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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. Aparently advanced booking codes are going out this week and tickets will go on sale for those people on Friday. Not sure how accurate this information is, it is from a non confirmed source.
  2. Some of you don't realise how facebook works. You don't need to give a last name if you create a "page", upload a picture the same as the official Facebook and then post on the RS official wall as that "page". That how someone did it.
  3. Doesn't make sense why they would do this for prepaid cards which surely make jagex the least amount of money after making the cards and distributing them around the world. What of us who are true loyal members who only pay 3.20 a month?
  4. Asirra is much better than reCAPTCHA anyway
  5. Let's just stop this right now before it gets out of hand again and this thread turns into a flame fest. 1. The flagstaff/whatever the new item is, is not rwt because it is free. The money is for the ticket, the item is to signify that you went to RuneFest in game 2. Even if it was rwt, which it clearly isn't, we had this discussion to death last year, jagex have made it clear they aren't removing the items nor giving them to everyone who wants it. Get over it [/end]
  6. Why is it acceptable to wear brand tshirts (Nike) or band tshirts but not games? Are people seriously concerned about what other ppl might think? Most of my friends know I play, some of my work friends know I play, some of my family know I play. I'm not a social pariah.
  7. My opinion is that they will no refund the ticket price, or even a portion of it. If they do want to give something back to the attendees they can always provide free food and drink instead.
  8. I hope that the party is on the sat as Suzi cant get the Monday off.
  9. I got home and saw the email then spent the last half hour on the phone to Limparse lol. I'll need to discuss it with Suzi. If we go then we'll try to get the VIP tickets as we're not going on holiday this year so it will be a treat for us.
  10. You can thieve from other players in Stealing Creation
  11. It'll say you dont have room in your inventory for all the items so I dont think it'll work. You cant bank the lamps either so you will either have to use them on another skill or dont get the EEE just yet.
  12. I've met Mark Gerhard... he looks nothing like this cartoon.
  13. Prices in the UK are still £4.99 and £12.99. Went to Sainsburys yesterday.
  14. Members loyalty.... i've played Runescape since 2001 i'd better get the best stuffs! lol
  15. 100 days at $25 is the exact same cost per day than 90 days at $22.50. And the 35 day one works out at $.02 a day more so its hardly a big deal.
  16. Someone mentioned that if I didnt like bots money making in the same place I am then I should find a better place to make money. I think a lot of people would agree that frost dragons are a one of the best ways of making money. There are bots at frost dragons... :angry:
  17. I've met loads of ppl irl that I originally met online. My girlfriend of almost 4 years we also originally met online. The only pathetic person here is you for being so closed minded.
  18. The grindy nature of runescape is bulls--t as an excuse for botting. Runescape's updates in the last few years has made it less grind-like than ever before!
  19. If you voted no because you were holding out for something "better" than AV such as AV+, STV or PR then its unlikely to happen in our lifetime now.
  20. Just got home from the district council elections in Mendip. From what I could see (I wasn't counting the AV stuff) while I was verifying/counting the district stuff it isn't looking good for the referendum. Counting that starts at around 4pm this afternoon. Been awake for over 26 hours already. Oh the joys of election night.
  21. I wasn't aware that people found it difficult to count to three.
  22. Except cricket is hardly as simple as he makes out, especially when determining a the target score for the team batting second in a one-day cricket or Twenty20 cricket match interrupted by weather or other circumstance.
  23. The UK is the only country in Europe to use FPTP... Doesn't that say something? Awful analogy. You dont need to win every race to win the championship. This is Lewis Hamilton coming 5th in the last race of the 2008 grand prix and winning the championship. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLo2NcBdKNI&feature=related You sir. are an idiot. In a yes/no vote you can only choose one. That's not ironic.
  24. Shameless photo of me with Eddie Izzard at the Yes even in Bristol this morning :P
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