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Everything posted by Ss_J9_Goten

  1. 1. But the article states "to improve infrastructure". If there is still room for improvement, it should be improved. 2. I concede that, yes, many public schools are in desperate need of repair. 3. Well, that article was talking about $1 billion dollars for education, with $700 million going to public and $300 million going to non-government schools. Going by percentages, 70% is going to government schools, whilst 30% is going to non-government schools. But now government schools are getting 200 and a third percent more than non-government schools. Now consider the next image As we can see (this table is under the Literacy, Numeracy and special Learning Needs program), non-government schools are receiving $129,581 of $393,829. This, by my calculations (which may be wrong) is roughly 32.9%. This means that government schools are getting 67.1% of these particular funds, which is pretty close to the ratio of public to private schools. There are many more examples. Before I hi-jack this thread, however, I will quit. If you would like to debate this further through pm, I would be more than happy to accommodate you.
  2. Hmmm, 2004 seems a little outdated. I'll try and find something more recent. EDIT: Well, here's something. Meanwhile, I'll try and find something better
  3. Don't ask me why I had enough time to read the Wikipedia article on scientology, I just did. Here's something interesting, Scientologists believe that But And furthermore So according to L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is evil and abusive. Far be it from me to criticise someone else's beliefs. Just needed to throw that one in. All quotes are from the Wikipedia article on Scientology.
  4. I think it's the other way round. I'm pretty sure private get $4000 per student and public get $8000 per student. Your second statement is also untrue. At the school I go to most of the money from fees goes into building facilities. In the last 3-4 years, my school has built a library/computer/study area, a hall and are currently building a gymnasium. Each project cost several million dollars. I hardly think a gymnasium is going to fit into a teacher's pocket :wink: I really don't agree with that. Let's, hypothetically speaking, take that to be law. Parents cannot have an effect on your possibilities in life whatsoever. Alright, so they can't put you in a school, because that's having an effect on your possibilities in life. They can't give you advice on what to do in life, because that's affecting your possibilities. See what I'm getting at? If you read all that, thank god this wasn't for nothing. I read it. \ And no, I'm not really seeing what you're getting, no, not at all. Giving advice to children is not something that'll drastically change something in the kids life, and that and public/private-school discussion is not in any way comparable. I think it is totally wrong in every sence that someone succees 'better' at life because his/her parents happened to be rich. The kid had nothing to do with it, so he should just be equal to everyone else, at least in education. And btw, I don't think everyone that goes to a private school is a rich brat, just a way to get posts. :mrgreen: I firmly believe everyone should be equal regardless what their parents/someone else/ did for them. In my opinion, private/public schools just make the gap between rich/poor people wider. And someone earlier compared this with steaks, but that is just idiotic. Having a steak doesn't effect the rest of your life, or chances of getting a job. Going to a private school (usually) does. Get some frickin' arguments. "Finnish 15-year-olds score first in the industrial world on comparative tests of their academic abilities." - Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/05/AR2005080502015_3.html And Finland doesn't have any private schools, only public. All free. Let the record show that I am a nit-picker. There are good and bad public schools, just as there are good and bad private schools. If everybody should have equal education, then everybody should have equal jobs, health care, etc., because each of those affect your life. Which would mean there would be no point in schooling, as everybody would be considered equals, even though we know not everybody is equal. Or at least in brain power.
  5. I really don't agree with that. Let's, hypothetically speaking, take that to be law. Parents cannot have an effect on your possibilities in life whatsoever. Alright, so they can't put you in a school, because that's having an effect on your possibilities in life. They can't give you advice on what to do in life, because that's affecting your possibilities. See what I'm getting at? Also, calling anybody who goes to a private school a "rich brat" is pretty much a stereotype. I go to a private school, and I'm not a rich brat. Hell, my parents have to work damned hard just to send me to this school. My dad is legally blind and he's STILL working just to send me to the private school I go to, so I can have a better education and do better in life. And that's not just my parents. Currently, Australia (the country I live in) is going through the worst drought in a century, and a lot of the kids in this school live on farms. Pretty hard to keep a farm running successfully in the middle of a horrible drought, but they still do it so that their kids can get a better education. My brother used to go to a public school, and my mum saw the way they were taught and the environment of the public school, and that's my I and my brothers now go to a private school. We don't get spoon-fed. Believe it or not, we actually have to do research in assessment tasks. We still have to revise formulae, dates, quotes, etc. for our tests. And the private school I go to has been doing very well in the honour roll (for the HSC, for Americans I think that's the equivalent of the LSATs or SATs, not sure what it's called). Basically the leaving school exam. Last year, not exactly sure on the figures, but I think somewhere around 150-160 out of 180-190 of the year 12 students got into the honour roll. In the HSC, you aren't spoon-fed. And don't call us ignorant of the ways of the real world. There are actually several teachers here that spend half of the lessons telling us how to be successful. We have house masters, tutors, year co-ordinators, etc. that tell us how to survive in the real world. Also, not sure who said it, but I used to believe teachers at private schools got higher pay. Until one of them told me they got the same pay as teachers at public schools. If you read all that, thank god this wasn't for nothing.
  6. Lethal Weapon 4 for the dental chair. \
  7. Giant rat + one health + 1 defense = my most pathetic death. That was back in RSC, lost a rune 2 hander, strength amulet and full iron. God must have loved me that day cause I got my stuff back :D
  8. But the fresh air, it hurtsssss ussssss. We MUSN'T let them take away our precioussss, yessss... Hi, and welcome ti Tip.It. Don't macro either, otherwise the j-mods will stab you in your sleep :ohnoes:
  9. 15 in a month as of today :D Too bad my birthday's on a schoolday, and a Monday no less :cry:
  10. The only one I can think of for the hottub is the Parent Trap. It's wrong though, isn't it? EDIT: Yeah, sorry, didn't read the clue. Parent trap was made before 2000 :wall:
  11. You should try Ludlum books. Better than Brown.
  12. I almost fell off my chair laughing :lol: I beat my bro in bomberman once and he started smashing his leg against the ground (cause he was sitting down and couldn't be botherd to get up). Little did he know theres was a smashed glass on the floor...He didn't even tell my mum, and just put 6 bandaids over the cut (which was pretty deep). And one time I was stupid enough to try and brake my scooter without shoes on...
  13. Ss_J9_Goten

    Movie Facts

    You've seen Broken Lizard's Club Dread, haven't you :P Torn in half with a rope and still manages to chase after a motorboat :roll: In most non-horror movies theres a happy ending
  14. You've ripped open scars in my very soul! You monster! Had one of those last year *shudders*. Just imagine the horrors of the schoolyard for a boy with a bowlcut. Apparently I looked like the Pope O:)
  15. It's happened to me so many times you'd think I'd learned my lesson. Half chewed beef. Onto my friends face. A piece of an apple got stuck there once. Sucker didn't come out for half an hour. And some nice, fresh hot chocolate. My poor nose hurts just thinking about it...
  16. In this case, it was ignorance that was exploited. Why should ignorance be punished? If all ignorance should be punished, then every one of us should be punished, because all of us are ignorant of one thing or another. Unfortunately for him, he was ignorant of a scam. How can he defend from that which he doesn't know? And what if someone is too weak to defend themselves? Do they deserve to have their things taken away? Devilchild, I can donate some money to you. Add Ss J9 Goten
  17. So you think that people who lie and cheat honest players of hard earned items and money shouldn't be punished? Someone needs to melt your icy heart. Sorry about your loss. But if you hang in there, you can get back on your feet in no time. Just mine alot of iron or cut yews.
  18. As far as I can tell, only the hp was affected. Didn't really get nerfed. Less hp=more kills=more drops. But yes, they did drop in hp. But not in item drops (for f2p at least).
  19. Only my dad and two of my brothers (7 children total, only one sister :shock: ) read. My brothers are into horror like Stephen King. I'm into fantasy/sci-fi. I'm currently reading the Inheritence trilogy (can't wait for the third book) and the Key's to the Kingdom series (4/7 books realeased so far [i think]). I love to read because I can totally immerse myself into the story. And I think I started reading somtime around or before Kindergarten. Right now though I have to read "The complete idiot's guide to Latin" :evil: .
  20. The level 27's dropped from 50 to 23 :? The catablepon uses weaken from time to time, and otherwise uses melee.
  21. A level 27 minotaur dropped an uncut sapphire for me. And one mind rune.
  22. I love this update, the minotaurs drop so many arrows. I got the sceptre too, and I got the bottom part off the very first flesh crawler I killed :D I love the new monsters too. Has anyone else noticed the minotaurs have alot of hp for their level? At my count I got 50 for the level 27's :shock:
  23. Chew your lip. It tastes better :D I pick my nails, I always thought they tasted...weird. Plus the fact most of the "dirt" under your fingernails is fecal matter/peanut butter. But mostly number 2. Maybe that will help with your addiction :P
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