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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. Single or double tapping doesnt work using the stock Android browser. Will try on iOS later on, don't have an iDevice next to me atm
  2. On the mobile skin (not been on desktop yet) they all say 'loading item/monster information'
  3. Totally agree, always report if you think someone is botting. But it angers me when people constantly use the argument "I tried chatting to them and they didn't respond" as an indicator of bots. As far as I'm aware a lot of the bots DID respond to certain text in order to appear more human. And pal you cant have reflection bots without injection too. It's no good just reading the code without the bot responding and giving actions to the client. As far as we know the only person to get anything working was Jacmob/RSBuddy who admitted that it wouldn't work for long, his solution code now also belongs to Jagex. iBox/Nexus/Autofighter/insert other name for it here is officially dead. Powerbot make claim after claim after claim then defer their etas over and over again. If you know of someone thats got a fully working ref/inj bot then that's pretty impressive because none of the main bot developers have worked it out yet and I hope you have reported them. The bots that DO exist are colour/clicker bots such as SCAR, RiD and SIMBA and while I've never used them and have no experience with them they do not appear to be very advanced AT THE MOMENT. It's possible to one click minigames such as Sorc Garden anyway so this is probably why you have noticed bots there as its probably fairly easy to program. Green dragon bots are also easy to get to and kill so I see why this is where the bot devs are focussing on. While I do see these colour bots getting more advanced (unless Jagex managed to work out ways of stopping them either technically or legally) I only see them performing basic actions and I don't think we'll get to the situation of some of the old bots like iDungeoneering etc. Its unfortunate that once again these kinds of bots strangle the profit out of skilling for genuine players. The reason I am arguiing that most of the "bots" are actually sweatshop workers is because the gold selling sites traditionally used this method before bulk licencing iBot/OEMbots which is now dead. In order to keep selling their gold they will have had to rehire the sweatshop workers to replace their income from bots being disabled.
  4. I agree, especially those on the £3.20 rate, shows real dedication.
  5. Ok im not going to deny that there are no bots whatsoever but very often reports for bots are false positives. And lets not forget that all the major gold selling sites also offer powerlevelling. These guys run sweatshops of chinese workers who play the game either on goldfarming characters and xfer the coins or they use your own character
  6. "traditional bot gear" is just welfare gear for noobs not explicitly for bots. I rarely have public on either so I wouldn't respond to you, especially if I was concentrating on killing dragons.
  7. Any affects new or returning subs not current ones.
  8. Real emails can get caught up in false positives ya know?... If you are registered to the GAME website then click GAMEwallet and then you'll see a massive banner (see my post above) for the Katana.
  9. People keep saying this as if they are hoping it will be a self fulfilling prophesy but the facts just don't agree. Ok so Tipit has only been tracking the data for a few weeks now but the curve is most definitely upwards. In fact in the last 24 hours alone RuneScape has gained at least 4,820 sub. But ignore that yeah, post the same old Alexa/search trend graphs and believe that instead.
  10. Pretty drastic increase (for cc subscribers) but I guess it brings it more in-line with other payment methods and its still pretty cheap. Thankfully they grandfather the pricing structures in and I will still continue to pay £3.20 for my sub :)
  11. Powerbot is still suseptable to legal action due to the methods it uses to interact with the game. Jagex also won a case against them for trademark infringement (rsbot). They have yet to file against them in the same manner as they did with iBot. Being open-source is no immunity from a lawsuit (Oracle vs Android). I think it's just a matter of time now, after the successful case, that they will go after the bot developers and scripters of powerbot. Colour bots, while not actually touching and of the Runescape code could still fall foul on the following: -tortious interference with contract -contributory copyright infringement -trademark infringement (if it mentioned 'RuneScape' or 'Jagex' anywhere. There are also prior court cases now that might even prevent them using 'RS') -circumvention of technological measures under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (could be argued that anything designed to evade random events could infringe but this is a bit tenuous) -unfair competition -unjust enrichment (not limited to directly selling the bot to players but also advertising income, membership fees etc) Some of these are things Blizzard fought and won against WoW Glider a few years ago, some of them of relevance in the Jagex vs ImpSoft case. A bot developer would also have to be careful they dont infringe copyright on other people's code too. You cant just pluck any old open-source code such as a mouse controller and put it in your own software and go on to sell it. I'm a far cry from a legal expert on these things and I'm not going to argue with anyone that DOES claim to be an expert but I believe that it's just too risky to invest any time/effort/money in developing an advanced colour bot which is even half as effective as the reflection/injection bots were. Anyone trying to develop a bot is also unlikely to get any help or advice whatsoever from the Snellman bros. or else they are liable for a $1,000,000 fine or from the RSBuddy team. Any sensible bot developer will have abandoned Runescape and will have moved on to another game. Jagex relased an update (clusterflutterer) that they KNEW would cull 60% of their players, the other 2% (colour bot users) are small fry. Jagex are coming for you...
  12. I suppose it comes down to the investment required to develop a bot (both in time and cost), and the risk in potential lawsuit. Let's not forget that Jacmobs method would not have been a permanent solution to the clusterflutterer and was not viable. It's my opinion that it's irrelevant IF a technical solution can be found or not, I just don't believe that its possible to hook into the game without getting into legal territory. It's not a field I'd be looking into getting into no mater how good a programmer I was and it's far too risky legally to invest money into. I suppose it leaves colour bots left who are of legal ambiguity because they technically don't hook or inject into the game code. I'm sure this is where most efforts are being put into developing cheating software but from what was said at RuneFest they have a lot of stuff up their sleeves to combat those in the future.
  13. Jac was able to do it in under 2 weeks, mind you, with a lot of help. If the same group banded together and actually put a good deal of time and thought into it... The shoe'd be on the other foot. ;). There are ways to get their clients working again, and few people do know how to do this, it's just time until that information reaches the wrong hands. :P. Jacmob got it working but said it would require too much effort to constantly update and keep working. But lets have a hypothetical situation where they all band together to find a long term working solution where they take turns updating or use their clients computers as a giant distributed computing network to crack the system after each change... The lawsuit has now set precedent, anyone else would be complete fools to publicly release such a bot, especially if any of them shared code with iBot (who's code now legally belongs to Jagex). If I were them I'd take whatever money they gained so far and run and hope that Jagex never file against them. Now that they have been so successful in court against iBot Jagex wont think twice about trying to get an even larger settlement out of anyone else that tries to sell a bot/scripts which hook into the game.
  14. They will say anything to milk the last few dollars out of gullible subscribers. I'll believe it when i see it.
  15. I think it's best if you stop making "bets" on the bot situation. I don't think you've been right once yet.
  16. Made transparent but not properly cropped. Maybe someone with proper photoshop can tidy it. Left no AA, right 4x AA Tif name: Mercifull Runescape name: Mercifull Picture: url: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/4171/metwice.png
  17. Exhibit B is sadly confidential but what we do know is that the settlement was in "excess of six figures".
  18. Updated first post with link to Lawsuit summary page: http://www.rfcexpress.com/lawsuits/copyright-lawsuits/massachusetts-district-court/54191/jagex-limited-v-impulse-software/summary/
  19. 860k-1000k... either way its one hell of a chunk of real estate paid for by cheaters. Damn right I vote there for RuneFest 2012! lol
  20. That's the house mentioned in the court documents so I'd guess that's the house that the Snellman bros. bought with the money illegally earned from the bot.
  21. Bloody hell nice house! 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 8,071 sqft. And if you were wondering whats under that glass roof, its an indoor pool. Estimates value (according to Trulia): $1,099,000
  22. Only if the developers break the conditions of the court ruling. But they will have to pay for Jagex side of the legal fees plus any damages. I bet its easily wiped out any profit they ever made and probably more.
  23. The bot nuke continues.... Jagex wins landmark victory on all counts against Impulse software aka RSbots/Nexus/iBot Apology letter: Judge agreement: http://www.scribd.com/doc/78898058/Agreement-for-Judgment Lawsuit summary page: http://www.rfcexpress.com/lawsuits/copyright-lawsuits/massachusetts-district-court/54191/jagex-limited-v-impulse-software/summary/ I tell you what, if i'd ever purchased a bot or developed a script i'd be pretty worried. All their data and source code now belongs to Jagex :D VICTORY!
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