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Everything posted by misterxman

  1. If you are going to open a thread in "Off Topic" forum board, please aim to make it well-written, with something to start a discussion (links alone don't count), and lastly really think if just posting news is worth the discussion. If you can write up an interesting post with your own opinion on this matter, you're free to repost. A few suggestions - Do not just link to the article, quote it, summarize it for the readers, and express your thoughts/opinion (specially why it needed to be posted to discuss and not just be read). Remember, this forum is for discussing not just reading news.
  2. Not much to discuss here and don't want to be posting other people's RL pictures here.
  3. Went ahead and added videos to the topic and made it brand new :) http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=710789
  4. RuneScape Screenshots, Videos and Sounds Please post all RuneScape related pictures, videos and sounds in this topic! CHANGE OF RULES: As of 4 June, 2010 Due to the quality of this thread degrading and the increase of spam/flames/pointless arguments, the moderation will be kicked up a few notches. Any posts that violate the Tip.it Forum Rules even slightly will be removed and the users will be punished severely with temporary bans. We don't like being this harsh but we feel it may be the only solution to the growing problem in this thread. We even received suggestions from users to just lock/remove the thread all together, but we want to give you guys a chance to change your attitude. Removing the thread all together is not something that we want to do. Things that are unacceptable to be posted include but are not limited to: Useless/spammy comments. You may comment on screenshots being posted but only make a reply if you have something WORTHWHILE to say. Lulcat pictures, other pointless images in response to screenshots, and comments that make no substantial contribution will not be tolerated.Flaming users in ANY WAY is unacceptable. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. This means no name calling, no provoking, no insulting, no accusations, no degrading of other users, etc. Even flaming friends in a joking, non-serious manner is not okay. Moderators cannot always tell when you're joking or not and we don't have time to figure it out. "Joke flaming" can also be interpreted negatively.All images and conversations MUST abide by RuneScape's Rules. Admitting to account sharing, botting, or violating any other RuneScape Rule in a screenshot or in text is not tolerated.Inappropriate images may not be posted under any circumstances. Screenshots with any negative connotations, censor evasion or bad implications/references will not be tolerated. If you want to post a screenshot but there are inappropriate words/conversations in the chat due to the profanity filter being turned off, either edit the chat out in an image editing program (Paint, PhotoShop, etc.) or place it in hide tags with a warning.Quote chains are not permitted. If you quote an image, please put it in hide tags. If you quote a series of many quotes, remove some of the earlier quotes or put them all in hide tags.Tip.It does not support luring users into the Wilderness under false pretenses. Screenshots or videos of you doing so may not be posted anywhere on Tip.It.We have tried exercising leniency but the bad, rule-breaking behavior has only continued and gotten worse. If the behavior in this thread still does not improve after the changes to the moderation, we will have to move on to even more drastic actions. Please note that if you violate any of the above rules, you will not only be hurting yourself by likely receiving a temporary ban, but you will be ruining the future of this thread for others as well. Please work together to improve the quality of this sticky. If you ever see an inappropriate, rule-breaking post, DO NOT reply to it. Replying will only make the problem worse, continue the argument, and encourage any spam/flames/etc. to continue. Report the post using the Report Function and then ignore it. The moderators will deal with it and ensure that the appropriate action is taken. If you have any doubts about whether or not something is appropriate to post, DO NOT post it. You may PM a moderator or administrator to see if it is appropriate or not. Thank you for your cooperation.
  5. Comedians can definitely be funny without foul language, clean comics even tend to be more impressive because they can pull off great shows without using any profanity which many of us tend to think is essential to be funny. That said, Dean Lewis would be a great example of this, unfortunately there is nothing of him online.
  6. The problem is that not enough parents spend time to show/talk their kids how to properly drink to prevent them from going out of control when they do get access to beer. Having to wait till 21 to legally buy/drink beer is a long time, seeing everyone else having a good time with beer, and parents strictly forbidding alcohol without explaining/talking just all ads up to the kid getting drunk just cause of all that pressure.
  7. Xman - nickname from middleschool because I was the only guy whos name started with an X Mister - random addition to prevent having numbers in nickname Whatever helped me play AoE2 online..
  8. Hope all goes well in future for you but Please use this sticky since there are no achievements posted on this topic :)
  9. Nice event, I might get Void set to wear with hood and scythe.
  10. Well if none of the 7 books mention any relationship or such personal past about such an important character, I agree that it is kind of weak to have to mention it outside the books.
  11. Use the sticky for questions please, the FAQ with great links, or maybe it's been answered before (search button) :)
  12. I agree with this suggestion, we don't want topics made with every RS vid in it.
  13. Sorry but this topic seems to be made mostly to ask for money which isn't allowed.
  14. Blacklisted - http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=449303
  15. Please only post art or fake rs screenshots in Gallery.
  16. Interesting concept but it'd be nice if we could zoom in to see the pictures just to add to the effect.
  17. Closing this, here's the new annoucement: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=708551
  18. The "waiting 1 min" for items to appear isn't so great, what if you die at a boss and your friend now can't save your armor because he has to stand there alone for 1 min? :? The Loot Share system looks good tho, no one can hide the drops anymore.
  19. If I had to pick between the two, it'd be CNN. Overall, I think TV news channels are not as efficient as they could be because they talk a lot, repeat, and have debate shows rather than actual news. I tend to just go online for news. Most of the news I see in TV is from Colbert Report and Daily Show :lol:
  20. The pokemon games page is sad but true :P
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