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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. I think it looks nice but I'm not sure what to make of it yet. The screen size is going to make it awkward to hold like a tablet and the flip stand/touch cover means that you cant use it on your lap like a laptop. I have an iPad which i use as a media consumption device, I use it every day. I also have a HP Touchpad running CyanogenMod9 (ICS).
  2. Hello 200 Combat (still wont be able to kill Jad)
  3. No need to guess. The data is available. There's currently about 1.5M p2p accounts. The rest are f2p. Not sure if Jagex are including banned accounts but I would guess so. the milestone is accounts CREATED.
  4. Who the hell is Ability44? What is the point of him? It looks really naff to have such shoddy webcam footage in the middle of what is a pretty well produced video in general.
  5. At least there are still some Jmods of the same opinion as us...
  6. Can anyone summarise so i dont need to listen to an hour long podcast?
  7. Except that max lifepoints will be 15k+ Might finally kill Jad :D
  8. You wasted $200 for nothing. Loads of other people have posted their spin logs and you could add it all up together and average out to detemine the approx percentage rates for spins without having to fork out money and do it yourself.
  9. Oh yeah and their reasoning for adding it is bollocks. If someone is playing the game PURELY to gain wealth then they aren't playing the game and should play something else. The sole reason for adding this to the game is because people WILL buy spins to get it. The lamps and limited edition costumes clearly hasn't been as successful as they'd hoped and this is a last ditch attempt. The problem is that this probably will work. Expect more.
  10. Hang on what?!.... They just created a new tradeable rare?!!!!!! Bloody hell what's going on with this game?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Looks pretty good. RuneScape has come a long way since this...
  12. The age of the pure is dead. Long live defence :D
  13. Interesting article in the Sun newspaper today about the jubilee coming to RuneScape http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/fun/gaming/4348648/The-Queens-virtual-Jubilee.html
  14. I've used Howies Quick Screen Grab for years http://www.howiesfunware.com/loadSideBarMiscSoftware.html
  15. Edited in summary of what happened: We're also going to be posting some specific ways of checking if you are indeed infected, and removal steps if you are. Gimmie a sec. Edit: Detection and removal instructions: 1. Open Start 2. In search, type "regedit" and hit Enter 3. Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows" using the folder dropdowns. 4. If there is a file or entry in the Windows folder called "Adobe Drivers", than you are infected and you require removal. If it doesn't exist, you are not infected. Removal: 1. Right-click the taskbar and select "Start task manager" 2. In the Processes tab, end any process named "winsyl[Caution: Executable File]" 3. In the Registry Editor window you still should have open, right-click the "Adobe Drivers" folder and select Delete 4. Open Windows Explorer, enter in the URL %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\ 5. Delete the folder "Drivers" 6. As a safety measure, run a full system scan using a reputable anti-virus such as MSE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The www.swiftkit.net website has been hacked. If you use the client beware in-case they have installed keyloggers into it. Website screenshot Client warning
  16. Meh should have been loyalty points to get those clothing. What a crock of shit.
  17. He?!!! Lightning is very much female :P
  18. Exactly. The only thing that will change is if there are any major bugs or oversights. It's good marketing though.
  19. I think you have to enter the details manually on iOS devices
  20. [hide] Sounds like Matt Cuttle. http://mattcuttle.com/
  21. The difference between RuneScape and TransFormers Universe is that microtransactions will have been baked into the game from the beginning so probably wont have such an adverse effect.
  22. Character name != login name :) True but it would suck if I couldn't use my login name as my character name on day 1 because some troll or someone who cant spell has taken the name I use.
  23. It mentions about people reserving their names. I wonder if that mean our current Jagex logins wont be compatable?
  24. http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/transformers-mmo-gets-uk-debut-at-mcm-expo/095916
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