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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. Go into a GAME store. Look on their website. Don't rely on people to tell you or you might end up getting fooled some day... https://gamewallet.game.co.uk/
  2. How long have we been waiting for the dwarves update too? Its been a year since the last dwarf quest and the graphics were supposedly almost ready then...
  3. Turns out that's not true, it was a complete fabrication.http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/01/17/game_hack_denied/ Troll was trollin
  4. Realistically i'm unlikely to use mobile site on iPad but a bump up in the font size for phones would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Yes sorry. Font size is same on iPad as it is on the other devices. No change between portrait or landscape.
  6. HTC Desire / Running Android 2.3 Gingerbread (3.7in screen) iPhone4S / iOS 5 (3.5in screen) iPad2 / iOS 5 (10.1in screen portrait) As you can see the actual text is very small. It's actually easier to read on these screenshots than it is in real life.
  7. Mobile browsing has now hit around 8% of traffic, 50% of which is on iOS devices. It would be interesting to know the percentage for tipit but the admins probably don't want to share that for very valid reasons. This mobile traffic is only going to increase as more and more people get smartphones and tablet devices. Ad revenue on these devices IS going to be important. Do not disregard it just because you THINK people will still want to use a main computer. As for the zooming on iOS and Android. I explicitly mentioned the "pinch to zoom" feature but double tap to zoom doesn't work either. Do you have a mobile device yourself?
  8. Runescape kinda already IS a "house" with the other gambling elements. If you started running your own casino games in the middle of the Luxor you'd be shown the door pretty quick.
  9. The Katana is back... provided you use the GAMEwallet to setup your subscription.
  10. It's not so much the gambling but player hosted gambling where the odds are always stacked in one persons favour rather than coming down to the game mechanics fairly.
  11. Sadly RuneScape doesnt allow you to use capitals or special characters in your password :(
  12. I don't remember the link, Kaur, sorry. There are currently two custom clan logos on the motif editor from competition winners.
  13. That would make me quite sad.... I was hoping for something new to do.... You've still got LOADS of what's already in the game left to do.
  14. The problem with citadel is the amount of clicking at rock and wood spots. It's the perfect place to chat with clanmates, except its hard because you have to stop to click every few seconds
  15. I agree with the change because I think all tier 7 clans should get a better vexillum. However the clan that gets there first should still get a reward such as a custom icon, like the mining golds clan. The clan system as it stands is bias towards large clans. I am in a relatively small clan and we have all worked really hard to get to tier 5 and are working towards getting tier 6. Clans such as those for fansites (zybez), or specific things (minin golds) are always going to have an advantage in reaching something like this. Everyone who works hard enough to reach tier 7 should get the upgraded vex.
  16. Why on earth are Bloods the green dots and not the red ones?!
  17. Shame once you start sticking chips and cards on it and put it in a case you wont see it.
  18. You are all assuming that there is only a grindy way of training firemaking. There's more than one way to get xp without click click clicking logs for days. People can light the torches in mort myre swamps, light beacons around runescape and the wilderness or by using the blast furnace. Not everyone is obsessed with efficiency iand there are bound to be at least some people that will enjoy lighting beacons in order to level up their firemaking to be able to do the quest. Players are also free to use up any lamps, books, jot, penguin points, dragonkin lamsp and troll invasion exp on firemaking too. I welcome the level 90 requirement even if it is in a less "important" skill.
  19. You are kinda right about specs being removed from weapons. At RuneFest they said they were making a new special attack thing and if you use it with certain weapons they do different effects. Kinda hard to explain because it's a bit like chinese whisper (i didn't really understand what they were trying to say at runefest). Try and find the session on youtube, it was the final one on sunday on the small stage.
  20. Mobile site fonts are very small and doesn't let you pinch zoom on android or ios
  21. The comic should not have been in the times, its the weakest part of the whole thing. I like the idea but the problem is that none of the characters looked like who they were meant to be, there were no visual RuneScape references and it just wasn't funny. Grindscape is much funnier (most of the time). It looked like it was lazily done with stock art to try to have another dig at Jagex.
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