topic, there is your anwser :lol: We have all been kids once and probably most of us have started RS in young age. What would any game be without noobs and low level characters made by 8-10 yearolds? In time they will grow up and maybe return to runescape with mature attitude and will to train a high level character. For now, they just beg and admire people with high levels. #-o
  2. You just have to wait and see. It's been going up daily arounnd 250-400k, so when ever you see the daily ratio stopping raising thats where you wanna sell your sarasword and buy it back after it's going down again ;)
  3. congrats man :) happy for you. Solo drops are the best! The feeling is great when you receive something ;)
  4. 10/10 just because i know you irl. Gotta love that avatar! Go ride 'em tat giant puts you pelly pelly go.
  5. Nice one. Love the spot where you took your summoning and slayer 99.
  6. Congrats man ;) Only matter of time before you max your character out. Well done.
  7. You declined to 99 slayer nub gtfo Yes, because it's time consuming skill. I don't wanna race for 4 months, because my school starts in three weeks. Seriously, what are the chances for you to win me in noncombat 99 race? You know your self that you don't stand a chance.
  8. Awww... I tried to convince sdn to race me for a skill, but he refused to race me for noncombat skills. That's good in a way ;) I would of cut him in half.
  9. LOL. I never raced against you or no one did tell me about this race, GOOD GAME SDN30. If you wanna challenge me into any race you have no chance pal. That's sad adding my name there just to make me mad :@@@ You don't wanna make a nerd with no life mad, That's just stupid. :lol:
  10. It's very funny this topic showed up here, because i talked to my friend about this subject before the realease of the high detail version. It would be great and pretty simple to make. Just go by UK:s timezone which is the "home" country of the game. Everyone would know what time is it on runescape and see the clock/timer, so there wouldn't be a problem. Some people would only play at day and some at night, whats the difference? Nothing really, but the idea of this happening would be great :) The pictures you show'd us and took look both great, I totally would support this idea, if Jagex was really planning something like this.
  11. It's addicting and really fun to challenge your self on getting as many 99's as you can, but it can also take too much off from your life, so just keep up with the playing hours and try enjoy real life more then you enjoy runescape ;) I also like to be very social, so if i wouldn't have any friends who played it i probably wouldn't play it at all.
  12. Very nice achivement :) I will never probably have 91 runecrafting, because i dislike the skill so much :(
  13. Yes. Magic will be one of the next 99's, but at the moment focusing on herblore 99.
  14. Dear god. Why do people make topics about this kind of "issues"? If your RS page isn't working in 24 hours then you can post.
  15. No one will borrow to anyone except their friends, so i think the prices will stay the same.
  16. Yeah people asking me for my green all the time. It can be annoying, but just have to live with it. Most common lines: "Wow, nice level + Party hat" - Then the begging starts "Nice party hat!!! Can i wear it for 5 seconds please?" "I pay 20k to wear your hat for 1min" "I will give you my santa hat, if you give me ur party hat for awhile" "You must be rich!!! Do you have extra party hat to spare?" "GIVE ME YOUR HAT NOW" - I actually let him wear it just because i was so turned on by the determination he had. He didn't beg for it, he acted like it was his. :twisted: Noob: Could you BARROW your hat for me? Friend: Yeah come on runite, BARROW your hat for him. Me: I don't really like BARROWING, Do you jen? Friend: Not really. Please... It's BORROW, not BARROW. I tried to correct this one guy from Netherlands, but he kept typing over me BARROW PLZZZ. Ahhh well in the end their just kids probably who are asking, so it's all good :) maybe someone will let them to wear the hat and it will make their day.
  17. Unseen so far ;) I can give you guys a hint... I useally play on server 44.
  18. Awww :( Looks like someone is little cranky today. Here is some update on ranking. Hopped from 18th to 14th place.
  19. Yes, i do godwars. Dead man only got that hilt because he was in the same room with me 8-) If you take another look on the droplog topic you can see my godwars drops there too.
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