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Everything posted by Kiriyama

  1. Dark Aura, as some advice, you only need to hit the enemy once as a Commando so it doesn't fall as fast. After that you're best using at least 2 Ravagers for a quick stagger. Then switching back to a COM/RAV to get the damage in.
  2. It's actually if there have been no guesses.. What we have above could be attempts at guesses. Learn to [bleep]ing read.
  3. Why exactly? Care to give some criticism?
  4. Pretty much. Oh, and you'll be up for a lot harder ones. Bahamut is the easiest, if only because you have all 3 members then.
  5. Oh, you fight all the Eidolons to get them. For Snow's.. [hide= Spoiler] Stick as a Sentinel and keep auto-battling for Steelguard and you'll do it. You won't die. [/hide]
  6. Yeah. One of the first games I owned..Never got that far in it.
  7. Let me ask you people calling these men evil and such this.. In that situation, on a battlefield where everything is not clear, where you are in danger at practically every moment, would you all have made the same judgment you have now? On this battlefield, you can't tell friend from foe. Sure we now know it is a camera, but in that situation, it can look like other things. You don't take chances when your life is on the line. A guy comes at you with what appears to be a gun, do you double-check, or is your first instinct survival? The fact is, you are all condemning these men from the safety of your homes far from a battlefield. Hell, the closest you all have been to this sort of thing is probably in a game, where it is clear who the enemy is. So again, before you claim these men are evil, put yourselves in their situation, it certainly looks like they are carrying an RPG or something, and there's a large armed group of them. Do you take the chance that they are just innocents, endangering yourself when you have reasonable suspicion that they are carrying a deadly and illegal weapon?
  8. Uhh..Wizzkid..I got it right, not you.
  9. Hope is actually a good Synergist once he gets haste. Found myself needing a Synergist more than a Saboteur. Damn fine character for a Synergist and Medic role. Especially in the end when you'll want to have 3 Medics at once for fast healing.
  10. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Probably it, thing looks like it could be on a DS.
  11. I take it it is in the Megami Tensei series? One of the earlier ones, I know that. Seriously, if I'm right then all it is going to take is 1 person devoted enough to look through all the games in that series to find it. But, of course, I could name each of the parts of the series.. Shin Megami Tensei series. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner series Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga series. Though I really doubt it is the first..Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei.
  12. Fishing at monkfish. Pretty much everyone gets two in 1 load.
  13. I have done that a lot in college. Of course my friends and I get made fun of for it, but I dont care. Oh, we actually did it during class..I think the class went off at a tangent from what we originally meant to discuss.. Our tutor had no idea what we were talking about.
  14. Well, to sum the 2010 version up.. [hide=spoilers for those who haven't seen.] A plane crashes in a river near a town, polluting the water supply with a virus that was meant to be incinerated. Of course, for some reason the water gets to certain houses days before others, infecting the people who drink it (this part made little sense), and for some reason it takes longer to infect some people, as we witness by the first infected, then his family. Anyway, that obvious plot-hole aside. The military intervenes, separating infected from uninfected by taking their temperatures or something, which the obvious pregnancy of 1 character would mess with. Guy goes to save his wife from military then they (along with another guy who is infected but not fully overcome yet) try to escape the the nearest major city.[/hide] I've explained it as basically as I can, the film however is brilliant in the execution at times, along with building up the tension at times.
  15. Well let's see.. I've seen most, if not all, of the Resident Evil live-action movies so far, though I wouldn't rate them too highly. Since we're including 28 Days/Weeks Later, I guess I can throw in The Crazies (2010). Anyway, to my actual ratings. 1. Dead Snow 2. 28 Days Later 3.The Crazies (2010) 4.Shaun of the Dead 4. 28 Weeks Later (hard to choose between this and SotD, so I'll place both the same) 5. Zombieland 6. Resident Evil series That probably covers all I've seen, been meaning to see others I.E. Dawn of the Dead (original and remake) and the rest in that series.
  16. [sarcasm]Wow Pirate_Felix, you're so funny and witty.. How can we ever be as awesome as you?[/sarcasm]
  17. Allow me to ruin that mood.. I STILL [bleep]ING BEAT YOU TO IT LOSER! HAHA YOU FAIL! Though really, it's about damn time you made up your mind. To hell with, Scotsman! Nothing will ruin this mood! NOTHING! You may have found your [b[(RS) love[/b], but now so have I! 8-) Mate, you know I never say that. We may have met through RS, but our relationship developed outside (and some random [cabbage] is coming to mind now) of it, so I hate that term.
  18. No, I'm pretty sure lots of girls think lesbians are hot. Yeah, why wouldn't we think they are? :unsure: Confession: For my 18th Birthday I am getting... Pokemon! Part of me is very happy but part of me wants to cry :P Ha, don't worry. I'm one of the few people at my school who still play Pokemon. We get laughed at a lot and called "nerds". But I enjoy the games, so.... If you enjoy it, who gives a [cabbage] what others think? The people who want to play Pokemon, but do give a [cabbage] what others think. And you can't beat the original 151. Confession: We ended up talking about Pokemon in college once.
  19. Kiriyama


    QFT Guide for Pokemon: Serebii Guide for anything else: Gamefaqs Wait..I have to do this. For Pokemon, there's Serebii. For everything else in life, there's Gamefaqs.
  20. Kiriyama


    He got the guide before the game :mrgreen: Okay, we smash the pad in front of him, then burn the guide.. Then we break his thumbs.
  21. Kiriyama


    You bought the guide at the same time as the game? Turn in your pad. You are no gamer.
  22. Allow me to ruin that mood.. I STILL [bleep]ING BEAT YOU TO IT LOSER! HAHA YOU FAIL! Though really, it's about damn time you made up your mind.
  23. Wongtong thinks lesbians are hot? Damn..Is that a level of hot we can't comprehend?
  24. Wait, Ouchy, let me get something straight.. Are you saying your mates would hassle you over dating her (how are they mates in that case?) because she is, to use your words, not the prettiest girl (seriously, if you think this, you can't think she is that beautiful and you shouldn't be with her).
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