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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. Mobile site shows no ads?... might there be an issue with everyone using that and tipit getting no revenue or are ads planned for the mobile site when its out of beta?
  2. It's getting ridiculous now. If you got the turkey hat then this "offer" overlaps. No rewards for people like me who have had a recurring payment non stop since 2007
  3. Mercifull


    It's actually quite different technically from WoL/Evony/Civony/ChinesecookiecutterMMO etc in that it doesn't use Flash. It's done purely in html within the browser so it works on all platforms. It's quite an achievement and I applaud Jagex... I won't be playing it though.
  4. Just went to waterfall place, got a full tool belt. Either its a rumour or the glitch is fixed.
  5. Speaking to a jmod this year they said they decided not to go with the wristbands to show ages as it was easier to just let the bar staff check ID if appropriate etc.
  6. Ditto. And that's why so many people loved One Piercing Note, because they actually went through the quest reading/listening to the dialogue.
  7. You are not the only person this is happening to. Our clan has posted about it in the leader forums to try to get a response from a jmod.
  8. But which of those populations has the greatest concentration of rs players? Pure population isn't the main point here, it's sheer amount and location of rs players. I don't know, I only have data for Tip.It :shades: . Just counting those from North America and Europe, not Australia/NZ, about 62.5% of active TIFers (from 92/298 replies) are from North America. There are whole communities outside of Tip.it on their own websites from people all over the world. The fact that pre bot nuke there were dedicated worlds for so many European countries surely should prove that there is a huge player base outside of the USA.
  9. Took a lot of effort stripping out the cities they were in and removing them out of bullet points into a comma'd list. How do you know what the player base in the UK is? Do you have access to the Jagex client list? What about other European players, they are even further from the USA?
  10. It's a wiki, eventually all the content will be replicated. The wikia will slowly die.
  11. Selfish... perhaps. But then here in the UK we don't have TemleCon or Total Confusion or ConnCon, Intercon, Havoc, Vericon, Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) East, OGC, Huzzah, Carnage, DexCon, Fall In!, Historicon, I-CON, MEPACon, PrinceCon, UberCon, World Boardgaming Championships, Arcon, Council of Five Nations, Queen City Conquest, A&G Ohio, Bashcon, Con on the Cob, D&D Experience, Games Day, Gaming Hoopla, Gary Con, Geek.Kon, Gen Con, Marcon, Marmalade Dog, MichiCon, Origins Game Fair, Penguicon, PentaCon, StarCon, U-Con, WinterCon, Winter War, Wolfcon, Masquerade Society, Gamicon, Fields of Honor, Nuke, Con of the North, Gamer's Reunion, Bayou Wars, CharCon, Con Carolinas, DragonCon, Euro Quest (EQ), Heat of Battle, MACE, Mini MACE, MAGFest, MegaCon, Momocon, PeliCon, [southern Front], Stellarcon, SynDCon, Trinoc*con, Waterloo, Winter Activation Meeting (WAM), CoastCon, Hypericon, MidSouthCon, MOBICON, Tennessee Game Days, Chattacon, PlayOnCon, [gamecon Memphis], Texicon [1] General Gaming Convention, ScrewAttack Gaming Convention (SGC), BGG.CON, TrollCon, Phoenix Vul, GEEX Show, NeonCon, BlizzCon, DunDraCon, Celesticon, E For All, Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), GameStorm, Games Day, Gamex, Gateway, Kublacon, Enfilade, MineCon, Northwest Pinball and Gameroom Show, OrcCon, [Pacificon Game Expo], Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) Prime, RadCon, Science Fiction and Fandom Convention or Pasco...
  12. If it were in NY next year then I might consider it, anywhere else just isn't an option for me sadly.
  13. Kinda silly if you ask me. Everyone know it makes more sense to hold it in the UK. Its easier for Jmods, cheaper to organise and has the least impact on the game from developers and other mods being away from Jagex Towers. But if having it in Chicago means tickets end up at £500 then lets see how dedicated those people voting for US cities really are... ~ RuneFest attendee 2010 and 2011
  14. A lot of the "bots"are just good old fashioned chinese sweat-farm workers.
  15. Of course its not dead. Theres irl money in it, you'd be desperate for a work around too if you were selling rs gold for rl cash. :(
  16. The client is marginally bigger (no jagex bar on top, no scroll bar on the right hand side etc)
  17. Mercifull

    just lost 2.5b

    [qfc]275-276-4-62906846[/qfc] I hope you reported the thread you saw the phishing site on. Always make sure it says runescape.com in the address bar. Make sure you have a bank pin etc etc.
  18. If you are quitting please give me all your stuff ty. That'll sort the people truely quitting and those just ranting for attention.
  19. Unless of course using the software did stuff which does break laws such as break copyright (DMCA). The users aren't innocent here and if they have a problem with the action taken by Jagex they could always class action against the bot makers for false advertising "undetectable" etc.
  20. No, actually, I am the poster of almost all of those threads... And no, they're very much right here if you would like me to bump them. Please I'm begging you not to post those Alexa and Google trends graphs! If only to save yourself from the embarrassment of being completely and utterly wrong. Oh look, less people are searching for "birthday parties" online. That can only mean the population of the world is decreasing... http://www.google.com/insights/search/#q=birthday%20parties&cmpt=q
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