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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. No sure how cosher it was but I saw his name in pretty big letters on a couple of signature walls at Runefest too. Jiblix wasnt there, it was people trolling.
  2. I'll ask Suzi tonight to see if she wants to expand on her idea but as it was meant to be a joke dont hold your breath for a post. I think she meant like in The Sims where you get to charm people and after a period of time you go from acquaintances, friends, close friends, relationship, going steady, married etc...
  3. All I could think when I heard that question was the Quick Chat option: "This is not a dating site" ... :rolleyes: Lol that was my rather amorous girlfriend... where is the video for that? :P And she wasn't bering serious, nor was I when I said about the 'standing in a bank skill' so no need for the banging head on wall or roll eyes emotes.
  4. I saw someone with a golden scythe yesterday. I took a screenshot because I'll probably never see another one again :)
  5. You spoke to me once. You told me to get out. :P Well you did mention CheatEngine :P
  6. Silent. In fact they specifically told us NOT to all rush off at once. So I did it at a leisurely pace. No idea what number person I was but wasnt one of the 25.
  7. I saw you Rainy but I was in a queue for something and didnt get to speak with you, perhaps next year :)
  8. Here is a photo I took of the dominion tower I took when I got to test it at RuneFest. The wall is like the guardian to the tower and speaks to you with real voice. When it's finally released and you get to play it, turn your sound on! :D
  9. I think he's stalling in a desperate bid to keep his subscribers and cheaters clients. The Cluster Flutterer appears to be the name for a combination of measures designed to stop the bots from working, one of which is dynamically changing the variable IDs of items/npcs/etc. Has Jacmob got a basic bot working...? Possibly, but there's no way it can be distributed due to the constant changes that probably need to be made to it to keep working for more than an hour or two each time and it's probably easily detectable too. It's my opinion that Jagex is even letting him experiement with trying to hack the client by not immediately banning his test accounts while logging everything he's trying to do and ultimately letting him fall into a trap.
  10. Rice bag as above then in the airing cupboard for a few days. But if its been in the washer on a hot wash with soap and everything then there is a very good chance its dead. Claim it off the house contents insurance.
  11. Apparently according to twitter RiD bots are still working. Now I've not heard of them before today (are they the 2% jagex cant detect?) but from what I gather it reads the screen and uses AI to control the mouse :S
  12. Not all videos on youtube are optimised for mobile viewing.
  13. As I said, it is an example. But how the hell do they make an iPhone 4 at $187 and sell it at $200? I don't believe that iSupply: it's too easy to inflate actual prices and I wouldn't trust a company with the Apple 'i' trademark reporting honest Apple data. :rolleyes: Anyone can make an example with made up estimations. :rolleyes: And why wouldn't you trust a company just because it has an 'i' in the name despite them not being affiliated with Apple at all? The 'i' is NOT a trademark of Apple. If you bothered to read up on the company they do not report on Apples data they strip down the device into its components themselves and use their expertise in supply chains to work out where the parts came from and what they would cost in bulk.
  14. Bear in mind that RuneScape passwords you cannot use special characters nor is it case sensetive :(
  15. That's rubbish that it only costs $30 to produce! Where is your source for this claim? iSupply (a company who specialise in sourcing materials for mass production) put the bill of materials for the iPhone4 at $187.51 and this doesnt include the cost of actually putting it together, other factory costs or any research and development. [source]. Yes Apple have one of the best supply chains in the world and yes the price above is probably a generous estimate but it's a far cry from the $30 you are claiming. Your percentages and cost estimations are WAYYYYYYYYY out of reality.
  16. RSBANDBUpdate! 329 Hes a Familiar http://update.rsbandb.com/2011/10/rsbandbupdate-329-hes-a-familiar/ Special botting edition of the RSBandB podcast.
  17. Jagex should just add ASIRRA to RS :P
  18. You never did sell me those feathers Rae... :P <3 Crazy Goblin Auction Site
  19. Genious, visionary, bordering on crazy (see letters to Adobe). I expected this but not so soon, I guess it doesn't matter how rich and powerful you are you cant escape death. Sent from my iPad.
  20. "Sadly, it seems that, for the most part, the only "community" that Jagex appears to listen to are the pmods and the maxed players who, sadly, are likewise going to be amongst the majority of people attending Runefest " Blyaunte That's bushlit! I've actually been to RuneFest and I can tell you that the pmods and maxed players are very much a minority. The VAST majority of people there are just regular players.
  21. Actually with Chromebooks and some Ultrabooks without dvd drives a browser based game has a HUGE advantage.
  22. Why did I open this thread? I knew it would be a collection of Alexa or Google search graphs... What an epic fail of a thread.
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