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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. Noone looks back. All votes are cast before the result is known.
  2. You don't need your poll card to vote regardless of what the poll clerk says. I've worked at poll booths before, they are being lazy because they can't be bothered to look for you. However if you didn't receive one its possible that you're not on the electoral roll. You can be paying council tax without being on the roll.
  3. AV isn't my 1st choice either but its progress and I worry that if the yes camp loses the referendum then the govt will say that the public aren't into change and we'll be stuck with FPTP because there's no way a conservative govt is gonna propose AV+ or PR
  4. If you give someone 50p (your vote) to get you a packet of crisps (no) from the shop and you want salt and vinegar as first choice, cheese and onion second with roast beef 3rd and the shop doesn't have any s&v you don't end up with multiple packets of crisps.
  5. That's bs about the person winning in round 1 having a large chance of losing overall. 95% of the time the person winning in round 1 DOES win overall.
  6. If you are going to keep on an on about this one vote issue then think of it this way. EVERYONES VOTES are counted as many times as necessary If I vote the following: A 1 B 3 C 2 D 4 And you vote the following: A 2 B 4 C 3 D 1 If all the votes are counted and B has the majority but not 50% and for whatever reason D is removed we begin round 2. In round 2 my second preference for party B is counted and if you consider that as a second vote then consider that YOUR vote is also counted up again.
  7. Dan, AV is in no way any more proportionally representative than FPTP.
  8. This, to be quite honest. I have no intention on voting yes for this currently. You can easily lookup the voter turnout for your constituency. The average in the UK is 65.1%, the lowest about 44%. 644/650 constituencies has 50% or more turnout. The participation rate is a non-issue.
  9. That means that 70% of people did NOT want candidate A to win. That is not a majority (at least not under AV). Under AV we would look at the second choices for the people that voted cantidate C and distrubute them accordingly. 95% of the time the winner at round one is the winner overall. All this one person one vote is bollocks. You still only get one vote under AV. If I ask you to go to the shop and get me a Mars bar but if they havn't got any then get me a Twix, you dont come back from the shop with two chocolate bars. The chocolate bar analogy goes as follows: AV - I give you 50p to get me a chocolate bar. I ask for Mars bar first, 2nd choice a Twix, then Daim bar 3rd. Under av I might get a Mars or a Twix and while it might noy be my first and favourite choice, I am happy with what I have. Happy Mercifull. FPTP - I give you 50p to get me a chocolate bar. I only get one choice so I ask for a Mars bar. You go to the shop and they dont have any, so you bring me back a cabbage. Sad Mercifull. More often than not however people live in constituencies which are classed as "safe seats" which means that if I live in Witney my vote for Liberal democrats is wasted. Even if perhaps people only have a preference for one party they might be strongly against another. I might for example prefer the B party to win but if not I want the A party. So I give them a 1 and a 2 accordingly. I do not want the C party so I dont give him part of my vote at all. AV is as complicated as writing 1,2,3 on a bit of paper. If you cant do that then you really aught not to be voting at all. I've done vote couting before, its not too difficult but yes time consuming. This is because of the verification. AV is used in other countries with no problems and at no great expense. AV is not PR. Nothing more to discuss. Where are your sources for the 6/10 australians that want to get rid of AV... is it by any chance the No campaign?... FPTP works well when you have two canditates, when you have more then you need AV to ensure broad support. Again back to the chocolate bar analogy, you only get one vote. He said AV strengthens the contituency link, which is the link between you and your local MP, not the coalition. I agree. I'm not keen on that argument for AV. People have 'actually voted' for the people who stand as MPs today. What you are saying that, by process of elimination, more people end up voting for the same person. This person can be someones third or fourth choice. This is not them voting for who they want, this is them voting for someone who they have low opinion of. Therefore they don't care about what they do, because to all intents and purposes, their choice of candidate has lost. It's very unlilely that someone who is 4th in the first round ends up winning. 95% of the time the person who has the most votes in round one still ends up winning under AV. I'm not even going to comment on your meaningless picture.
  10. 2 out of 3 MPs were elected with less than 50% support last election.
  11. The referendum is to use AV for GENERAL elections. In local elections you normally have 2-4 seats available. Local elections will continue to use FPTP...for now Question: "At present, the UK uses the ‘first past the post’ system to elect MPs to the House of Commons. Should the ‘alternative vote’ system be used instead?"
  12. I don't know about your constituency but where I live voter turnout is around 75. The lowest turnout of ANY constituency in the whole of the UK at the 2010 elections was in Manchester Central where it was 44%. I think the lowest turnout on record was in 2001 in Liverpool Riverside which had a 34% turnout. I don't think a turnout of 15% has EVER happened. And even if it was lets do some statistical analysis: An electoral division is made up of around 5500 people. If I was doing a survey based on a population and I got 832 back (15%) then I would give that a confidence interval of +/-3.13. I know things are a little different with elections but even if only 15% turnout in theory that's enough for a vote to be statistically valid. When you get anything with low turnouts, AV is a better voting method. It is in low turnout areas that extremist parties get elected. Because under FPTP you can win an election with less than 30% of the vote the BNP for example get only 250 votes (based on your 15% turnout) and win the election. In my view that is a ridiculous system. Under AV you would need to get 416 votes in your hypothetical election. These numbers of of course hypothetical because voter turnout in the UK rarely falls below 45%, the UK average is 65% and the highest turnout was over 77%.
  13. Paddy Ashdown talks a little about AV. http://www.frome.tv/2011/04/paddy-ashdown-visits-frome-with-his-yes-campaign-for-the-alternative-vote/ P.s thats me in the black tshirt :D
  14. Because it a) costs money to develop for iOS b) you need a mac.
  15. There is one available for Android but not iOS. https://market.android.com/details?id=org.inh.android.rsge&feature=search_result
  16. Hello :) Maybe there should be some kind of "old skool" sticky somewhere. These threads pop up about every 6 months or so and its the same few of us that reply hehe
  17. I used the orb when close-up and just turned angle when right clicking
  18. These bots were pretty obvious...
  19. Planted flag in usual place and a lot more bots than before are getting past. Perhaps the makers are already fixing it? :(
  20. You can also plant a vex and runefest flag together
  21. You can plant however many you like next to another if you time it right. It's the same with the runefest flags which I managed to plant 6 together with friends at the ge one day.
  22. Did it earlier by the herbs at sorc garden. Worked a treat :P
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