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Everything posted by lokisilath

  1. ive been playing runescape for about 9 months and i would say F2P is great till you get members then going back to F2P is a paaaain. i became a member for a month when i was lvl 40 something then went back to F2P and played F2P for about 6 months and got to lvl 97 (this doesnt mean F2P is easy by any means) and now im a member again and im working like a mad thing trying to get my total lvl up and get my members skills up and doing all the quests i can...its a pain because im a high combat and people usually expect that im super rich ive done most of the quests and ive got an amazing total lvl...WRONG :x lol but dont get me wrong im working on it and members does rock. my advice would be get members when youve done all the F2P quests.
  2. am i the only person who doesnt get this? i also examined him a while back and thought nothing of it...i mean what else does a man surrounded by carpets do? oh waaaaaait...i just grew a dirty mind and i think i get it now :oops:
  3. Well, whats the air speed velocity of an unlaiden Swallow? would that be a european swallow or an african swallow? (apologies if this quote is not 100% correct its been a looong time since i watched holy grail...amazing film though)
  4. OK heres what i think... you got older players who remember the early days of clans and the classic clans. they are now either in the big clans or have retired from runescape. you got newer players who have either heard the tales, been PKed, know someone in a clan or been in a few clans or something and now want to start their own clans. you got players who are just scared of PKing or want to focus on skills rather than combat (AS I SAID SCARED OF PKING LOL). ok so it aint a perfect world and so not every player is gonna fit nicely in those 3 groups but you get the picture...moving on now clan name stealing doesnt necessarily come from knowing there was a clan and stealing their name. it usually comes from liking the name and not checking any clan lists to see if its taken. dont put people down for having a bad clan name...yes they may not have the same effect as the clans of old but oh well you cant put people down for stealing names then put them down for not having a name as good as one they could have stolen lol...your never gonna be satisfied lol. im starting a clan when i reach 110 cb but im getting my friends together now so we can train together and get the word out that The High Clan is coming...now The High Clan (using my clan as an example) is a pretty basic name and i liked it because its THC for short lol. its not the name thats gonna inspire fear its gonna be our reputation...and thats the same with any clan. if a clan has a good name and no one decent then its not gonna be a very good clan...visa versa if one of these clans which doesnt have a good original name turns out to be a harsh clan that owns a lot then they will get a reputation...a name doesnt mean much its just to differentiate yourself from everyone else.
  5. woah thats lame. a mate of mine lost his whip in a similar way and when i was f2p i lost a fair bit by lending out stuff and now i dont unless its one of my RL friends. but dont quit!!! you still have your lvls man so dont let that hard work go to waste. also want to point out for every item switching scamming noob who makes life lame theres a joker who just wants to have some fun and not cause hassle...its just item switching scamming noobs are easier to find.
  6. cheers sheepdean thats really helpful have a gold star or something. and ill bear the help/advice thing in mind for next time. kashi you got a good point there...however...if everyone went by the same prices you wouldnt have that trouble...its only when some people try and sell for less (or more) that you get all this variation which is why a price will never be exact. but yeah we all knew that already lol.
  7. cheers man that was helpful lol the only database i can find is HQ but its not really well thought out... COME ON TIP.IT GIVE US A DATABASE WITH PRICES LOL (might help stop scamming...ya never know)
  8. im aware that items change in price but is there a database anywhere that gives prices on items? prices im currently looking for: raw sharks (1k ea?) obby shield (i heard it had dropped to 500-550k) can anyone help?
  9. i became a member for a couple of reasons here they are in a nice ordered list. 1) all my rl friends are members meaning when i was on f2p i felt kinda lonely lol 2) at lvl 97 combat training becomes reeeeeeally slow compared to members and i was fed up of people becoming members and leaving me in their dust. 3) i was very poor and f2p money making is slow, boring and your more likely to be scammed out of all your hard work. 4) i needed bank space! 5) i wanted to fight other players without the hassle of losing all my items 6) i wanted to get better items as i felt i wasnt owning as much as i should be regardless of high lvls. 7) i had got 76 fishing on f2p and i was dying to get into the fishing guild and fish sharks lol. 8) i needed to train up non combat lvls which is much faster and easier on members 9) i got a job which meant i couldnt play runescape for 12 hours a day anymore lol 10) i got a job! i can pay for members! there you have it 10 reasons why i became a member.
  10. official worlds vs home worlds... if we had official worlds (which by the way i can see the point in and sometimes i wish there were "official" worlds) then wouldnt the more popular skill worlds get swamped? imagine an "official" woodcutting world...macro heaven :evil: . that wouldnt be good. a lot of people me included flock to worlds which me and my friends refer to as joker worlds where it seems everyone you meet is friendly and just online to enjoy themselves. world 111 is the official joker world in that case...closely followed by world 83 lol. however this leads me neatly onto home worlds...a world where you feel at home. whether because the server has the same name as your country or because you think the other players are jokes or just because its quiet allowing lots of training on monsters or something that world becomes your home world the first world you log on to. there are some players who dont care what world they log on to as its all the same to them so in order to have official worlds i think jagex would have to specificly name them or have a guide. otherwise random loggers would clog them up having nothing to do with what that world is designed for...saying that though each world is still a full world and by using a small part of it wouldnt that waste the rest? lol i tend to get sidetracked... back to what i was saying...if the "official" worlds became "official" then i would say its a good thing but people may go off certain skills if they cant get on the "official" world and some people will probably get lamed for having low lvls on an "official" world and you will get those people who think they own that world for having higher lvls...oh well just like all the other worlds then lol.
  11. wow thats lame. i feel sorry that you had that happen to you and i totally agree that it seems people are just in RS for the money...people who get lvls rarely get the respect they deserve. but quitting isnt the answer because if everyone decent quits all we are going to be left with is scamming macroing noobs who are just gonna make life hell for everyone...because they think they can. play RS for yourself and do the best you can oh and dont trust anyone lol.
  12. seriously? nice! ive heard a lot about "player houses" from my friends who got me into runescape. aparently they were going to be released back in the RSC days but instead jagex brought out runecrafting instead of carpentry...ive got a idea now though that i dont think anyones thought of... if theyve brought out a new skill that means the total skill lvl has increased right? which means that zezima could be knocked off the number 1 spot if someone decides to get some quick construction lvls...now theres an interesting thought ey?
  13. hey man ive seen your posts around and your idea of cabbaging runescape sounds jokes i really wish i could make it but unfortunatly ill be at download festival on that day so i hope you have a good 18th and everything goes to plan...how about posting a thread after youve done it saying who won prizes and what happened? btw i turn 20 on june 13th so remember me back lol
  14. If your itention is to go into the wild and kill other players, why do you need protection prayers to do that? They wont kill anyone for you, and neither will tele runes. isnt it easier to kill someone when your not dead?
  15. ive said it before and ill say it again...the wildy is a harsh place with lots of warnings even at the beginning of the game your warned about the wilderness and the harsh people who are only too happy to kill you if you wander in. i have no problem with people teleing, using prayer, using food, switching from melee to range to mage or whatever they want to use...why? because its a game! a very good game that i really enjoy but all those things were put there to use and by gum im gonna use them! i like many other people have trained skills to help me in my quest to kill as many people as i can...ive trained my fishing to fish sharks, ive trained my attk, str, def to smack people up, ive trained my range to shoot people rather fast, ive trained my mage to keep people still and to tele away if im in low lvl wild, ive trained prayer to give me an advantage and ive found some cool people along the way who come pking with me...did i do something wrong? i dont think so...
  16. cheers but im not really too interested in the fishing lvl (77 is good enough for sharks 8-) ) i just need 80 cooking to cook them. i think what im going to do is fish lobs at the guild and bank them then cook them later in bulk. i can then sell the lobs and make a fair bit of cash :D
  17. i have 77 fishing and 77 cooking and i was wondering whats the fastest way to get my cooking to 80? i dont really like cooking with all those ingredients and so i use my fishing to train my cooking. i just want to know which would be faster to train my cooking either fishing lobs or fishing swords and tuna. i fish lobs a lot faster than swords and tuna but lobs dont give as much cooking exp... any suggestions?
  18. ok...i know this has been going on a while but i got a point to make. i used to constantly train at lessers and so therefore i was usually online playing when server updates happened. however when i killed a lesser after a update it didnt drop a rune med which i would say is its rarest item...instead i kept getting your normal basic drops (coins, fire runes, lots of ash etc) so your idea is nice and all but i think you were just lucky. same thing happens with ice giants, ice warriors, moss giants and everything else ive fought during server updates...just got normal drops. this is not to say i havent got rare items off these monsters (14 rune meds to date) its just i dont get them immediatly after an update. the other thing i should probably point out that i found a sly way of getting back onto servers before the log in thing jams with everyone else trying (a mixture of good timing and a third party client...although you can do it with the rs client as well if you got good timing on refreshing and logging in) so i could kill a fair few lessers before the place got crowded again. this is why im not sure your theory works as if i had just killed one then it would be understandable that the one i didnt kill was holding the rune med...but i killed em all and didnt get one so im just pointing that out.
  19. my best friend hates runescape lol. i made her start an account so she could see what it was like and although she got into it shes gone back to hating it as she doesnt have the time to play. the rest of my friends who i spend time with are all runescapers so it doesnt bother me too much. a lot of the time people dont like it due to the graphics...its no match for guildwars or some of the other online games ive seen but i think thats one of its good points...its not like those kind of games. its more about hard work than anything.
  20. i would guess that there are many people who started and quit. then theres people with mains, pures, scouts and mules etc. then theres people who forgot their password forgot their recovery questions (or didnt bother to set any) so ended up making another account...not me but it does happen. basically at the end of the day your guess is as good as mine.... however...with the ranking system i dont think it matters how many people play its how many people who are higher ranked you gotta think about. i train hard in certain skills (fishing, cooking and mellee stats) and ive got a fairly high rank in each and that keeps me happy. by the way if you take that formula and instead of dividing by 0 (mathamatically impossible) and instead times it by 2...you get another number!!! :lol:
  21. i usually play on low detail and listen to music off my computer but every so often when im in the mood for some harsh lag i go on high detail as the in game music is pretty cool...what i dont like about high detail is roofs. you cant see who is in a building or where your going if you go in a house. i just prefer low detail as its easier to see whats going on.
  22. the difference between p2p and f2p is you cant do slayer, fletching, thieving, farming or agility....which means....you can do everything else! i spend my time trying to do all the skills which means i meet a lot of people have a lot of laughs and get to know the whole of the map pretty well...also means i can answer a lot of questions. my favourite skills to train are fishing and combat as you tend to meet a lot of jokers fishing and combat rarely gets boring. pking is a lot of laughs but make sure you got spare armour, weapons, runes, arrows etc in the bank and use all that fishing and cooking experiance to provide your own food...this makes pking a lot cheaper. also to make things more fun get a ring of egg and take it pking..."wow look its an egg!" "hahahaha im not an egg!" "omfg its a lvl 97!!! run run run!!!!" "owned..." yeah pking is fun
  23. just to keep this relative the slower weapons hit higher which means in the right hands they could kill something faster than something that hits faster...thought that should be pointed out...
  24. yeah ive had a fair few river trolls and rock golems but never got sharks or runite as im f2p...i have noticed the faster you kill something the better your drop but this could apply to normal monsters as well i once harshed over a lesser (the first one i fought when i entered karambja volcano) and it dropped a rune med...the rest which took a bit longer dropped your normal drops...whether this was just because the first one was pleased to see me or the fact i 5/6 (cant really remember how many times i hit it but it wasnt many) hitted the big red nuisance im not sure but the rune med was a nice suprise nether the less.
  25. f2p: mellee is a good skill to train up as its cheap and you can do lots of damage (25s with rune baxe w00t!) and by wearing g dhide you can beast on mages to your hearts content (splash splash) have to say though in order to do this you need 40 range to wear dhide...so it aint for pures. members:range and mage have a lot of better items (better armour, better arrows, better bows, better spells and you cant forget ancients) ancients is harsh on members so i would say mage is the best thing to train up for members.
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