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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. I thought MMG got rid of all the video ads when he became CEO? Not seen any myself thankfully. Video ads are the worst kinds of online advert. Protip: Disable flash when playing RS.
  2. RareBot is effectively based on stolen code, i.e It breaches the GPL that Powerbot code was released with. I look forward to the Powerbot vs Rarebot lawsuit. In a few months time when Optimus is released and RareBot breaks its author will have to write something completely from scratch, I hope they enjoy any money they make from it while it lasts and they don't make the mistake of running the business from their home address and risking their home in a lawsuit settlement like the Snellman bros.
  3. A google search has turned up one bot which claims to be a working injection bot. Some people are claiming it works, others claim it doesn't and is infected with keyloggers. One thing is for certain is that it's based on old code used by Powerbot which means not only is it likely breaking the law by getting around Jagex copyright etc but also breaches the terms of the GPL that powerbot was released on. Technically Powerbot could sue them as well as Jagex lol. Lets hope the guy, if it works, hasn't sunk too much money and time into developing it.
  4. Facts about what Jacmob could and could do not are fuzzy and there are a lot of rumors and here-say. The most likely scenarios is that he DID manage to get bots working but they would require too much development and maintenance time to be feasable. Powerbot could have got around this by croudsourcing numbercrunching onto the clients running the software, i'm not a software developer i'm just speculating. But like I said before, the technical limitations are the "easy" bit to get around. The difficulty is in legally releasing code such as this when Jagex were just awarded AT LEAST six-figures settlement from a bot developer. This is not an area I would want to invest any time and especially not money into. Seriously risky investment. I am not aware of any working reflection or injection bots, the only ones I know of are clickers and colour bots which are sometimes mistaken for reflection bots.
  5. In before powerbot "delaying" the release date due to "updates" by Jagex. They are just trying to milk the last few dollars from gullible subscribers while they can. There aren't just technical problems to overcome now, there are legal issues which have had precident set with the lawsuit vs ImpSoft. Powerbot will not return, at least not using the methods used in the past. The botting movement seems to be towards advancing colour bots and clickers. I look forward to seeing what Optimus will do in combatting these.
  6. "pure f2p" players don't make Jagex any money. Thumbs up for this update to incentivise new players to come on board to p2p worlds.
  7. image: http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/simgad/1032850815145176403 ADVERTISER: Google Ads LANDING URL: http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=Bx-lx2BlCT8bINIqc_QaU3ej6CsjDwMED8PXtgz7w8--aRZDm5gUQARgBILTc5Rw4AFCT8NiwA2DJBqABuJDrxQOyAQxmb3J1bS50aXAuaXS6AQk0Njh4NjBfYXPIAQLaASZodHRwOi8vZm9ydW0udGlwLml0L3VzZXIvOTQtbWVyY2lmdWxsL4ACAakCaeFeurROhT7IApjIqi-oAwHIAxXoA6cH6APuBOgD_QL1AwAJAMj1AwAAABCIBgGgBgI&num=1&cid=5GjZGyP0HNtCtk1_0nQxUeBK&sig=AOD64_0g4T-FpiK0wCLfrWgpnF90L50AKA&client=ca-pub-7006458855726751&adurl=http://www.gold4fun.com/&nm=18 TYPE: Top Banner SITE: [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] - RuneScape goldseller MY LOCATION: UK REASON: Against Jagex/Tipit ToS
  8. Turns out that a bunchy of songs have corrupted and its not my laptop after all. sorry.
  9. Seemingly at random my laptop speakers (and also through earphones) has started making very odd buzzing noises during certain notes when music is playing. Reinstalling driver from Acer website didn't fix it. Any other ideas? Acer Aspire 5739G
  10. Paws/Boots last until 15th May so It wont be until at least after that.
  11. There isnt an point arguing with this guy, he's posted the link because he wants you to pay $9 for a bollocks guide. This should just be blocked under the referral link rules.
  12. Mod on Twitter duty (Poppy) got a bit trigger happy with the retweet button. Oops lol. Wonder why the website shows such old tweets though, it was posted hours ago theres like two dozen newer tweets since then.
  13. "invent a minor holiday" are you serious?!!!! Carnival is MASSIVE in South America, Brazil and Caribbean etc and starts today I think. There is a huge portuguese speaking community in RuneScape just because you don't know what it is doesnt mean it's a made up event. It's not a UK/EU holiday.
  14. Are you lagging in tetris aswell? Was that supposed to be a joke? I'm not lagging, my ping averages about 28, its poor game performance I have. I click and the action happens immediately I just don't see anything happen until several ticks later. This means prayer switching is imposible and its very difficult to see jads attacks. No I don't lag in Tetris.
  15. No low FPS fix yet?... pfft. Can't do firecape thus can't do kiln thus lose out on bonus XP because of the shoddy code slowing the game down on what should be a high end computer... rubbish
  16. Was there some uber efficient way of getting effigies really fast or something because I've had less than 10 in the entire time they've been out. Am I also the only person who uses an effigy as soon as I get it? I don't think this change will affect me. But for those who it will do you really think that farming effigies instead of training skills is the right way to get XP?
  17. No idea who he is but it looks like he got phished and used the same passwords for everything if all his accounts were "hacked" rather than just the one.
  18. There's plenty of free scripts. Try phpBB if you want to run a forum. You'll still need a hosting provider that allows you to use mysql databases though and I doubt you'll find one of those for free.
  19. This website uses an "off the shelf" forum software called IPB http://www.invisionpower.com/products/board/
  20. 89 million of those names are probably old chinese gold farming accounts ;) woquiouh346
  21. Can I trade for your framerate? :P
  22. It depends how rude or nice the person is as I often hop myself. I'm happy to share spots if there's room but if someone is really agressive about purposely stealing the exact place that im doing then I'll start causing a nuisance. When fighting/slayer this could be attacking the same ones they are (with turmoil, extremes etc) to ensure I get the kill, or it could be calling in some friends to outnumber them/summoning a fighting familiar or possibly plonking down a cannon. When skilling it could be ranging redchins to stop them going in the persons traps for example. I don't give a toss about "xp waste" so if someone has purposely set out to force me away i'll ensure that neither of us get decent xp rates. I do however have an unwritten 3-hop rule. I'm not going top spend hours and hours hopping to find a world thats empty but still has a low ping, especially with the framerate so low at the moment.
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