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Everything posted by coonas

  1. the title says all! Aligty level for no-fail ape atoll? cheers for help if given.
  2. limewire54... :roll: im good at cooking then, or making wires....
  3. 10/10, it made me chuckle, i can't see anything wrong with it!
  4. ill give it a 7/10 for aculty work put in and id say a 4 for the aculty idea of it (the extra 4 came from the cow :-$ )
  5. Very good, ill give it a 6/10. Maybe you could add about the gloves other features and also work on the meduim and hard tasks maybe?
  6. Very nice, what is so special about 107 combat, im 101 and never thought about 107 being as a goal...
  7. nawww so cute, too bad though, sorry to hear that.
  8. 1. You can crop in MSPaint 2. He typed out his words pretty well. Awww beat me to it!
  9. or you can save up and get obby staff for looks, its what i did
  10. He either loves you or loves to get killed by you, Very nice drops.
  11. 1. Wheres you favorite place to craft armor? Anywhere 2. Wheres your favorite place to mine coal or any ore higher? gold - and the gold helmet spot 3. Wheres your favorite place to train? Slayer but if not there, damis lair or smokey well. 4.What do you train on there? Damis lair - gaint skeletons, Smokey well - dust devils 5. Whats your favorite Regular monster? Bloodvieds - can't beat the tounge of evil 6. Whats your favorite Slayer monster? Abby spectures or dust devils 7. Who's your favorite slayer master? Shillo 8. Wheres your favorite place to firemake? Yanille 9. Wheres your favorite place to farm? Seers 10. Do you love to pk? Do you like to pk? OR do you hate pking? Hate 11. Where in the wilderness do you like pking? Hate 12. If your running away from someone trying to kill you, where do you run to? South 13. Whats your favorite emote of a cape of achievement? Slayer 14. Whats your favorite kind of magic? regular, Ancients, lunar, or none? Lunar 15. Do you range with bow & arrow, knives, or darts? Seercul or karil x-bow 16. Whats your favorite kind of quest? Easy, Medium, Hard, or Very hard? Very hard 17. Do you PC for your combat skills? Nope, all slayer 18. Whats your favorite potion? (can be ANY potion) Combat potion 19. Wheres your favorite place to fish? Fishing coloney 20. Finally, how do you raise prayer? Pc, Gilded Altar, Ecto, or just burying bones? Ecto
  12. I dontated some Swordies to a noob when i was in F2P with my friend, i cant usally stand F2P though :ohnoes:
  13. Mine is named after my mums favoite sweet, but i woulda had coonas if avaible or limewire4, not 54.
  14. Either canifis because i do alot of slayer or letya because its usally my tele-out.
  15. Me been making these for fun for ages, ill enter one of mine ;
  16. Abyssalwhip has gotta be the funnest, so thats my vote.
  17. it use to be siglak which i liked but i accdently changed it to sigton...
  18. No-Lifers make me jealous.... :wall: Just Kidding. Nice Stats...Own Me. :roll: I wanna see your bank. :pray: ~Angat14~ Er...you dont want to see it, its kinda bad...
  19. Me being a person who loves slayer has to say shillo, im fed up of using fairy ring then running to shillo. GIVE US SHILLO TELE!
  20. If i didn't know id get this type of reasponse i wouldn't of made this... Oh well, cheers for all the Good/Nice coments
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