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Everything posted by De_Lille_D

  1. (Family guy: season 1 episode 4)
  2. Exactly, not to belittle good merchants, but there isn't really such a thing as "skill" in merchanting. Merchanting is all about buying items for cheap and finding someone dumb enough to pay substantially more for it. It's the oldest practice of business since the history of civilization. The only 'skill' you need is accumulating the starting capital to begin merchanting with a few expensive items. I couldn't agree more! :thumbsup: ... No really, it's physically impossible!!!! :XD:
  3. Not exactly... Merchanters: want to use person-person trades Skillers: want to use GE Merchanters make their money leeching off trades like this: Seller ----> Leeching Merchanter -----> Buyer :evil: Now it will be like this: Seller -- GE --> Buyer :twisted: (Gives more money to the seller and the buyer) So, merchanters need skillers for money, but skillers will only want to use GE (it gives them more money), so outside the GE, there will be very few trades, because only a few skillers will be stupid enough to sell on forums or in banks. But: little stock and high demands => high prices. It's a WIN-WIN situation: if skillers use GE, merchanters are cut out; if they don't, they will get high prices. ==> Bye Bye merchanting! \
  4. Yeah, you are right .... .... .... Isn't it great? :XD: Finally the skillers will get more money from working for their cash! Goodbye lazy leeches (= merchanters)! \
  5. You know there is a hole on the other side of the river too? This way you can't fall while crossing the first time ... If it still isn't clear, watch the vid I made of it. link: The vid makes it pretty obivious what to do and this method is a lot easier and faster. (In the vid, my messenger interupts 2 times for no reason #-o , just ignore it ...)
  6. You don't have to go through the whole maze! Just go into a hole in the vine or in the ground. They are all connected and just keep trying untill you come out on the other side of the river. Then you go through the things you have to cut. And it's pretty straigth forward untill you get to the vine's roots. Summary: - Go onto the beginng of the maze - Go east and climb up - Go south and climb down - Go west and climb down to the ground - Run west (past the wasps) to the hole in the vine - Enter the hole and look where you exit: * If you don't exit on the hole in the vine on the other side of the river, enter the hole you just exited and keep going untill you are at your destination (in other words: Keep trying!) * If you do exit on the east side of the river, you can continue - Cut the things to the south - Go east and climb onto the vine - Go to the south and climb up - Go to the west and climb down - Go to the west and climb up - Walk over the river (I never fell here) - Go south and climb down - Go east and cimb down the vine to the ground And you're there! Oh, I also had a question: "Is the Jade vine patch only usefull for the Slayer exp you get from killing the wild version, or can you keep it from getting wild and get other exp instead?"
  7. You do not need to keep java scipt off to play runescape in the world you entered the link for. It's needed becasue Jagex redirects you to runescape.com when you enter the link of a world. Just: Turn it off (the scripting) Go to world Turn it back on Start paying No more problems with Tipit, Youtube, or any other site that requires Java.
  8. You shouldn't incourage merchanting if it's only going to cause inflation. Breaking even while skilling (not the gathering skills) is hard enough as it is! Finding a way to train smithing and not lose money when you have a low level is next to impossible, because merchanters keep raising prices! (e.g. you can NOT train Herblore without losing money; it's impossible, because almost all the secondaries are 1k+ (thanks to merchanters).) What merchanters these days do: - Buy stuff at normal prices and selling it overpriced, trying to convince the buyer that it's the normal price (= lying ). - Buy single items underpriced, saying it's the normal price (= lying), and sell them for normal price. - Both. This is helping no one except the merchanter who is only doing it becasue he/she is greedy. This kind of merchanting isn't money making, it's just ripping people off! So, please don't make a guide on how to deceive other players in order to get rich from it. Try to find ways to make money with merchanting without taking advantage of the price unawarness of some players and start making honest money: go to banksales and leaving-members-sales where the items are sold underpriced, without you having to lie for it; or buy items in small quantities and sell them in bulk (or the other way around) or use the ways you state in the beginning of the guide (up to eyes of newt). You asked me how to improve the guide: Remove all the things under eyes of newt! All the methods under it don't make sence: why would someone sell iron 90 ea if it can be sold for 100-110 ea? Every item has a specific value; don't try to manipulate it, just to make money.
  9. Nice tips! I would have gone to the abyss area (with fairy rings), but this is faster! The rat thing is also good to know so i can just keep spices in my bank for future stews.
  10. Another thing: put the 3rd part before the 2nd (you get red spider eggs in the 3rd and you need some in the 2nd).
  11. Thanks. Added a Wilderness warning. Also, I was going to break it down into Easy/Medium/Hard, but some of the tasks overlap. For instance, you have to make a plank and then you have to make 20 Mahogany planks. IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m just providing a path to get everything done at once (or as much done as you are capable of.) I meant a list of what task you have to complete for easy/medium/hard and their requirement (like in you diary, but without the scrolling down and requirements added) and of what items needed (I like to get stuff before I begin, so I don't have to stop in between tasks).
  12. Equip ratpole while hunting rats to add them (you'll get aksed if you want to add it or not). No idea how many for fulll pole... ON TOPIC: Good guide, maybe you should list all the requirements and items needed for easy, medium and hard tasks, so people know which one they can complete and have a list of what to get before begining. You should add a note to the part where you go charge an air battlestaff, to remind people not to take stuff they don't want to lose into wildy (,so you don't get "1 lost my st00f because of u! i h8s you and gonn4 rep0rt U for personal details!").
  13. Good luck on 99 mage! I'm going to get it with onyx enchant, but first I have to get 87 (gonna get taht with alching). Gratz on your 2 D visages you got already :thumbsup: .
  14. 2 new slayer monster. (check slayer menu, level 57 i think)
  15. Why put Sextant, chart and watch in the recommend items list? You don't have to use them, just get there and talk to the gnome.
  16. What attack style do the 3 Terrorbirds use for the final fight?
  17. Got that sometimes too, just retry. The world selection screen puts "FULL" for 1980 - 2000 players. If you load a world and there are exactly 2000 you get that message (I think). If you want a more specific amount then "full", Swiftswitch (soon to become Swiftkit) has a world menu, where you can see how much people there are in those worlds where you would normally only see FULL.
  18. BUMP (don't want this to die, I use the link list quite often)
  19. Got questcape and pest control got nerfed by more then 65% (I can explain if you awant me to).
  20. Look, I calculate the efficency of the different methods, but I NEED to have an exp/hour and a loss/win or win/hour! If I don't have this, I don't know how good it is.
  21. Ok, i think the enchanting might work, but I need exp/hour!!!
  22. I want 99 mage and I want to know the best way to train my mage. OK, so basically, the best way to mage is the way where you waste the least time maging and collecting money to mage. When you use a cheaper way, it may take longer and a faster way may be more expensive. If you have an idea of a good way to train my mage, please post it here. I also NEED to know how long it takes to cast 1 spell or how much exp per hour you get. It would also help to mention how much you lose/win per spell or per hour. List: Highalching: 156-190 hours to get to 99
  23. CLOSED - I'll make a new post. Thanks for everyone's ideas.
  24. dargon arrows: 90 fletching dragon implings: 83 hunter Those are higher then before.
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