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Everything posted by De_Lille_D

  1. It's simple: - If you want high Slayer (for some reason): Do Slayer - If you don't want high Slayer: Don't do Slayer Slayer has the big advantage of giving slayer exp. Nothing else except exp lamps and daily minigames will get you that. People who suggest Slayer assume the person who asks for advise doesn't think Slayer exp is useless... Personally, my goal is getting 99 in every skill. There's 2 ways I could get 99 in all combat skills + slayer: 1) Get maxed, then do slayer -> getting a lot of useless exp on top of my 13 M 2) Train melee with Slayer and limit the time needed -> I'll get 99 in every combat style before I even reach 95 Slayer probably However, if you hate Slayer and don't care to level it, feel free to train elsewhere and enjoy the better xp-rate and drops.
  2. Yeah, but I'm not one of them. I told them I would leave iif they didn't do it my way, so I put them for a choice: no loot or double loot. Guess which one they chose ... There are 4 possible ways this could go: 1) I die, my traget doesn't : I don't get loot, but he does 2) I don't die, but my target does : I get loot, but he doesn't 3) We both die: We both get loot 4) Neither of us dies: No on gets loot and we've just wasted time 1: I'm not a charity; why can't I have loot if my target is getting it? ---> unacceptable 2: Against my principles of not doing to others what I wouldn't like having done to me ---> unacceptable 3: I's easy, it's fast, it's safe and everyone's happy --> PERFECT 4: A result of shear stupidity and a total lack of empathy from my target. --> incomprehensible Now look at this and tell me my targets aren't complete idiots...
  3. Tell me about it! Most people try Runescape and stop by the time they make their first fire and burn the shrimps ... Some don't even leave the first house they're in, because they focus too much on the graphics. The problem is that they unfairly compare it to other games and the advantages they offer, like WoW. With Wow you can get a 15-day free trial and see the entire game. Runescape on the other hand is a (browser-based!) game that has other fun things to do, but most of them are members, so 95% of the people who quit don't even get to see that. A demo is about seeing the potential the full game could have ... When I first started playing, all my friends played a RuneScape too, but they got tired of it soon and all quit. I kept on playing, because I could see some of the advantages and decided to try members; I never missed a payment since ;) . Now, at 18, I'm afraid to tell people I play this game, because I know they won't understand, and judge the book that is Runescape by it's lousy cover (f2p)...
  4. Totally unfair black marks. You should be muted if you were trying to be offensive, yet there is a lot of confusion about what is against the rules and what's not. I think Jagex just doesn't explain well what is against the rules and what's not...
  5. Personally, I get pretty diverse tasks, but I can understand getting the same thing over and over again is boring. Look on the bright side: at least it's a good task, not like getting goraks or mithril dragons (max amount 8) 4 times ... I would mind getting 4 times Abyssal Demons task ...
  6. Average IQ : 60 Average Age: 14 Solution: A CW clan
  7. PvP: Strength>Attack>Defence --> you need to KO or the noobs'll run PvM/PvE: Attack>Defence>Strength --> you don't need to hit high, you need to hit often (oh and you can't die too)
  8. Personally, I just tell these people I think friendships can't be forced and there should be something interesting about the way you met, be it a helping hand or a clan event. Being higher level doesn't qualify for that. Because if you don't have that, sooner or later, the question "Who are you?" will surface.
  9. Really, I can't believe how stupid some people are; especially pkers! Omg, every time I get a target, they are too dumb to realize we can both get loot with the retribution method, but every single time they try to kill me anyway, resulting in a 15-20 minutes chase, with me trying to make them understand, ending with the time in safe zone running out and neither of us getting loot. Un-[bleep]ing-believable! If you do it right, the retribution method gives double the normal loot, but still they refuse to use their 5 brain cells to try and comprehend that. There is just no reasoning with these people... If you could chose between not getting loot and helping someone, so you both get loot, what is the better option? I guess logic isn't a requirement to play RuneScape. And the worst thing is that most of these players are pretty high level (113 f2p combat), so they can't all be 14-year olds, so you can't blame it on age or puberty. Some of them are adults, or at least college students. Is this the kind of behavior you would expect from some one you might be working with? I know the word "sad" is overused these days, but for this situation, I think it applies.
  10. I disagree: 91 RC is awesome, definitely worth getting! 85 Mining on the other hand ... not so great money maker.
  11. Well, depends on what you want. If you want trimmed skillcape for the prayer boost, do Cooking and Fletching. They are easy, fast and cheap. Firemaking is also an option, but a bit more expensive I think. Use the rest as you like ... It's all about which skills you want as 99. - if you want to get high Slayer, I'd suggest getting high Prayer (high prayer-> more prayer points per dose -> a lot of money saved) Try to find out what 99 you eventually want and chose an order in which to do them. Mine is: 91/99 RC -> 99 Prayer -> 99 Slayer (+ Combat and Summoning) -> 99 Magic -> (don't know yet)
  12. I wanna know all the foods/potions/items/actions that can lower your hp intensionally. Reason: to lower your hp to about 5, for when you get a target in a Bounty World, that is willing to do the Retribution method (killing each other with retribution on, so you both get loot). So, obviously, it has to be tradeable. - Zamorak brew [tradeable] : 2-11 hp loss - Nitroglycerine [untradeable] : 0-35 hp loss - Rock cake (RFD) [untradeable] : multiple 1 hp loss - Rock cake (non RFD) [untradeable] : 4 hp loss - Nightshade [untradeable] : 11 hp loss - Using limestone on a furnace without gloves on [not available in BW] : ? hp loss - Poison Karambwam [untradeable]: 5 hp loss [ugh, why are all these foods untradeable -.- ] Post any method you know to lower your hp, that doesn't involve PvP and that can be used in a Bounty World.
  13. According to Zarfot's Mega Slayer Guide 4: with maxed stats, SGS, Piety and no banking during a slayer task, you can get 145 crimsons charms per hour (on average); 130 with Superhuman strength. Based on the specs you gave, I'm guessing you'll probably get 80% of that, so 116 or 104 crimson charms per hour seems reasonable. Best way to find out is timing it ... However, I don't think void melee is a good idea, since Waterfiends attack using both Ranged and Magic attacks... I think best outfit is Saradomin Sword + Karils and Neitiznot helm. Boosting prayers used depend on how much money per hour you can make. If you think you make a lot, use Piety, if not, use Superhuman strength (10% strength).
  14. "1st) Black mask/Slayer helmet - 15% Attack and Strength while on slayer tasks! Seriously, if you on a slayer task, USE IT!" --> "if you're"
  15. Joke33, those cakes are 1-use only. The RFD cake lasts forever -> you can keep clicking and it doesn't get "eaten" like the ogre one. Got a new one: Make bank placeholders - these are 'things' that keep your bank organized. Most people only have 1 whip or other valuable item. Therefore, each time you take it out of your bank and put it back in, it's at the bottom of the tab. A placeholder remembers the spot an item was in, so when you bank the item you only have 1 of, it gets returned to it's previous place and when it isn't banked, there is a semi-transparent version of the item in that spot so you can organize items through rows. This obviously makes the "retrieve all-but-1" option in bank useless and could replace it (with a "make placeholder" option). For example, if you want your Godsword (as I doubt a lot of people have these in double) at the top of a tab, and you withdraw it, the tab will show a transparent gs and if you click on the tab, it will look exactly like if the gs were there (except for the transparent gs thingy).
  16. Did you mention that Peer the Seer, in Releka, is a walking deposit box, just one boat ride away from Pirate's Cove (after some quests and the diary i think; you might need the boots) ? Then again, useing a glory to bank in Edgy and taking a lyre to Releka is about the same speed i guess.
  17. Nice ones, they should definitely taken into consideration. I always found it strange that you can't split a ... potion (2) into 2 ... potion (1)s. It says "there's no way to split that potion into 2 equal parts" (or something like that), but I think they should redo the math. Not really a direct one, but another suggestion is the speeding up of familiar actions: they always react after about 2 or 3 seconds, which is rather annoying. Make it happen when you click! Make the Recipe for disaster cake available to those who finished the quest (part), but didn't make extra(s). I've always been pissed because I didn't know I could get the best item to Dharock with for free when I did the quest. [For those who don't know, the RFD rock cake hits you 1 hp when you click on it; which is obviously perfect for Dharock. Oh, did I mention you can use it forever? This item is perfect to keep your hp on a specific level!]
  18. Download linky (Hyperionics Hypercam): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EMLZKO5W
  19. A tip: Make a no-music version of the solo vid (and maybe duo too, i didn't check), you can only watch them in the US because of copyright laws... Nothing a youtube proxy can't fix, but still pretty annoying. Oh and some requirements would be good.
  20. Nice guide Sweet pics ;-) Isn't there a dungeon map of this though? I love how you put important text in larger font!!! Either you were sneaky enough slip a greeting into the middle of a sentence or you spelled "you" as "yo" somewhere (just use ctrl+f to find it). Vid of a good run please?
  21. Prayer: I have no problem with people using piety or any other attack boosting prayer. Protection prayers should only be used when someone doesn't want to fight (if you're being barraged from a distance). However, if you are fighting 1 on 1 , you shouldn't pray, because if you do, so will your opponent and that just makes the fight long and boring. Armour: Armour is something to be earned and if you have it, you should be allowed to use it. The only exception I see is Pvp, since it doesn't matter anymore if you lose Ahrims or mystic robes thanks to the 25k losing rule. Why fight in rune? You could just as well both fight in addy and still get the same rewards, but lose less when you die. Potions: Use em all you like. Magic: As long as you don't farcast, you can use it.
  22. I'll add it to the Summoning part. EDIT: Actually, I already mentioned the Ent's harvest bonus, but I didn't include the bush.
  23. While I do agree that most your arguments are valid, the main reason people suggest slayer, is because it's the only way to get slayer exp ... If you are planning on EVER leveling slayer, train combat with slayer. If you don't care that you can't kill abyssal demons, then slayer would indeed be a stupid choice. Personally, I'm going for 99 slayer. And by the time I get there I'll have maxed combat for sure... Maxed combat isn't the goal, it's a bonus! Slayer is simply an expensive skill, costing you a lot of time ... Your analysis doesn't prove Slayer is bad; it proves slayer exp is hard to get. I guess that's why Slayer is the coolest 99 cape ;) .
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