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Everything posted by G0D_Zmorak

  1. Salty Jon D chain in under 250 kills. That still makes me mad.
  2. it happens when the monkey guards catch you doing any type of action. (try it while climbing a ladder.. that's a fun one.)
  3. SHEEP SHEARER PART II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I'm guessing that you somehow get pures to actually stake your rules? the idiots always stake the same against me, refusing to give me range or anything that i'm good at. so i just leave.
  5. it's worth asking... what combat level are you looking for the advice for?
  6. sharane pretty much nailed that one.
  7. 1. Ice Bursting at Pest Control. 2. Teleblocking, Entangling, and running away. love the wilderness. 3. Barrows.
  8. As a range/mage pure I must say that the new prayers are insane. At 81 range, i can hit a 19 max. Same as without. However, unlike without, I can now ko with 19 18 specs, just like dragon dagger pkers.
  9. how much does the weight of each cannon piece compare to the tar? btw, i hated the tar thing. i got 2 loads of it so i wouldn't have to go back more than that. ffs, that's heavy
  10. quick question... do you run mIRC or any other irc program?
  11. i'm like 95% sure you're the only person i've ever heard to like quests.
  12. those won't save range. perhaps if the special was... well, a special and not random. msb is amazing because the specal can be used when it's perfectly welcome -- when the opponent is low hp and can't eat high enough. what's the point if your opponent is at 10 hp and you shoot a 3 and 4 or something while he eats to full? then you hit the 30+ that would've landed you full rune a couple shots ago? i just shot down cbows without mentioning speed. :roll:
  13. my friend and i did 6 at a time way back when. we were lvl 95 and 99. stuff to take: initiate or monks robes super antipoison good weapon glory antibreath shield antidragonbreath potion prayer pots super set food
  14. +1 apply some grammar and i my be able to sympatize.
  15. cool's correct. by using that script, you've successfully just opened a window straight to the world 2 url. used in IE/ Firefox, neither are 3rd party clients.
  16. Here's my stats as a lvl 60. (i'll be 61-62 before i can do barrows) Att 60 str 42 def 1 HP 70 Range 81 Magic 82 Prayer 27 when i hit protect from range (i think that's the second protect), i'll be able to barrows as well as my main.
  17. We have both the gliders and the spirit trees, so I doubt we're gettign a tele gnome spell... I don't think we're getting any new spells at all. We've just had the Lunars. However look at the crossbow update, that has totally unbalnced the combat triangle Jagex may be tryin to balance it. Maybe it has sime summoning spells. That'll shut people up for a week then they complain. crossbows blow for any use i can seem them inteded for. the bolts appear to be designed for pking or dueling, but neither will use them. the crossbow is too slow compared to mage short, especially when the effects are random, not like a spec. knives and obsidian rings destroy in the dueling arena for speed, so much that the crossbow isn't feasible. a lucky dragonbreath or ruby-tipped shot may tip the scales, but at a random shot, it's not worth the risk.
  18. poor justin.. you haven't learned that Pure is a new rs term meaning "inferior." err, at least jagex feels does.
  19. rofl. but yeah, i gotta agree there with the luck. Congratz on your first drag drop, though.
  20. a lot of those, while official, are bad for what they're meant for. world 78 is terrible for pc since noob pures have found it. the same goes for world 18 wildy. i can't go to watch on my lvl 59 as he's flooded with rune arrows the second he steps foot in the wilderness. just pointing out that official isn't necessarily great... :roll:
  21. Excellent list. My additions: Slipknot - Wait and Bleed Bullet for My Valentine - Poison Meshuggah - New Millenium Cyanide Christ Guns and Roses - Welcome to the Jungle I'll add more if i think of them.
  22. who cares what calc it is? i'm running TI-89 Titanium, which i feel is superior for my needs. it does it too. i'd bet a TI-83 could be fandangled into it as well.
  23. yeah, but unlike this, that would be mere market speculation -- which can turn out to be very accurate. it'd end up like a weather forcast, and we all know how those go... still, algorithms can make betting into a science, so you could make millions if you do it properly. GO FOR IT!
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