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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. It's now the citadel tab but only shows when you are in the clan citadel.
  2. 493,000 xp isn't a lot? But only 240k (3x 80k) of it its free to use on any skill. WGS offered 400k exp (4x 100k). The final quest should have offered at least this.
  3. Post your requirements on www.webhostingtalk.com and people will get back to you with quotes.
  4. co.cc isnt a proper tld. the actual tld is just .cc and the domain name is co. their business is mainly supplying bulk subdomains blah.co.cc to spammers which is why google dumped all 11 million domains *.co.cc from search results in july. Of more interest is where the email came from rather than the host of the phishing site.
  5. Reached 86 farming... that was it. Still on 2.7 modifier. Just been far too busy irl this weekend. A stark contrast to last time when I no-lifed to 99 herblore hehe.
  6. Thanks for your help guys. As it turned out my old router completely died last week and I had to get a new one supplied by the ISP. The new one, while only 2.4Ghz, is N type and appears to be working fine. Not the best solution but it'll certainly do for me for a while.
  7. Problem is -- are Jagex's "rules" for Runescape legally enforceable? :rolleyes: Yes. http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/gadgets_and_gaming/virtual_worlds/article6937026.ece
  8. Our database hasn't been leaked Maybe not recently.... Like 6 years ago? :P And as people should be changing their passwords regularly and using different passwords for different sites then it shouldn't be an issue any more.
  9. Why do they continue to use .com domains knowing they can be siezed? Why not operate from a chinese registry or some other country or use the serbian nic? gold.in.rs?
  10. Meh what does a domain name cost these days... $8 a year? A minor dent which will be buffed out as the new site works its SEO magic brining it up to the top of results again. I did lol at the press release from the RWT site though. Utter bullcrap lol.
  11. You dont neccesarily need hundreds of email addresses for stuff. When I sign up to stuff I use my gmail account and append +whatever to the end. For example. if my email address was [email protected] I could register to amazon using the address [email protected] or tipit at [email protected]. If for example I start getting spam sent to a particular one then I can blackhole that address and use a different one. That way I can continue to use one mailbox without having millions of accounts floating around that i need to remember for eternity.
  12. You can probably count me in if you need some help. I have a VIP ticket if that matters? It was me and Suzi that put the smaller golden gnome on the podium last year :P
  13. I couldn't believe how cheap herblore materials are compared top the last bxpw. People have both collected herbs themself in the time since the last one and other have been hoarding and flooded the market. White berries for example were almost 4k each, and now they buy for a mere 500gp. That's why I gave Suzi the 11m gp worth of herbs and nests i'd collected from my kingdom. She can make better use of the exp that will bring than i'd get from selling them (probably <5%) on the GE. I'm totally unprepared for it this year, been too busy irl to organise stuff so i'll probably just do a farm run with whatever trees I do have and then ZMI the rest of the time.
  14. Cheers. I might also consider a draft2 router if that helps to bring prices down a bit.
  15. I have a vague recollection Den, poke me earlier in the day next time :P
  16. Hi all, I am looking for a new router/access point to plug into my modem (requirement of ISP to use their modem) to give better wireless connectivity across my home network. I require the following: 802.11n final not draft 1 or 2 please. Dual band 2.4GHz and 5GHz I want to be able to split my n devices with b/g so all n stuff runs on the 5ghz freq and my older stuff uses the 2.4 so they don't slow down the newer things Guest wifi not essential but would be nice Gigabit lan not essential. Been looking at things like the Apple Airport Extreme Base Station but don't really wanna spend more than £100. Help greatly appreciated :) Matt
  17. It's possible that the graphic updates were done a long time ago back when the objective system was still ingame they just havnt been released yet.
  18. nice sale... too many people for my liking though. I feel sorry for anyone who gets them assigned for slayer, gonna take them months to complete it.
  19. £359.50... it better be worth it lol
  20. I got my VIP tickets to RuneFest for me and Suzi Angel :D
  21. This is the email sent to me as a past RuneFest attendee.
  22. lol thats not confusing at all :P Well me and Suzi are gonna be in London from Thursday onwards so if you see me on the tube give me a poke hehe
  23. London Comic-Con is in July... :S http://www.londonfilmandcomiccon.com/
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